Understanding the Data Integration Library (DIL)

Beginning in July 2023, Adobe has discontinued the development of the Data Integration Library (DIL) and the DIL extension.
Existing customers can continue using their DIL implementation. However, Adobe will not be developing DIL beyond this point. Customers are encouraged to evaluate Experience Platform Web SDK for their long term data collection strategy.
Customers looking to implement new data collection integrations after July 2023 should use Experience Platform Web SDK instead.

Overview, getting started, and code methods available in the Audience Manager DIL code library.

Starting with version 8.0 (released August 2018), DIL has a hard dependency on the Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service, version 3.3 or higher. It relies on the ID Service to fire ID syncs and URL destinations. An error occurs if the ID Service is missing, old, or not configured.
We recommend you use Adobe Experience Platform Tags to implement and manage your DIL and Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service libraries.

However, you can also download the latest Experience Cloud and DIL releases from our GitHub page. See download links below:

Purpose of DIL

DIL is an API library. You can think it as a body of helper code for Adobe Audience Manager. It is not required to use Audience Manager, but the methods and functions DIL provides means you don’t have to develop your own code to send data to Audience Manager. Also, DIL is different than the API provided by the Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service. That service is designed to manage visitor identity across different Experience Cloud solutions. By contrast, DIL is designed to:

Getting and Implementing DIL Code

DIL code is available for download here. Please note that starting with version 8.0 (released August 2018), DIL has a hard dependency on the Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service, version 3.3 or higher. It relies on the ID Service to fire ID syncs and URL destinations. An error occurs if the ID Service is missing, old, or not configured.

Rather than work with DIL and set up Audience Manager manually, we recommend that you use Adobe Experience Platform Tags instead. Adobe Experience Platform Tags is the recommended implementation tool because it simplifies code deployment, placement, and version management. Read more about the Audience Manager extension in Adobe Experience Platform Tags.

Sample Call

DIL sends data to Audience Manager in an event call. An event call is an XML HTTP request from your page. It uses a POST method to send data in the body of the request.

Event Call Element
DIL event calls use the following syntax: https://adobe.demdex.net/event?_ts = UNIX UTC timestamp
As shown in sample below, DIL passes data as key-value pairs. Special prefix characters identify the key-value pairs as Audience Manager or partner variables.

See also:
