Authenticate and access Experience Platform APIs

This document provides a step-by-step tutorial for gaining access to an Adobe Experience Platform developer account in order to make calls to Experience Platform APIs. At the end of this tutorial, you will have generated or collected the following credentials that are required as headers in all Platform API calls:

  • {API_KEY}
  • {ORG_ID}
In addition to the three credentials above, many Platform APIs also require a valid {SANDBOX_NAME} to be provided as a header. See the sandboxes overview for more information about sandboxes and the sandbox management endpoint documentation for information about listing the sandboxes available to your organization.

To maintain the security of your applications and users, all requests to Experience Platform APIs must be authenticated and authorized using standards such as OAuth.

This tutorial covers how to gather the required credentials to authenticate Platform API calls, as outlined in the flowchart below. You can gather most of the required credentials in the initial one-time setup. The access token, however, must be refreshed every 24-hours.

Prerequisites prerequisites

In order to successfully make calls to Experience Platform APIs, you must have the following:

  • An organization with access to Adobe Experience Platform.
  • An Admin Console administrator that is able to add you as a developer and a user for a product profile.
  • An Experience Platform system administrator who can grant you the necessary attribute based access controls to perform read or write operations on different parts of Experience Platform through APIs.

You must also have an Adobe ID to complete this tutorial. If you do not have an Adobe ID, you can create one using the following steps:

  1. Go to Adobe Developer Console.
  2. Select Create a new account.
  3. Complete the sign-up process.

Gain developer and user access for Experience Platform gain-developer-user-access

Before creating integrations on Adobe Developer Console, your account must have developer and user permissions for an Experience Platform product profile in Adobe Admin Console.

Gain developer access gain-developer-access

Contact an Admin Console administrator in your organization to add you as a developer to an Experience Platform product profile using the Admin Console. See the Admin Console documentation for specific instructions on how to manage developer access for product profiles.

Once you are assigned as a developer, you can start creating integrations in Adobe Developer Console. These integrations are a pipeline from external apps and services to Adobe APIs.

Gain user access gain-user-access

Your Admin Console administrator must also add you as a user to the same product profile. With user access, you can see in the UI the outcome of the API operations that you perform.

See the guide on managing user groups in Admin Console for more information.

Generate an API key (client ID) and organization ID generate-credentials

If you are following this document from the Privacy Service API guide, you can now return to that guide to generate the access credentials unique to Privacy Service.

After you have been given developer and user access to Platform through Admin Console, the next step is to generate your {ORG_ID} and {API_KEY} credentials in Adobe Developer Console. These credentials only need to be generated once and can be reused in future Platform API calls.

Add Experience Platform to a project add-platform-to-project

Go to Adobe Developer Console and sign in with your Adobe ID. Next, follow the steps outlined in the tutorial on creating an empty project in the Adobe Developer Console documentation.

Once you have created a new project, select Add API on the Project Overview screen.

If you are provisioned for several organizations, use the organization selector in the upper right corner of the interface to make sure that you are in the organization you need.

Developer Console screen with the Add API option highlighted.

The Add an API screen appears. Select the product icon for Adobe Experience Platform, then choose Experience Platform API before selecting Next.

Select Experience Platform API.

Select the View docs option to navigate in a separate browser window to the complete Experience Platform API reference documentation.

Select the OAuth Server-to-Server authentication type select-oauth-server-to-server

Next, select the authentication type to generate access tokens and access the Experience Platform API.

Select the OAuth Server-to-Server method as this will be the only method supported moving forward. The Service Account (JWT) method is deprecated. While integrations using the JWT authentication method will continue to work until January 1st, 2025, Adobe strongly recommends that you migrate existing integrations to the new OAuth Server-to-Server method before that date. Get more information in the section+----------------+ | badge negative | +================+ | Deprecated | +----------------+Generate a JSON Web Token (JWT).

Select Experience Platform API.

Select the product profiles for your integration select-product-profiles

In the Configure API screen, select AEP-Default-All-Users.

To get access to certain features in Platform, you also need a system administrator to grant you the necessary attribute-based access control permissions. Read more in the section Get the necessary attribute-based access control permissions.

Select product profiles for your integration.

Select Save configured API when you are ready.

A walkthrough of the steps described above to set up an integration with the Experience Platform API is also available in the video tutorial below:

Gather credentials gather-credentials

Once the API has been added to the project, the Experience Platform API page for the project displays the following credentials that are required in all calls to Experience Platform APIs:

Integration information after adding an API in Developer Consle.

  • {API_KEY} (Client ID)
  • {ORG_ID} (Organization ID)

Generate an access token generate-access-token

The next step is to generate an {ACCESS_TOKEN} credential for use in Platform API calls. Unlike the values for {API_KEY} and {ORG_ID}, a new token must be generated every 24 hours to continue using Platform APIs. Select Generate access token, as shown below.

Show how to generate access token

You can also use a Postman environment and collection to generate access tokens. For more information, read the section about using Postman to authenticate and test API calls.

DeprecatedGenerate a JSON Web Token (JWT) jwt

The JWT method to generate access tokens has been deprecated. All new integrations must be created using the OAuth Server-to-Server authentication method. Adobe also recommends that you migrate your existing integrations to the OAuth method. Read the following important documentation:
View deprecated information

The next step is to generate a JSON Web Token (JWT) based on your account credentials. This value is used to generate your {ACCESS_TOKEN} credential for use in Platform API calls, which must be regenerated every 24 hours.

note important
For the purposes of this tutorial, the steps below outline how to generate a JWT within Developer Console. However, this generation method should only be used for testing and evaluation purposes.
For regular use, the JWT must be generated automatically. For more information on how to programmatically generate JWTs, see the service account authentication guide on Adobe Developer.

Select Service Account (JWT) in the left navigation, then select Generate JWT.

In the textbox provided under Generate custom JWT, paste the contents of the private key that you previously generated when adding the Platform API to your service account. Then, select Generate Token.

The page updates to show the generated JWT, along with a sample cURL command that allows you to generate an access token. For the purposes of this tutorial, select Copy next to Generated JWT to copy the token to your clipboard.

Generate an access token

Once you have generated a JWT, you can use it in an API call to generate your {ACCESS_TOKEN}. Unlike the values for {API_KEY} and {ORG_ID}, a new token must be generated every 24 hours to continue using Platform APIs.


The following request generates a new {ACCESS_TOKEN} based on the credentials provided in the payload. This endpoint only accepts form data as its payload, and therefore it must be given a Content-Type header of multipart/form-data.

code language-shell
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  -F 'client_id={API_KEY}' \
  -F 'client_secret={SECRET}' \
  -F 'jwt_token={JWT}'
table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2
Property Description
{API_KEY} The {API_KEY} (Client ID) that you retrieved in a previous step.
{SECRET} The client secret that you retrieved in a previous step.
{JWT} The JWT that you generated in a previous step.
note note
You can use the same API key, client secret, and JWT to generate a new access token for each session. This allows you to automate access token generation in your applications.


code language-json
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "access_token": "{ACCESS_TOKEN}",
  "expires_in": 86399992
table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2
Property Description
token_type The type of token being returned. For access tokens, this value is always bearer.
access_token The generated {ACCESS_TOKEN}. This value, prefixed with the word Bearer, is required as the Authentication header for all Platform API calls.
expires_in The number of milliseconds remaining until the access token expires. Once this value reaches 0, a new access token must be generated to continue using Platform APIs.

Test access credentials test-credentials

Once you have gathered all three required credentials - access token, API key, and Organization ID - , you can try to make the following API call. This call lists all standard Experience Data Model (XDM) classes available to your organization. Import and execute the call in Postman.



curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.adobe.xed-id+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {{ACCESS_TOKEN}}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {{API_KEY}}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {{ORG_ID}}'


If your response is similar to the one shown below, then your credentials are valid and working. (This response has been truncated for space.)

  "results": [
        "title": "XDM ExperienceEvent",
        "$id": "",
        "meta:altId": "_xdm.context.experienceevent",
        "version": "1"
        "title": "XDM Individual Profile",
        "$id": "",
        "meta:altId": "_xdm.context.profile",
        "version": "1"
While the call above is sufficient to test your access credentials, be aware that you will not be able to access or modify several resources without having the right attribute-based access control permissions. Read more in the Get the necessary attribute-based access control permissions section below.

Get the necessary attribute-based access control permissions get-abac-permissions

To access or modify several resources within Experience Platform, you must have the appropriate access control permissions. System administrators can grant you the permissions you need. Get more information in the section about managing API credentials for a role.

Detailed information about how a system administrator can grant the required permissions to access Platform resources through the API is also available in the video tutorial below:

Use Postman to authenticate and test API calls use-postman

Postman is a popular tool that allows developers to explore and test RESTful APIs. You can use Experience Platform Postman collections and environments to speed up your work with Experience Platform APIs. Read more about using Postman in Experience Platform and getting started with collections and environments.

Detailed information about using Postman with Experience Platform collections and environments is also available in the video tutorials below:

Download and import a Postman environment to use with Experience Platform APIs

Use a Postman collection to generate access tokens

Download the Identity Management Service Postman collection and watch the video below to learn how to generate access tokens.

Download Experience Platform API Postman collections and interact with the APIs

Alright, after we’ve generated our access token, we can begin interacting with Adobe IO APIs. In this video, I interact with experienced platform APIs, using Adobe-provided Postman collections. To access these collections, head over to the experience-platform-postman-samples GitHub repository, navigate into APIs, experience platform, and there’s a Postman collection for each of the APIs available. For this video, I load a single collection for the Schema Registry API.
Once we’ve downloaded all the collections that we want to use, let’s head back to Postman, select import, and load all the Postman collection files.
As you can see, we have our Schema Registry API collection, and within this are a number of folders, and within each folder, are the HTTP requests we can make to interact with the API. Let’s keep this simple, and interact with the stats API.
So we can simply open this up, we can look at the headers, which are mapped to the environment variables, which are provided by the Adobe API environment export, as well as the access token, which we obtained from the Adobe IO access token generation Postman collection. Alright, so let’s try this out. We just hit send, to execute the API command, and there you go, we’ve successfully interacted with experienced platforms, a Schema Registry API, using Postman.

System administrators: Grant developer and API access control with Experience Platform permissions grant-developer-and-api-access-control

Only system administrators have the ability to view and manage API credentials in Permissions.

Before creating integrations on Adobe Developer Console, your account must have developer and user permissions for an Experience Platform product profile in Adobe Admin Console.

Add developers to product profile add-developers-to-product-profile

Go to Admin Console and sign in with your Adobe ID.

Select Products, then select Adobe Experience Platform from the list of products.

Products list on Admin Console

From the Product Profiles tab, select AEP-Default-All-Users. Alternatively, use the search bar to search for the product profile by entering the name.

Search for the product profile

Select the Developers tab, then select Add Developer.

Add developer from the Developers tab

Enter the developer’s Email or username. A valid Email or username will display the developer details. Select Save.

Add developer using their email or username

The developer has been successfully added and appears on the Developers tab.

Developers listed on the Developers tab

Assign API to a role

A system admin can assign APIs to roles in the Experience Platform UI.

Select Permissions and the role you want to add the API to. Select the API credentials tab, then select Add API credentials.

API credentials tab in selected role

Select the API you would like to add to the role then select Save.

List of API available for selection

You are returned to the API credentials tab, where the newly added API is listed.

API credentials tab with newly added API

Additional resources additional-resources

Refer to the additional resources linked below for further help getting started with Experience Platform APIs

Next steps next-steps

By reading this document, you have gathered and successfully tested your access credentials for Platform APIs. You can now follow along with the example API calls provided throughout the documentation.

In addition to the authentication values you have gathered in this tutorial, many Platform APIs also require a valid {SANDBOX_NAME} to be provided as a header. See the sandboxes overview for more information.
