Customize the left panel using a layout template

In a layout template, you can customize what users see in the left panel area throughout Adobe Workfront.

For example, you can determine which of the following items users see in the left panel when viewing a task:

Changes made to order and visibility are reflected in the mobile app.

For information about creating layout templates, see Create and manage layout templates.

For information about layout templates for groups, see Create and modify a group’s layout templates.

After configuring a layout template, you must assign it to users for changes you made to be visible to others. For information about assigning a layout template to users, see Assign users to a layout template.

Access requirements

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan
Adobe Workfront license
Access level configurations

To perform these steps at the system level, you need the System Administrator access level.

To perform them for a group, you must be a manager of that group.

NOTE: If you still don't have access, ask your Workfront administrator if they set additional restrictions in your access level. For information on how a Workfront administrator can modify your access level, see Create or modify custom access levels.

Customize the left panel for an area in Workfront:

  1. Begin working on a layout template, as described in Create and manage layout templates.

  2. Click the down arrow under Customize what users see, then click the left panel you want to customize.

    note note
    For information about the Home option in this drop-down list, see Customize Home and Summary using a layout template. For information about the Lists option, see Customize Filters, Views, and Groupings using a layout template.
  3. In the Left panel list, do any of the following to determine what will users see in the left panel for the option (Workfront area or object type) you have selected:

    • Show or hide items. Any item without or cannot be hidden.

    • Drag items to change their order on the left panel.

    table 0-row-3 1-row-3 2-row-3 3-row-3 4-row-3 5-row-3 6-row-3 7-row-3 8-row-3 9-row-3 10-row-3 11-row-3 12-row-3 13-row-3 14-row-3 15-row-3 layout-auto
    Option When users click the following... They see the left panel items you choose from the following:
    Project The name of a project Tasks, Project Details, Business Case, Updates, Documents, Issues, Risks, Approvals, Baselines, Billing Rates, Billing Records, Expenses, Hours, Workload Balancer, People, Utilization, Queue Details, Routing Rules, Queue Topic, Topic Group, Metrics
    Task The name of a task Updates, Documents, Task Details, Subtask, Issues, Hours, Approvals, Expenses, Predecessors
    Issue The name of an issue Updates, Documents, Issue Details, Hours, Approvals
    Portfolio The name of a portfolio Projects, Programs, Portfolio Details, Portfolio Optimization, Documents, Updates
    Program The name of a program Projects, Program Details, Updates, Documents
    Template The name of a project template Template Tasks, Template Details, Updates, Documents, Risks, Expenses, People, Approvals, Billing Rates, Queue Details, Routing Rules, Queue Topic, Topic Group
    Template Task The name of a template task Updates, Documents, Template Task Details, Subtasks, Expenses, Approvals, Predecessors
    Billing Record The name of a billing record for a project Billing Record Details, Billable Hours, Billable Expenses, Fixed Revenues
    Projects Projects in the Main menu Projects
    Requests The name of a request New Request, Submitted requests, All Requests, Drafts
    Dashboards The name of a dashboard

    My Dashboards, Shared Dashboards, All Dashboards

    NOTE: If you created custom tabs for the Reports area using a layout template in Adobe Workfront Classic, they display at the bottom of this list. For users, they display at the bottom of the left panel in the Dashboards area.

    Scrum Team The name of a Scrum team

    Iterations, Current iteration, Backlog, Workload Balancer, Updates, Team Settings

    NOTE: The Current iteration item only displays in the left panel when there is at least one task or issue on the iteration.

    Kanban Team The name of a Kanban team Workload Balancer, Kanban board, Backlog, Updates, Team Settings
    Waterfall Team The name of a Waterfall team Workload Balancer, Updates, Team Requests, Team Settings
    Iteration The name of an iteration Stories, Issues, Story Board, Overview, Custom Forms, Updates
    note note
    The last 3 items in the Customize what users see drop-down list (Lists, Home and Summary, and Branding) are for configuring areas other than the left panel. For information about them, see these articles:
  4. (Optional) If you want to add a left panel item that links to one of your organization’s dashboards, click Add custom section, type a Custom section title for the item, then add the dashboard.

    Dashboard items appear at the bottom of the left panel. Users see the Custom section title you type next to the dashboard item when they hover over the left panel.

    note note
    Users can add custom dashboard items to their own left panel. When you add custom dashboard items in a layout template, your items merge with theirs, without overwriting or resetting them. This is also true if you assign users to a new layout template with custom dashboard items. For information about how users can customize the left panel, see Create custom tabs or sections.

    For information about dashboards, see Dashboards.

  5. Continue customizing the layout template.


    If you are finished customizing, click Save.

    note tip
    You can click Save at any time to save your progress, then continue to modify the template later.