Configure email settings email-settings

To start creating an email, you need to set up email channel surfaces that define all the technical parameters required for your messages. Learn how to create surfaces

Define the email settings in the dedicated section of the channel surface configuration.

The email surface configuration gets picked up for sending communications following the logic below:

  • For batch journeys, it does not apply to batch execution that had already started before the email surface configuration is made. The changes will be picked up at the next recurrence or new execution.

  • For transactional messages, the change is picked up immediately for the next communication (up to five-minute delay).

The updated email surface settings will be automatically picked up in the journey(s) or campaign(s) where the surface is used.

Type of email email-type

In the EMAIL TYPE section, select the type of message that will be sent with the surface: Marketing or Transactional.

  • Choose Marketing for promotional email, such as weekly promotions for a retail store. These messages require user consent.

  • Choose Transactional for non-commercial email, such as order confirmation, password reset notifications, or delivery information for example. These emails can be sent to profiles who unsubscribed from marketing communications. These messages can only be sent in specific contexts.

When creating a message, you must choose a valid channel surface matching the category you selected for your email.

Subdomain & IP pools subdomains-and-ip-pools

In the Subdomain & IP pools section, you must:

  1. Select the subdomain to use to send the emails. Learn more

  2. Select the IP pool to associate with the surface. Learn more

You cannot proceed with surface creation while the selected IP pool is under edition (Processing status) and has never been associated with the selected subdomain. Otherwise, the oldest version of the IP pool/subdomain association will still be used. If this is the case, save the surface as draft and retry once the IP pool has the Success status.

For non-production environments, Adobe does not create out-of-the-box test subdomains nor grant access to a shared sending IP pool. You need to delegate your own subdomains and use the IPs from the pool assigned to your organization.

After an IP pool has been selected, PTR information is visible when hovering over the IP addresses displayed below the IP pool drop-down list. Learn more on PTR records

If a PTR record is not configured, reach out to your Adobe representative.

List-Unsubscribe list-unsubscribe

Upon selecting a subdomain from the list, the Enable List-Unsubscribe option displays.

This option is enabled by default.

If you leave it enabled, an unsubscribe link will automatically be included into the email header, such as:

If you disable this option, no unsubscribe link will display in the email header.

The unsubscribe link consists in two elements:

  • An unsubscribe email address, which all unsubscribe requests are sent to.

    In Journey Optimizer, the unsubscribe email address is the default Mailto (unsubscribe) address displayed in the channel surface, based on the selected subdomain.

  • The unsubscribe URL, which is the URL of the landing page where the user will be redirected once unsubscribed.

    If you add a one-click opt-out link to a message created using this surface, the unsubscribe URL will be the URL defined for the one-click opt-out link.

    note note
    If you do not add a one-click opt-out link into your message content, no landing page will be displayed to the user.

Learn more on adding a header unsubscribe link to your messages in this section.

Header parameters email-header

In the Header parameters section, enter the sender names and email addresses associated to the type of emails sent using that surface.

  • Sender name: The name of the sender, such as your brand’s name.

  • Sender email: The email address you want to use for your communications.

  • Reply to (name): The name that will be used when the recipient clicks the Reply button in their email client software.

  • Reply to (email): The email address that will be used when the recipient clicks the Reply button in their email client software. Learn more

  • Error email: All errors generated by ISPs after a few days of mail being delivered (asynchronous bounces) are received on this address. The out-of-office notifications and challenge responses are also received on this address.

    If you want to receive the out-of-office notifications and challenge responses on a specific email address that is not delegated to Adobe, you need to setup a forward process. In that case, make sure you have a manual or automated solution in place to process the emails landing into this inbox.

The Sender email and Error email addresses must use the current selected delegated subdomain. For example, if the delegated subdomain is, you can use and

Addresses must begin with a letter (A-Z) and can only contain alpha-numeric characters. You can also use underscore _, dot. and hyphen - characters.

Reply to email reply-to-email

When defining the Reply to (email) address, you can specify any email address provided it is a valid address, in correct format and without any typo.

The inbox used for replies will receive all reply emails, except out-of-office notifications and challenge responses, which are received on the Error email address.

To ensure proper reply management, follow the recommandations below:

  • Ensure the dedicated inbox has enough reception capacity to receive all the reply emails that are sent using the email surface. If the inbox returns bounces, some replies from your customers may not be received.

  • Replies must be processed keeping in mind privacy and compliance obligations as they may contain personally identifiable information (PII).

  • Do not mark messages as spam in the reply inbox, as it will impact all the other replies sent to this address.

Additionally, when defining the Reply to (email) address, make sure to use a subdomain that has a valid MX record configuration, otherwise the email surface processing will fail.

If you get an error upon submitting the email surface, it means that the MX record is not configured for the subdomain of the address you entered. Contact your administrator for configuring the corresponding MX record or use another address with a valid MX record configuration.

If the subdomain of the address you entered is a domain that was fully delegated to Adobe, contact your Adobe account executive.

