First Quarter 2024 Update stream and notification enhancements

This page describes all update stream and notification enhancements made with the First Quarter 2024 release to the Preview environment. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment with the First Quarter 2024 release.

For a list of all changes available at this point in the First Quarter 2024 release cycle, see First Quarter 2024 release overview.

Drag and drop image in a comment in the Updates section

To enhance the content of your comments, you can now quickly drag and drop an image in a comment or reply in the Updates section of an object.

You can add images that are saved on your computer only in the following formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif.

This functionality existed in the legacy commenting stream and it has now been added to the new commenting experience.

For more information, see Update work.

The new commenting experience captures all information for projects, tasks, issues, and documents

Projects, tasks, issues, and documents display all updates in the new commenting experience area, since the beginning of your Workfront instance. Prior to this enhancement, the new commenting experience captured only updates starting with January 2019 for these objects.

Search for a comment or user in the Updates section

To quickly find information in the Updates section of an object, you can now search for a keyword from a comment or for any user associated with a comment.

The comments that are relevant to your search are filtered and the keywords are highlighted, so you can easily find them.

For more information, see Update work.

View a video demonstration of this feature.

Copy and paste an image in a comment in the Updates section

To provide context to the content of a message, you can now quickly attach images to your comments by copying them from your computer and pasting them in a new update or reply. This functionality is available only in the Comments tab of the Updates section of an object.

The following file formats are supported: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif.

For more information, see Update work.

View a video demonstration of this feature.
