Custom alert template settings

Date Range
The date range for which to evaluate the conditions for the alert. Metrics are evaluated in aggregate across the date range. The options range from Yesterday to Last 180 Days.

The conditions for triggering the alert at the time specified on the Scheduling and Delivery tab. The available columns vary by the entity type (such as campaign or keyword). All filters are joined using the Boolean function AND, which means that all specified conditions must be met.

  • To add a filter, click Down arrow next to Add ADD FILTER, and then do the following:

    1. (Optional) To filter the column names by text string, enter the search string in the ADD FILTER input field.

    2. Select a column name from the column menu.

    3. Define the filter on the column:

      • (Filters without input fields) Click Down arrow next to the second menu, and then select the check boxes next to each value to include.

      • (Metric columns for which you want to track increases or decreases in value between the specified date range and the previous period) For the operator, select increases by or decreases by, and then enter the threshold value.

        For example, if you’ve selected the “Cost” column and want to be alerted when any campaign’s cost increases by 21%, then select “increases by” and enter 21 in the input field. In the Date Comparison Format field, indicate that you’re interested in a change in percentage (rather than a change in currency units).

        When you select this option, two additional columns are added for each regular data column. For example, instead of including just one column for “Clicks,” the report includes columns for “Clicks R1”(for Range 1) “Clicks R2” (for Range 2), and either “Clicks Diff” or “ClicksDiff (%),” depending on the specified Date Comparison Format (see below).


        • The difference column isn’t populated for derived metrics.

        • This feature isn’t available for conversion metric, ID, or label classification columns.

        • Reports that compare large date ranges may take longer to generate.

      (All other filters with input fields) Select an operator from the second menu, and then enter the applicable value.

      For example, if you’ve selected the “Clicks” column and want to return only rows with more than 100 clicks, then select “greater than” and enter 100 in the input field.

      Depending on the data type, available operators may include greater than, less than, equals, contains, doesn’t contain, starts with, ends with, no value, has value, before, after, or no date.

      Note: Text values aren’t case-sensitive. For example, if you filter by campaigns with “loan” in the name, then the results could include “Consumer Loans” and “loan applications.”

    To remove a filter, click Delete next to the filter definition.

(Available when the alert tracks increases or decreases in one or more metric columns; read-only) The two date ranges for which data is compared.
Date Comparison Format

(Available when the alert tracks increases or decreases in one or more metric columns) How to express the difference between data in the two date ranges:

  • Variance (the default) — Shows the difference as a numeric value.

  • % Change — Shows the difference as a percentage.

Scheduling and Delivery
The alert name. It must include at least five characters.
Trigger this Alert [when]

How often the alert checks for the specified condition filters and, when all conditions are met, sends email notifications:

  • Daily at <NN> [AM
Email Recipients
(Editable only by the creator of the alert template; read-only for everyone else) Email addresses at which to send notifications when an alert is generated. By default, the address for the template creator is entered.

To add an address, enter the address, and then click Add. To specify multiple addresses, separate them with commas or spaces, or add them separately.

When the alert includes up to 1000 records, a CSV version of the alert is attached to the email message.