
This control enables you to enter a file name.


backColor - string

Background color (btnshasow, white).

border - string

Changes the border style during control (solid, double, inset, outset, none).

dlgType - string

Type of the file selection window (save, opendir, savedir).

filters - string

List of filters

font-size - integer

Changes the font size.

label - string

Associated label.

lastPath - string

Path of the file selection window.

loadContent - boolean

Loads the content of a file.

nolabel - boolean

Hides the associated label.

readOnly - boolean

Forces the control to read only.

required - boolean

The field is mandatory.

title - string

Title of the selection window

xpathCopyName - xpath

Path for storing the file name (with its extension).

xpathType - xpath

File type (text or XML)