Forward email forward-email

To forward to a specific email address all emails received by Journey Optimizer for the delegated subdomain, contact Adobe Customer Care.

If the subdomain used for the Reply to (email) address is not delegated to Adobe, the forwarding cannot work for this address.

You need to provide:

  • The forward email address of your choice. Note that the forward email address domain cannot match any subdomain delegated to Adobe.
  • Your sandbox name.
  • The surface name or the subdomain for which the forward email address will be used.
There can be only one forward email address per subdomain. Consequently, if multiple surfaces use the same subdomain, the same forward email address must be used for all of them.

The forward email address is set up by Adobe. This can take 3 to 4 days.

Once done, all messages received on the Reply to (email) and Error email adresses are forwarded to the specific email address you provided.

BCC email bcc-email

You can send an identical copy (or blind carbon copy) of emails sent by Journey Optimizer to a BCC inbox where they will be stored for compliance or archival purposes.

To do this, enable the BCC email optional feature at the channel surface level. Learn more

Additionally, when defining the Bcc email address, make sure to use a subdomain that has a valid MX record configuration, otherwise the email surface processing will fail.

If you get an error upon submitting the email surface, it means that the MX record is not configured for the subdomain of the address you entered. Contact your administrator for configuring the corresponding MX record or use another address with a valid MX record configuration.

Sending to suppressed email addresses send-to-suppressed-email-addresses

This option is only available if you selected the Transactional email type. Learn more

In Journey Optimizer, all the email addresses that are marked as hard bounces, soft bounces, and spam complaints are automatically collected into the suppression list and excluded from sending in a journey or a campaign.

However, you can decide to go on sending messages of the transactional type to profiles even if their email addresses are on the suppression list due to spam complaint by the user.

Indeed, transactional messages generally contain useful and expected information, such as an order confirmation or a password reset notification. Therefore, even if they have reported one of your marketing messages as spam, most of the time you do want your customers to receive this type of non-commercial email.

To include email addresses suppressed due to spam complaint in your transactional message audience, select the corresponding option from the Send to suppressed email addresses section.

This option is disabled by default.

As a deliverability best practice, this option is disabled by default to ensure your customers who have opted out are not contacted. However, you may change this default option, which then permits you to send transactional messages to your customers.

Once this option is enabled, although a customer marked your marketing email as spam, such customer will be able to receive your transactional messages using the current surface. Always make sure to manage opt-out preferences in accordance with deliverability best practices.

Seed list seed-list

A seed list in Journey Optimizer enables you to automatically include specific email seed addresses in your deliveries. Learn more

Currently this feature only applies to the email channel.

Select the list that is relevant to you in the Seed list section. Learn how to create a seed list in this section.

Only one seed list can be selected at a time.

When the current surface is used in a campaign or journey, the email addresses on the selected seed list are included at the delivery execution time, meaning they will receive a copy of the delivery for assurance purposes.

Learn how to use seed list in a campaign or a journey in this section.

Email retry parameters email-retry

You can configure the Email retry parameters.

By default, the retry time period is set to 84 hours, but you can adjust this setting to better suit your needs.

You must enter an integer value (in hours or minutes) within the following range:

  • For marketing emails, the minimum retry period is 6 hours.
  • For transactional emails, the minimum retry period is 10 minutes.
  • For both email types, the maximum retry period is 84 hours (or 5040 minutes).

Learn more on retries in this section.

URL tracking url-tracking

You can use URL tracking parameters to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts across channels. This feature is optional.

The parameters defined in this section will be appended to the end of the URLs included in your email message content. You can then capture these parameters in web analytics tools such as Adobe Analytics or Google Analytics, and create various performance reports.

You can add up to 10 tracking parameters using the Add new parameter button.

To configure a URL tracking parameter, you can directly enter the desired values in the Name and Value fields.

You can also edit each Value field using the Expression Editor. Click the edition icon to open the editor. From there, you can select the available contextual attributes and/or directly edit the text.

The following predefined values are available through the Expression Editor:

  • Source action id: ID of the Email action added to the journey or campaign.

  • Source action name: name of the Email action added to the journey or campaign.

  • Source id: ID of the journey or campaign the email was sent with.

  • Source name: name of the journey or campaign the email was sent with.

  • Source version id: ID of the journey or campaign version the email was sent with.

  • Offer id: ID of the offer used in the email.

You can combine typing text values and using contextual attributes from the Expression Editor. Each Value field can contain a number of characters up to the limit of 5 KB.

Below are examples of Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics compatible URLs.

  • Adobe Analytics compatible URL:{{}}_image_{{}}

  • Google Analytics compatible URL:{{}}&utm_content=image

You can dynamically preview the resulting tracking URL. Each time you add, edit or remove a parameter, the preview is automatically updated.

You can also add dynamic personalized tracking parameters to the links present in your email content, but this is not possible at the surface level. You need to do this when authoring your message using the email designer. Learn more