See what's included in Target Premium.

Recommendations as an offer

You can now include recommendations inside A/B Test (including Auto-Allocate and Auto-Target) and Experience Targeting (XT) activities.

This functionality opens up entirely new capabilities, such as:

  • Test and target recommendations and non-recommendations content within the same activity.
  • Easily experiment with placement of recommendations on the page, including the order of multiple recommendations.
  • Automatically push traffic to the best-performing recommendations experience using Auto-Allocate.
  • Dynamically assign visitors to tailored recommendations experiences based on their profile using Auto-Target.

To get started, create an A/B Test or Experience Targeting activity using the Visual Experience Composer and use the Insert Before, Insert After, or Replace With action to add recommendations to an experience.

Add a recommendation as an offer in an A/B Test or XT activity

  1. Start the three-step guided workflow using the Visual Experience Composer (VEC) to create an A/B Test or Experience Targeting (XT) activity.

    note note
    For A/B Tests, remember that you can choose the Auto-Allocate option to automatically push traffic to the best-performing recommendations or the Auto-Target option to assign visitors to tailored recommendations experiences based on their profile.
  2. While creating an experience, click the element you want to add a recommendation to as an offer, select the Insert Before, Insert After, or Replace With action, then select Recommendation.

    The following illustration shows the Insert After > Recommendation option.

    Insert recommendation as an offer

  3. Select from the following options to view popular recommendations criteria by page type:

    • Cart Page
    • Category Page
    • Home Page
    • Landing Page
    • Product Page
    • Search Results Page
    • Thank You Page
    • Other
  4. Select the desired criteria, then click Next.

  5. Select the desired design, then click Next.

  6. In the Options dialog box, specify the following:

  7. Click Save.

  8. Finish configuring the A/B Test or XT activity using the three-part guided workflow.

Edit a recommendations offer’s configuration

There are two ways you can edit an offer’s configuration:

  • Using the Edit menu
  • Using the Modifications panel

Edit a recommendations offer using the Edit menu

  1. Click the offer you want to edit, then click Edit.

    Edit recommendations offer

  2. Choose from the following options:

  3. Make your edits.

Edit a recommendations offer using the Modifications panel

  1. Click the Modifications icon ( </> ) to display the Modifications pane.

  2. Hover over the desired action, then click the Edit icon.

    Modifications panel

  3. Make your edits.

Delete a recommendations offer

There are two ways to delete a recommendations offer:

  • Using the Edit menu
  • Using the Modifications panel

Delete a recommendations offer using the Edit Menu

  1. Click the offer you want to remove, then click Layout > Remove.


Delete a recommendations offer using the Modifications panel

  1. Click the Modifications icon ( </> ) to display the Modifications pane.

  2. Hover over the desired action, then click the Delete icon.

    Delete icon

Viewing the recommendations offer’s status status

The recommendations offer’s (algorithm) status displays at the bottom of the Overview page for A/B Test and XT activities that contain Recommendations offers:

  • Results Ready
  • Results Not Ready
  • Feed Failure

Recommendations offer status

Training video: Recommendations as an offer Overview badge
