Work with Adobe Stock images stock

Get started with Adobe Stock get-started-stock

The Adobe Stock and Adobe Journey Optimizer Email Designer integration plugin provides customers an easy way to navigate, license, and save imagery for use in message authoring.

Adobe Stock provides access to millions of high-quality, curated, royalty-free photos, videos, illustrations, and vector graphics. You can choose to purchase a credit pack to license assets or only buy one Standard or Extended license for the needed asset. Adobe Stock also provides a free collection of assets.

With Adobe Journey Optimizer, you can upload images to your emails directly from Adobe Stock and add it to your Assets folder using the Find Adobe Stock photos option. In addition, the Find Similar Stock photos option helps you find images that match the content, color, and composition of the asset used in your delivery.

Permissions stock-permissions

The Find Adobe Stock photos and Find Similar Image options are available to users with access to an AEM Assets Essentials Product Profile.

For more on this, refer to Experience Manager Assets documentation.

Insert an image from Adobe Stock add-stock-image

To add images from Adobe Stock to your content, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Content components section of the Email Designer, drag and drop an Image.

  2. Click the Find Adobe Stock photos button on the left side of the Email Designer.

  3. Browse through the library or enter a term in the search field.

  4. Select the chosen image and click Save.

    If the image you selected is not licensed, you must get the license.

Find similar photos similar-stock-image

You can replace any existing image in your email content by a photo from Adobe Stock. Note that this option is available for all images: licensed/unlicensed Stock images and images from your Assets folder.

To browse similar photos, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the image to replace.

  2. Click the Find similar Stock photos button to display assets in Adobe Stock which match the content, color, and composition of the image.

  3. Select the chosen image and click Save.

    If the image you selected is not licensed, you must get the license.

  4. Customize your image, if needed, with the Settings and Styles tabs. Learn more about components settings.

Get the license from Adobe Stock license-stock-image

If your image is already licensed, it is represented by the icon. If not, you must license it.

To license and download your image, follow the steps below:

  1. Select it and click the License Adobe Stock image icon.

    You are then redirected to the Adobe Stock website to buy the license.

  2. From the Adobe Stock website, you need to purchase your asset to be able to download the image and remove the watermark.

    This purchase depends on your Adobe Stock plan or subscription. Note that if you have multiple Adobe Stock accounts, you will be redirected to the last used Stock ID. In this case, make sure you are signed in to the correct account before licensing your asset.

    For more about Adobe Stock plans and prices in Adobe Stock documentation.

    note warning
    If an email including an unlicensed image is sent, the image keeps its unlicensed form with the watermark.
  3. Once your purchase has been completed, you can now head back to your email in Adobe Journey Optimizer and select Import stock image to import your licensed image to your assets.

  4. Select in which folder to store your asset. For more information on Experience Manager Assets, refer to this page.
