Source connectors overview

Adobe Experience Platform allows data to be ingested from external sources while providing you with the ability to structure, label, and enhance incoming data using Platform services. You can ingest data from a variety of sources such as Adobe applications, cloud-based storages, databases, and many others.

Flow Service is used to collect and centralize customer data from various disparate sources within Platform. The service provides a user interface and RESTful API that lets you set-up source connections to various data providers with ease. These source connections enable you to authenticate your third-party systems, set times for ingestion runs, and manage data ingestion throughput.

With Experience Platform, you can centralize data you collect from disparate sources and use the insights gained from it to do more.


Adobe-built and partner-built sources adobe-and-partner-built-sources

Some of the connectors in the Experience Platform sources catalog are built and maintained by Adobe, while others are built and maintained by partner companies by using Sources SDK. A note at the top of the documentation page for each partner-built connector calls out if a source is created and maintained by the partner. For example, the Amazon S3 connector is created by Adobe, while the RainFocus connector is created and maintained by the RainFocus team.

For partner-authored and maintained connectors, this means that issues with the connector might need to be resolved by the partner team (contact method provided in the note in the documentation page). For issues with Adobe-authored and maintained connectors, contact your Adobe representative or Customer Care.

Types of sources

Sources in Experience Platform are grouped into the following categories:

Adobe applications adobe-applications

Experience Platform allows data to be ingested from other Adobe applications, including Adobe Analytics, and Adobe Audience Manager. See the following related documents for more information:

Advertising advertising

Experience Platform provides support for ingesting data from a third-party advertising system. See the following related documents for more information on specific source connectors:

Analytics analytics

Experience Platform provides support for ingesting data from a third-party analytics platform. See the following related documents for more information:

Cloud Storage cloud-storage

Cloud storage sources can bring your own data into Platform without the need to download, format, or upload. Ingested data can be formatted as XDM JSON, XDM Parquet, or delimited. Every step of the process is integrated into the Sources workflow using the user interface. See the following related documents for more information:

Experience Platform provides support for ingesting data from a third-party consent and preferences management platform. See the following related documents for more information:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) customer-relationship-management

CRM systems provide data that can help build customer relationships, which in turn, create loyalty and drive customer retention. Experience Platform provides support for ingesting CRM data from Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Salesforce. See the following related documents for more information:

Customer Success customer-success

Experience Platform provides support for ingesting data from a third-party customer success application. See the following related documents for more information:

Database database

Experience Platform provides support for ingesting data from a third-party database. See the following related documents for more information on specific source connectors:

Data & Identity Partners data-partner

Experience Platform provides support for ingesting data from a third-party database. See the following related documents for more information on specific source connectors:

eCommerce ecommerce

Experience Platform provides support for ingesting data from a third-party eCommerce system. See the following related documents for more information on specific source connectors:

Local system local-system

Experience Platform provides support for ingesting data from your local system. See the following related documents for more information on specific source connectors:

Marketing Automation marketing-automation

Experience Platform provides support for ingesting data from a third-party marketing automation system. See the following related documents for more information on specific source connectors:

Payments payments

Experience Platform provides support for ingesting data from a third-party payments system. See the following related documents for more information on specific source connectors:

  • PayPal

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  • Square

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Streaming streaming

Experience Platform provides support for ingesting data from streaming sources. See the following related documents for more information on specific source connectors:

Protocols protocols

Experience Platform provides support for ingesting data from a third-party protocols system. See the following related documents for more information on specific source connectors:

Access control for sources in data ingestion

Permissions for sources in data ingestion can be managed within the Adobe Admin Console. You can access permissions through the Permissions tab in a particular product profile. From the Edit Permissions panel, you can access the permissions pertaining to sources through the data ingestion menu entry. The View Sources permission grants read-only access to available sources in the Catalog tab and authenticated sources in the Browse tab, while the Manage Sources permission grants full access to read, create, edit, and disable sources.

The following table outlines how the UI behaves based on different combinations of these permissions:

Permission level
View Sources On
Grant read-only access to sources in each source-type in the Catalog tab, as well as the Browse, Accounts, and Dataflow tabs.
Manage Sources On
In addition to the functions included in View Sources, grants access to Connect Source option in Catalog and to Select Data option in Browse. Manage Sources also allows you to enable or disable DataFlows and edit their schedules.
View Sources Off and Manage Sources Off
Revoke all access to sources.

For more information about the available permissions granted through Adobe Permissions, read the access control overview.

Attribute-based access control

Attribute-based access control in Adobe Experience Platform allows administrators to control access to specific objects and/or capabilities based on attributes.

With attribute-based access control, you can apply mapping configurations to fields that you have permissions to. Furthermore, you cannot ingest data to a dataset if you do not have access to all fields in the dataset.

Support for attribute-based access control in sources

Attribute-based access control works as follows: roles are created to categorize the types of users that interact with your Platform instance. Labels are applied to roles to designate the access of that given role. Labels are also applied to resources like schema fields and segments. In order for a user to have access to certain schema fields and segments, they must be added to a role with the same label that is assigned to the queried resource. For more information, read the attribute-based access control end-to-end guide.
  • Apply labels to schema fields to define access to specific schema fields in your organization. Once access to specific schema fields are established, users will only be able to create mappings for the fields that they have access to.
  • Users without the appropriate roles will not be able to create or update dataflows with mappings that involve inaccessible schema fields. Furthermore, unauthorized users cannot update, delete, enable, or disable existing dataflows with inaccessible schema fields.
  • Additionally, a dataflow must have the exact same schema ID and version in its mapping, target dataset, and target connection.

For more information on attribute-based access control, read the attribute-based access control overview.

Terms and conditions terms-and-conditions

By using any of the Sources labeled as beta (“Beta”), You hereby acknowledge that the Beta is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind.

Adobe shall have no obligation to maintain, correct, update, change, modify, or otherwise support the Beta. You are advised to use Informative and not to rely in any way on the correct functioning or performance of such Beta and/or accompanying materials. The Beta is considered Confidential Information of Adobe.

Any “Feedback” (information regarding the Beta including but not limited to problems or defects you encounter while using the Beta, suggestions, improvements, and recommendations) provided by You to Adobe is hereby assigned to Adobe including all rights, title, and interest in and to such Feedback.

Submit Open Feedback or create a Support Ticket to share your suggestions or report a bug, seek a feature enhancement.
