Using Opt-in Services with IAB Framework

The following document only applies to IAB 2.0. Users need to use Visitor.js version 5.0 to work with IAB 2.0.

Connect the Consent Management Platform (CMP) with Opt-in’s IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) plugin.

Adobe Audience Manager customers using IAB TCF can connect their Consent Management Platform (CMP) with Opt-in’s IAB TCF plugin. Opt-in is a feature embedded within the ECID JavaScript library that can disable individual Adobe solution libraries depending on visitor preferences set within a CMP. When Opt-in’s IAB TCF plugin is implemented with the ECID library, visitor preferences from your CMP that supports IAB TCF are mapped automatically to Opt-in. These preferences will enable Audience Manager based libraries (DIL and ECID) and associated calls when consent is received.

Implement a CMP that supports IAB

In order for Opt-In to integrate with the IAB TCF, you need to complete the following:

  1. Implement a CMP that supports IAB and is registered as an IAB vendor, or develop an in-house CMP that implements the IAB TCF spec, and register as a CMP with IAB TCF.
  2. Define/Load the __tcfapi before loading the Adobe JS.

For more details, please read the  Interactive Advertising Bureau docs.

Enable Opt-in’s IAB TCF plugin within your ECID Javascript Library

Opt-in is only available in ECID 4.0+.

Use Adobe Experience Platform Launch to implement Opt-in’s IAB TCF plugin for your site. When enabling IAB for Opt-in manually, check to make sure the following settings are set to true within the Visitor object:

Visitor.getInstance("YOUR_ORG_ID", {
  doesOptInApply: true,
  isIabContext: true

Once settings are configured properly, ECID and DIL libraries will be enabled/disabled depending on consent criteria from the CMP and IAB TCF.

Audience Manager needs consent for Purpose 1 and Purpose 10, plus vendor consent in order to deploy cookies and initiate or honor ID syncs. Read more about the Opt-in’s IAB TCF plugin in Audience Manager documentation here.

For more information on how to validate Opt-in’s IAB TCF plugin, check use case #4 in the validation guide here.

  • IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) - For more information on the IAB standard
  • Adobe Opt-In - For more information on Opt-In, a required component for consent management in Platform solutions
  • IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) Support in Audience Manager
  • Your Privacy Choices - Another privacy option at your users’ disposal is the ability to opt out of all data collection using other global opt-out tools. Global Opt-Out takes precedence over the Opt-In and IAB TCF verification