Look-and-feel updates during the 23.1 release time frame

This page describes minor updates to the look and feel of various areas of the Adobe Workfront application that were made within the 23.1 release timeframe. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment a minimum of 2 weeks after releasing to Preview.

For a list of all changes available with the 23.1 release, see 23.1 Release overview.

Updated lists in the Setup > Interface area

Preview release: December 1, 2022; Planned Production release: December 15, 2022

The Filters, Views, and Groupings pages under Setup > Interface now have the more modern look and feel found in most other lists throughout Workfront.

New Edit Template box

Preview release: December 8, 2022; Planned Production release: With the 23.1 release

As part of updating the look and feel of Workfront, we have redesigned the Edit Template box. You can access the new Edit Template box from an individual template or from a template list.

In addition to an updated look and feel, the following changes are also available in the New Template box:

  • You can customize your Layout Template once and reflect those customizations in both the Details page and the Edit Template box.
  • Individual custom form names are now available on the left panel inside the Edit Template box and you can quickly access each form from there.
  • We have removed the commenting functionality from the Edit Template box to eliminate redundancy with the Updates section.
  • We have removed the “Is active” checkbox to eliminate redundancy with the More menu options on the template page.
  • We have removed the Comment section to eliminate redundancy with the Updates section.

For more information, see Edit project templates.

New look and feel for Workfront for Jira integration

Preview release: N/A; Planned Production release: November 14, 2022.

To create a more consistent experience within Jira, we’ve updated the Workfront for Jira integration. The look and feel of the Workfront for Jira integration now matches the look and feel of Jira.

The functionality of the Workfront for Jira integration has not changed.

For more information on the Workfront for Jira integration, see Adobe Workfront for Jira.

Smart user selection when updating user fields

Preview release: October 27, 2022; Planned Production release: November 10, 2022.
After these fields are updated in Production on November 10, all remaining user fields throughout Workfront will be updated directly in Production as part of weekly patches.

There is additional user information that displays when you add users to the following fields:

  • Task and issue Assignments area in the headers

  • Task and issue Summary panel

  • Task and issue Advanced Assignment box

  • Task and issue assignments in the Workload Balancer

  • Tasks and issue lists and reports, when adding assignments inline

  • Project Owner in the project header

  • Typeahead custom fields for users

Now, when you add a user to the user fields listed above, in addition to the user’s name and avatar, their Primary Role and their email also display. This helps distinguish between multiple users with similar or identical names.

For more information, and to view a video demonstration of a similar feature, see “Smart user selection for project roles in the Edit and Details areas” in 22.4 Project enhancements.

Look and feel updates to the Notifications page

Preview release: October 20, 2022; Planned Production release: TBD

The Notifications page now has a modern look and feel, in line with other areas of Workfront.

Filter updates during the 23.1 release time frame

The beta filter experience was added to project, task, and issue lists on August 4, 2022. The new filters are also available in timesheet lists and the Scenario Planner.

This page records when the new filters are added to other areas of the Adobe Workfront application during the 23.1 release timeframe.

For information about how to use the new filters, see Create or edit filters in Adobe Workfront.

Lists updated with the new filters

The lists shown here now offer the beta filter experience in addition to the standard filter builder.

Preview release: October 13, 2022; Planned Production release: October 27, 2022

  • Portfolios

  • Programs

  • Users

  • Project Risks

  • Project Baselines

  • Project Hours

  • Project Tasks

  • Project People

  • Task Hours

  • Templates

  • Template Tasks

  • Project Billing Records

  • Project Billing Records Billable Hours

  • Project Expenses

  • Template Expenses

  • Template Task Expenses

  • Task Expenses

  • Issue Hours

  • Group Projects

  • Group Members

  • Group Subgroups

  • Group Templates

  • Group Companies

  • Group Teams
