What’s new in API version 14

Adobe Workfront released API version 14 on September 9, 2021. API version 14 features the following changes from version 14.

Added resources

No resources were added for API version 14.

Removed resources

No resources were removed for API verson 14.

Modified resources

The following resources were modified for API version 14.

BillingRecord (BILL) billingrecord-bill

A BillingRecord object records the revenue, hours, or expenses that can be billed. This information can be used to create invoices in an external accounting system.

For more information on billing records, see Create billing records.

The BillingRecord object added the flag DATA_EXTENDIBLE.

Direct Fields
  • categoryID

    Added. A Category is a Custom Form. This parameter was added to support the ability to add Custom Forms to BillingRecord objects.

Reference Fields
  • category

    Added. A Category is a custom form. This parameter was added to support the ability to add custom forms to BillingRecord objects.

Collection Fields
  • objectCategories

    Added. This represents a collection of Categories (custom forms) associated with the BillingRecord object.

  • calculateDataExtension

    Added. This action recalculates the expressions in custom form fields.

Category (CTGY) category-ctgy

A Category object is a custom form.

Direct Fields
  • catObjCode

    Added possible value:

    • BILL (BillingRecord)

    This value was added to support the ability to add custom forms to BillingRecord objects.

  • isObjectFrozenInPendingApprovalStatus

    This action takes the parameters objID and objCode, and returns a boolean.

CustomEnum (CSTEM) customenum-cstem

The CustomEnum object aids with converting status codes into human-readable text.

  • getGroupStatuses

    Added. This query supports the ability to create and manage statuses for groups and subgroups.

    For more information, see Manage group statuses.

Customer (CUST) customer-cust

A Customer object represents an organization that uses an instance of Workfront.

This is an internal object.

CustomerPreferences (CUSTPR) customerpreferences-custpr

A CustomerPreferences object represents the set of preferences that a customer has set for their instance of Workfront.

Direct Fields
  • name

    Added possible value:

    • Allow users to add images in updates (updates:images.toggle)

    This parameter supports the ability to add images into work item updates.

    For more information, see Update work.

DocumentVersion (DOCV) documentversion-docv

A DocumentVersion object represents a specific version of a file (such as written material, images, or other forms of information).

For more information about document versions, see Upload a new version of a document.

Direct Fields
  • lastCallbackDate

    Added. This field records the date and time of the last callback from Workfront Proof, if the version is associated to a proof.

Group (GROUP) group-group

A Group object represents a set of users and teams. Groups often represent departmental structure.

For more information on groups, see Groups vs. teams in Adobe Workfront.

  • addSubgroups

    Added. This action takes an array of groupIDs and adds those groups as subgroups to the specified group.

NoteTag (NTAG) notetag-ntag

A NoteTag object represents the act of tagging a user or team in an update to a work item.

For more information on tagging in updates, see Tag others on updates.


The following operations were added to the NoteTag object:


  • GET



Project (PROJ) project-proj

Projects are work items within Workfront, and are a main building block in the way Workfront helps people to do work. A Project object represents a group of tasks with a common, specific goal.

  • updateBusinessCaseSource


QueueDef (QUED) queuedef-qued

A QueueDef object represents a Queue, which is a project that has been published to the Help Desk area to allow users to submit issues to it.

For more information on Request Queues, see Create a Request Queue.


Resource Allocation (RSALLO) resource-allocation-rsallo

A Resource Allocation object represents the estimate of resources needed for a given project. This object is used only in the legacy Resource Planner. For the corresponding field in the new Resource Planner, use Budgeted Hour (BGHR).

The Resource Allocation object removed the flag REPORTABLE.

Role (ROLE) role-role

A Role object (job role) represents a functional capacity or a skill set a user might fill, such as Designer or Product Manager.

For information on job roles, see Job role overview.

Direct Fields
  • isActive

    Added. This is a boolean parameter that has a value of true if an object is Active and false if it is not. Objects that are set to Active appear in drop-down menus and type-ahead fields and can be attached to other objects.

Default Fields
  • isActive


Template (TMPL) template-tmpl

A Template object represents a pattern for a project. Projects can be created from templates to save time. A template contains a team and tasks, which will be copied to any project created from the template.

Direct Fields
  • groupID

    Added. This field was added to support the ability to associate groups with templates.

    For more information, see Edit project templates.

Reference Fields
  • group

    Added. This field was added to support the ability to associate groups with templates.

    For more information, see Edit project templates.
