Workfront Maintenance Updates

The following maintenance updates have been made in 2024.

These updates also include other minor or less prominent bug fixes. Workfront Support will notify you when an issue you submitted is fixed.

For maintenance updates prior to 2023, see Previous Maintenance Updates

Updates in February 2024

Maintenance Update on February 29, 2024

Maintenance Update on February 29, 2024


Updates: Screen goes blank when replying to a user from another company

When a user attempts to reply to a comment by a user in another company, the screen goes blank.

This is because the user does not have permission to see users from other companies.

Maintenance Update on February 22, 2024

Maintenance Update on February 22, 2024


Home: Workspace and pins do not load

When a user logs in, the following may occur:

  • The user’s new Home Workspace does not load, and they see the error “We are unable to load your Workspace information. Please contact Workfront so we can figure out what went wrong and fix it.”
  • The user’s pins do not load, and they see the error “Your pins are unavailable because of a system error. Try refreshing your browser to fix the problem.”


Group administrator cannot set or change a user’s access level

When a group administrator attempts to change the access level of a user, one of the following may occur:

  • The access level field is disabled.
  • The group administrator is unable to choose a lower access level.

Workload Balancer

Label for non-working hours

The Workload Balancer and personal time off calendar now show “Non-working Hours” for time that a user is taking off. Previously the display showed “Working Hours” for non-working time.

Maintenance Update on February 15, 2024

Maintenance Update on February 15, 2024


Time fields save incorrect time when bulk editing issues

When a user is bulk editing issues and selects a date and time for a date field and saves, the time that is saved to this field in the issue is not the time that the user selected. Instead, the time appears to be converted to UTC when the user saves.


User is unassigned from one or more tasks

A user may be automatically unassigned from a task that they are assigned to. This may occur for one or more tasks. The unassignment does not display in the System Updates area of the tasks, althout it does display in the Update feeds section of the setup menu.


Disabled image option is available when editing a comment

After a Workfront administrator has disabled the option to add images to comments, that option is not available when creating a comment. However, if a user edits an existing comment, the image option is available.

Maintenance Update on February 8, 2024

Maintenance Update on February 8, 2024


Cannot move a card in a column by using Move options

When a user attempts to move a card in a column by using the “Top of column” or “Bottom of column” options in the three-dot menu, the card does not move.

Cards persist when changing iteration

When a user is viewing an iteration on a board and then changes the iteration, the cards displaying for the new iteration are the cards from an iteration the user was viewing previously.


“No value” column displays no results

When a chart report has a “No value” column, the column shows no data, even though data should be present.

Resource Management

Incorrect finance calculations due to Job Role issues

Hours and finance calculations may be incorrect, showing a cost of 0 even though hours are logged in a job role that has a cost rate.

This is because Job Roles are automatically creating duplicate rates with no start or end dates. Because they have no start or end dates, they are treated as a value of 0 when finance calculations are run.

Maintenance Update on February 1, 2024

Maintenance Update on February 1, 2024


Users using SSO are not redirected to original location when logging in

When a user is on a page in Workfront and logs in with SSO, when login is complete they are directed to Home instead of the page they were on before logging in.


Error when copying templates

When a user attempts to copy a new or existing template, the template does not copy, and the user sees the following error:

“ID Cannot be Null”

Updates in January 2024

Maintenance Update (Hot Fix) on January 30, 2024

Maintenance Update (Hot Fix) on January 30, 2024


External API field does not show all available values in lists and reports

Previously, users could see the selected value (and edit the value) for an external lookup field in lists and reports, but would not see the dropdown with the options coming from the API.

Now, when an external lookup custom field is used in a list or report, the dropdown with all options from the external API is available.

Maintenance Update on January 25, 2024

Maintenance Update on January 25, 2024


Cards not moving to appropriate column when status is changed

When the status of a connected card’s linked object is changed directly on the object, the card does not move to the appropriate column. If the object status is changed on the card, or the card is dragged to the new column, the card behaves as expected.


Marking notifications as seen does not persist

When a user marks their notifications as seen and then navigates to a different page within Workfront, the notifications icon still shows the number of unread notifications that existed before the user marked them as seen, and the notifications still list when the user clicks the icon. This continues if the user marks them as seen and navigates to another page or back to the original page.


Issues with tagging in legacy commenting experience

When a user is tagged in a comment in the legacy commenting experience, the following issues occur:

  • Only the user’s first name is present in the comment
  • The user’s name is not marked with an @ symbol
  • The user’s name is not blue
  • The user’s name is not a link to that user’s profile

The user does receive an email notification regarding the tag, as expected.

Maintenance Update on January 18, 2024

Maintenance Update on January 18, 2024


Cannot attach a document to a card

When a user attempts to attach a document to a connected card, the user can select the document to attach, but the document does not appear in the document area of the card, and the document is not attached to the object that the card is connected to.

This has been reported in cards connected to issues.

Card appears on multiple sprints

When a user is viewing a sprint on Boards, cards that are in different sprints appear on the board. This issue is intermittent.

Card doesn’t close when using Boards view in a Project

When a user is viewing the Boards view on a task list in a project, and creates a card, the card does not close or save. This prevents the user from returning to the project.

To close the card, the user must edit the URL to remove “board” and anything to the right of “board.”

Cards persist when changing iteration

When a user is viewing an iteration on a board and then changes the iteration, the cards displaying for the new iteration are the cards from an iteration the user was viewing previously.

Error in Comments section of cards

When a user is viewing a card and scrolls to the Comments, section, comments are not displayed, and the user sees the following error:

“Something went wrong. Please try again later.”

Issues when viewing subtask status

The following issues have been reported regarding viewing subtask status on a card in Boards:

  • The status is shown as “Select status” even when the task already has a status. This status can be seen when viewing the task directly.
  • If the user attempts to select a status, the screen goes blank and must be refreshed.

“You have no access” when viewing comments on a card

When a user attempts to view comments on a card that is not connected to a Workfront object, they see the following message:

“You have no access to view comments on this object”

This may occur even when the user could previously see comments on the card.

Custom forms

Cannot bulk add or bulk remove custom forms on template tasks

If a user attempts to bulk add or bulk remove a custom form on a template task, the form is not added or removed, and the user sees the following error:

Let’s try that again. Invalid Parameter: templateID value “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”

If the user locates the template with the specified GUID, then attempts to add or remove custom forms on the remainder of the template tasks, the error will reoccur using another templateID.

Custom forms can be added or removed on a single template task. This error applies only to bulk addition or removal.


Custom terminology does not apply to group page

When a user sets custom terminology at the Portfolio level, the terminology does not apply to the group level page.


Cannot hide optional statuses

When a user attempts to hide optional statuses on a system and group level, the status is not hidden. If the user views the status, the option to hide the status is not enable, even though the user did enable it and save the changes.

Default issue statuses missing from some issue types in Setup

When a user is viewing issue statuses in Setup, they see that the default statuses for issues (New, In Progress, and Complete) are missing from some types of issues. Default statuses do not have the option to change the issue type, so the user cannot reconfigure the statuses to display for the affected issue types.


Issues with setting team statuses for Done button

The following issues have been reported regarding statuses for the Done button when editing or creating a team:

  • Some statuses may be missing from the Done button area of the New team window or the Team Settings area of an existing team.
  • If the user attempts to save the team, they may see the error “You must select at least one status in each category.”


Error when attaching template to project

When a user attempts to attach a template to a project, they receive the following error:

“Whoops! Something went wrong. Please contact Workfront so we can figure out what went wrong and fix it.”

This occurs when the user does not have View permission to a custom form attached to the template.


Comments do not transfer between old and new experience

A comment made in the legacy commenting experience may not be visible in the new commenting experience. The reverse may also occur.

Maintenance Update on January 11, 2024

Maintenance Update on January 11, 2024


Completed cards not loading properly on dynamic boards

Previously, the only way to include completed work on a dynamic board was to load the cards as archived cards. Otherwise, completed cards were not loaded on the board at all. This caused issues with being able to locate cards.

Now, when creating a dynamic board, completed cards are loaded by default as archived cards, but you can select Do not archive completed cards to load all completed cards on the board as visible cards in the Completed column.

Previous maintenance updates

Information regarding previous maintenance updates is available here:
