Applies to Campaign Classic v7 only

Configuration steps for Android

Once the package is installed, you can define your Android app settings in Adobe Campaign Classic.

Key steps are:

You will then be able to create an Android rich notification.

Some important changes to the Android Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service will be released in 2024, and may impact your Adobe Campaign implementation. Your subscription services configuration for Android push messages may need to be updated to support this change. You can already check and take action. Learn more in this Adobe Campaign v8 technote.

Configure Android external account configuring-external-account-android

For Android, two connectors are available:

  • The V1 connector which allows one connection per MTA child.
  • The V2 connector which allows simultaneous connections to the FCM server to improve throughput.

To choose which connector you want to use, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Administration > Platform > External accounts.

  2. Select the Android routing external account.

  3. In the Connector tab, fill in the JavaScript used in the connector field:

    For Android V2: https://localhost:8080/nms/jsp/androidPushConnectorV2.js

    note note
    You can also configure it as follow https://localhost:8080/nms/jsp/androidPushConnector.js but we advise you to use version 2 of the connector.

  4. For Android V2, one additional parameter is available in the Adobe Server configuration file (serverConf.xml):

    • maxGCMConnectPerChild: Maximum limit of parallel HTTP requests to the FCM initiated by each child server (8 by default).

Configure an Android service configuring-android-service

Learn how to configure an Android service in video.

  1. Go to the Profiles and Targets > Services and subscriptions node and click New.

  2. Define a Label and an Internal name.

  3. Go to the Type field and select Mobile application.

    note note
    The default Subscriber applications (nms:appSubscriptionRcp) target mapping is linked to the recipients table. If you want to use a different target mapping, you need to create a new target mapping and enter it in the Target mapping field of the service. For more on creating target mapping, refer to the this section.

  4. Then click the Add button to select the application type.

  5. Create your Android application. For more on this, refer to this section.

Create the Android mobile application creating-android-app

After creating your service, you now need to create your Android application:

  1. From your newly created service, click the Add button to select the application type.

  2. Select Create an Android application and enter a Label.

  3. Make sure the same Integration key is defined in Adobe Campaign and in the application code via the SDK. For more on this, refer to this section.

    note note
    The Integration key is fully customizable with string value but needs to be exactly the same as the one specified in the SDK.
  4. Select the API version: HTTP v1 or HTTP (legacy). These configurations are detailed in this section

  5. Fill in the Firebase Cloud Messaging the Android connection settings fields.

  6. Click Finish then Save. Your Android application is now ready to be used in Campaign Classic.

By default, Adobe Campaign saves a key in the User identifier (@userKey) field of the Subscriber applications (nms:appSubscriptionRcp) table. This key enables you to link a subscription to a recipient. To collect additional data (such as a complex reconciliation key), you need to apply the following configuration:

Configure the API version select-api-version

Some important changes to the Android Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service will be released in 2024, and may impact your Adobe Campaign implementation. As part of Google’s continual effort to improve its services, the legacy FCM APIs will be discontinued on June 20, 2024. Learn more in this Adobe Campaign v8 technote.

After creating service and a new mobile application, you need to configure your mobile application. The HTTP (legacy) API should not be selected as it has been deprecated by Google.

To configure the HTTP v1 API version, follow the steps below:

  1. In your Mobile application creation wizard window, select HTTPV1 in the API version drop-down.

  2. Click Load project json file to extract project details… to load directly your JSON key file. For more information on how to extract your JSON file, refer to this page.

    You can also enter manually the following details:

    • Project Id
    • Private Key
    • Client Email

  3. Click Test the connection to check that your configuration is correct and that the marketing server has access to the FCM.

    note caution
    For Mid-Sourcing Deployment, the Test connection button will not check if the MID server has access to the FCM server.

  4. As an option, you can enrich a push message content with some Application variables if needed. These are fully customizable and a part of the message payload sent to the mobile device.

  5. Click Finish then Save. Your Android application is now ready to be used in Campaign Classic.

Below are the FCM payload names to further personalize your push notification:

Message type
Configurable message element (FCM payload name)
Configurable options (FCM payload name)
data message
notification message
title, body, android_channel_id, icon, sound, tag, color, click_action, image, ticker, sticky, visibility, notification_priority, notification_count

Extend the appsubscriptionRcp schema extend-subscription-schema

Learn how to extend the appsubscriptionRcp schema in video

You need to extend the appsubscriptionRcp to define new additional fields to store parameters from the app in Campaign database. These fields are used for personalization for example. To do this:

  1. Create an extension of the Subscriber applications (nms:appsubscriptionRcp) schema and define the new fields. Learn more about schema extension in this page

  2. Define the mapping in the Subscription parameters tab.

    note caution
    Make sure the configuration names in the Subscription parameters tab are the same as those in the mobile application code. Refer to this section.