Direct integration use cases
These examples cover 2 common use cases related to a direct integration and the Experience Cloud ID (ECID or MID). This ID is a unique, persistent ID for your site visitors.
- Review and understand the code syntax and variables before diving into the use cases.
- For more information about the MID, see Cookies and the Experience Cloud Identity Service.
Use case 1: I have an Experience Cloud ID (MID) but want to pass my visitor IDs and set an authentication state
This use case assumes you:
- Have a MID for the site visitor. Let's call this ID 1234.
- Know this visitor by your own unique ID. Let's call this ID 9876.
- Want to link the MID (1234) to your own, unique ID (9876).
- (Optional) Want to set an authentication status on this visitor.
Given these conditions, make a call to the ID service that includes:
- The MID (1234).
- Your data provider ID. This is a unique ID assigned to your company. Let's call this ID 4444.
- Your ID for the visitor (9876).
- (Optional) A status ID to define the authentication state for this visitor.
And, if you happen to have any of the other parameters listed in the direct integration guide (e.g., d_blob or dcs_region, etc.) it's ok to pass those in as well.
Format your call to the ID service like this:
Note how the sample call contains the:
- MID: d_mid=1234
- MID joined to your unique ID for the visitor: d_mid=1234&d_cid=4444%019876%011
- Authentication state ID: ...d_cid=4444%019876%011 (hint: it's that last digit).
Use case 2: I do not have a MID and need to generate one
This use case assumes you:
- Do not have a MID for the site visitor.
- Need to request a MID from the ID service.
- Know your organization ID. Let's call this 5555.
Given these conditions, make a call to the ID service that includes your Organization ID.
And, if you happen to have any of the other parameters listed in the direct integration guide (e.g., d_blob or dcs_region, etc.) it's ok to pass those in as well.
Format your call to the ID service like this:
Note how the sample call contains your Organization ID, d_orgid=5555. It would return a Experience Cloud ID for this visitor.