Edit a Placement

You can edit the settings for a single placement or for multiple placements at once.

Edit a Single Placement

To edit only the placement name, status, maximum bid, and budget, see “Quickly Edit Key Placement Settings.”
  1. In the main menu, click Campaigns.

  2. Click the name of the campaign.

  3. In the submenu, click Placements.

  4. Next to the placement name, click > Edit.

  5. Edit the placement settings.

  6. Click Update placement.

Edit Multiple Placements edit-multiple-placements

Use this option only when you want to apply the same changes to all selected placements.

  1. In the main menu, click Campaigns.

  2. Click the name of the campaign.

  3. In the submenu, click Placements.

  4. Select the check box next to each placement that you want to edit.

  5. In the bulk operations menu bar, click Edit.

  6. For each setting you want to change:

    1. Choose the setting from the list.

    2. Select the Edit Mode.

      The options vary by setting but may include:

      • Append (to keep the existing values and add new values)

      • Clear (to remove all existing values)

      • Decrease (to decrease an existing value by a specified amount)

      • Increase (to increase an existing value by a specified amount)

      • Overwrite (to change the existing value to a new value)

      • Pause (to pause ads)

      • Remove (to remove specified values)

    3. Edit the placement setting.

  7. Click Submit.
