HubSpot CRM modules
The Adobe Workfront Fusion HubSpot CRM modules enable you to monitor events, records, contacts, engagements, file and form submissions, or create, retrieve, update and delete records, contacts, engagements, events, or files in your HubSpot CRM account.
Access requirements
You must have the following access to use the functionality in this article:
To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.
For information on Adobe Workfront Fusion licenses, see Adobe Workfront Fusion licenses.
To use HubSpot CRM modules, you must have a HubSpot CRM account.
Connect Adobe Workfront Fusion to HubSpot CRM
For instructions about connecting your HubSpot CRM account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions
HubSpot CRM modules and their fields
When you configure Hubspot CRM modules, Workfront Fusion displays the fields listed below. Along with these, additional Hubspot CRM fields might display, depending on factors such as your access level in the app or service. A bolded title in a module indicates a required field.
If you see the map button above a field or function, you can use it to set variables and functions for that field. For more information, see Map information from one module to another in Adobe Workfront Fusion.
CRM objects
Search for CRM Objects
This search module searches for CRM objects by custom properties or by query. To search for products or line items, use a special connection with a required custom scope.
Records (Deals, Contacts, and Companies)
Create a Record (Legacy)
This action module creates contact, a company, or a deal.
Get a Record
This action module gets details of a contact, a company, or a deal.
Update a Record
This action module updates a contact, a company, or a deal.
Delete a Record
This action module deletes a contact, a company, or a deal.
Get a Record Property
This action module gets metadata for a specific record property by its (internal) name.
Watch Records
This trigger module starts a scenario when a contact, company, or deal has been modified or created within the last 30 days. Output is limited to 10,000 records.
Create/Update a Contact (Legacy)
Creates a contact if it doesn’t exist in a portal already, or updates it with the latest property values if it does exist in a portal.
Create/Update a Group of Contacts
Creates a group of contacts or updates them if they already exist. Performance is best when batch size is limited to 100 contacts or fewer. Changes made through this endpoint are processed asynchronously, so it can take several minutes for changes to be applied to contact records.
Add Contacts to a List
This module adds contact records that have already been created in the system to a contact list.
Remove a Contact from a List
Removes a contact from a contact list.
Merge contacts
Search for Contacts
Retrieves a list of contacts using the search query.
List Contacts
Returns all contacts that have been created in the portal. The output is limited to 5000 contacts. To list previous or next contacts, you can use the advanced parameter to offset the list.
List Contacts of a Company
Retrieves a list of contacts in the company. The output is limited to 5000 contacts. To list previous or next contacts, you can use the advanced parameter to offset the list.
Watch contacts added to a list
This trigger module starts a scenario when a new contact is added to a list. This is available only to users with a paid Marketing account.
List Deal/Ticket Pipelines
Returns all deal and ticket pipelines for a given portal.
Get a Deal’s CRM Pipeline
Returns a specific deal pipeline…
Search for Companies by domain
Retrieves a list of companies based on an exact match to the domain property.
Create a Folder
This module creates a folder.
Delete a Folder
Marks a folder as deleted.
Move a File
Moves a file to a different folder.
Delete a Ticket
Deletes an existing ticket by its ID.
Make an API Call
Allows you to perform a custom API call.
- List content events
- List social events
- List calendar task events
- List all calendar events
- Create calendar task
- Get calendar task by ID
- Update calendar task
- Delete a calendar task
Create a new application
Log in to your HubSpot developer account.
Select the Create an App option.
Enter the App Name and Save the dialog.
Select the scopes you will need for your webhook.
For example, add contacts scopes for triggering the module when a new contact is created or deleted.
The contacts scope is all you need to receive contacts, deals, and company event webhooks.
note important IMPORTANT Do not fill in the Redirect URL field.