Grant administrative access for a layout template
Layout templates from the Classic Workfront experience are not longer available in the Workfront interface, but may still affect Workfront data. This can cause inconsistencies in fields affected by layout templates (such as Shared with) on reports or dashboards.
You can resolve these inconsistencies by deleting the Classic layout templates. Since they are not available in the Workfront interface, use must use the Workfront API to delete them.
Access requirements
You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:
Delete the Classic layout templates using an API call
You can enter API calls into the URL bar of your browser and press enter. The API response is displayed in your browser.
Log in to Workfront.
Locate the layout template you want to delete using the following API call:
Make note of the ID of the layout template you want to delete.
Locate your session ID using the following API call:
note important IMPORTANT Never share your session ID with anyone. -
Insert the layout template ID and the session ID into the following API call:
Paste the API call from step 4 into the URL bar of your browser and press Enter.
This deletes the layout template.