Create and share a custom form

In this video, you will learn how to:

  • Add unique fields in a variety of formats
  • Share forms with other users
Creating and Sharing a Custom Form. In this video, you’ll learn how to determine what object to use for your form, add unique fields in a variety of formats, organize the fields using sections and logic, and how to share this form with other users.
The creation of the custom form is done by the system administrator in the setup area. In the global navigation bar, we click Setup, and in the left column we select Custom Forms. As you can see in this example, we have already built a handful of custom forms. To create a new custom form, you will click on the button New Custom Form. Once that button is clicked, you can see that a custom form can be created for multiple object types within Workfront. Now this is important because a custom form is only used on a per-object basis. What this means is if we create a task custom form, the custom form will only be able to be used on tasks. For our example, we want to create a custom form for a project, so I will select Project in the dropdown menu. This brings us to a dialogue box where we will create our custom form. The first thing that we need to do is name the custom form. In this case, we’re going to name our form Video Marketing Information. Just underneath the title is a description box where you can add a description for this custom form. You will then click the Done button, which will bring you to the New Custom Form Creation menu. As you can see, there are several tabs at the top of this menu. There’s also two buttons, one that says New Field and one that says Field Library. We’re going to talk about each one of these as we move through the process of creating the custom form. The actual creation of the custom form is quite simple. On the left column here, we have the objects or the types of fields that we can select to add to our custom form. To add any of these fields, we simply click on one of the fields and we drag it over to the right where we will start building the actual custom form. For our form, we want to start with the radio button field, so I will go ahead and select the radio button, I will grab that tile, and I will move it into the blank form. Once we have dropped our field into the blank form, you can see that the tab in the upper left has changed from Add A Field to Field Settings. This is where we’re going to fill out the information about this field. We must first name our field. In this case, we’re going to say Video or Photo. Just underneath the Video or Photo label, we have an Instructions box. This Instruction box gives instructions to the individual filling the form out. Once we have entered the text into the Instructions field, a little arrow bubble appears with a question mark in it. Again, once you hover over this field, you will see the text that you entered under the Instructions field. The next part of completing this field is we must enter our choices. Currently, you see that the choices are choice one and choice two. For our field, we’re going to enter Video and Photo. As we scroll down, you can see there are some additional options that we can make for this field. However, we’re going to go ahead and click Done at this point to complete the creation of our first field on our blank custom form. Let’s go ahead and add a Paragraph field. In this case, we can just go ahead and click once on the tile and it will place our field just underneath our first one. We’re going to call this paragraph field Social Media Platforms. If we needed to, we could enter instructions. We also can choose the format of our field from text, to currency, to number. We’re going to leave this at Text. We can also choose the size of our field, from small, to medium, to large. Some additional settings that we do have here is we can make this field a required field. We can also add logic to this field. We’re going to show you this later. I’m going to go ahead and click Done, and we’ve now added our second field. Let’s go ahead and create a couple of additional fields to continue moving on with our custom form.
Coming to the top, I can click on Field Library. What the Field Library is, fields that have been created for other custom forms. Through the Field Library, we can scroll through and we can add any of these fields to our custom form. Now, I’m going to scroll down to Photography Required and Photography Information, and just like with the New field, you will grab the tile and move it into your custom form.
Now, I do want to caution you, if you are going to use a field from the Field Library, you need to understand that the field is being used on another custom form. Therefore, if you click on one of these fields, you will get a warning at the top of the left-hand column. What this warning is basically telling you is that this field is being used on another custom form, and if you come in here and change any of this information, it will change the information on all of the custom forms using this field. So the Field Library is great if you want to use the field as-is. However, if you want to use a field listed in the Field Library, but you want to make some changes to it, just go ahead and create a brand new field with a different title. That way, any changes that you possibly would’ve made on that field will not affect the other custom forms using it. Now we’ve created a very basic custom form with a handful of different field types. There are some other fields here that we can select, but what I want to do now is format my custom form. I have a bunch of fields here that I need filled out, but I want to put 'em in a specific order, and I want to place these fields in their own section. Now we can create different sections of the custom form by using the section break. Again, just like any of the other fields, I’m going to grab the section break, I’m going to come over to my custom form, and I’m going to place it where it will go on the custom form. Now, just like any of the other fields, you are going to label this section.
For the Section Break field, you do have the additional settings of placing some security in this field. You could choose who had permission amongst your organization, through the additional settings, you can choose who has permission to see this part of the custom form. I’m going to go ahead and click Done. Now I want to go ahead and add two more sections.
At this point, it doesn’t really matter where I place these section breaks, as I’m going to be going through the custom form and rearranging it anyway. I’m going to go ahead and rearrange my form now.
I have now finished rearranging my custom form into sections. The first section is social media, the second section is video, and the third section is photography. With our custom forms, we can create what is called logic. The first is called Skip Logic. The second is called Display Logic. For Skip Logic, we’re going to scroll to the top of the screen and we’re going to click where it says Video or Photo. This is the very first field that we created. Now, as I scroll down under the Additional Settings section, I’m going to click the button that says Add Logic. From here, a dialogue box opens, and I can choose between Skip Logic and Display Logic. Remember, we want to create Skip Logic, so I’m going to leave it where it’s at. In the fields, I need to tell the system where I want the custom form to skip to depending on what is chosen in the Video or Photo radio button field. In this case, I’m going to go ahead and click on Video. I’m going to leave the second field that’s selected, and in the third field, I’m going to select the Video section. So what we’re telling the system to do is in the Video or Photo field, if Video is selected, then we want to skip to the Video section. We’re going to add some additional logic to this field. In the next field that says Otherwise Skip To, and I’m going to select Photography. So the logic we’re building here is depending on which button you select, you will be brought to a different section on the custom form. I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to save our Skip Logic and scroll down and click Done. For Display Logic, I’m going to click on Photography Information. From here, I’ll click on Add Logic. Now, Display Logic works the opposite of Skip Logic. For the Display Logic, when a certain field is selected, a previously hidden field will now become available to us. So in the first dropdown, I will select Photography Required. That is the field I want the decision to be made on. The middle field, I’m going to select Yes, and the last field, I’m going to say Selected. So what we have here as far as a rule is only display this particular field, if in the Photography Required field Yes is selected. Let’s go ahead and save this. We have now completed our custom form. We have entered all the fields that we want. We’ve arranged them in sections using our section breaks, and we’ve added some Skip Logic and Display Logic. Now, to preview our custom form, we click on the blue Preview button in the lower-right corner of the screen. You can see because of our logic that we built into this form, depending on what we click in the Video or Photo radio button selection, different sections will populate on our form. If I select Video, we get the video selection, it skips over the Social Media section. If I select Photo, only the photography section will display. The custom form at this point is using Skip Logic. To show you an example of Display Logic, under Photography Required, if we select the Yes button, we get the Photography Information field now displaying. To exit the preview environment, you click End Preview. Now there’s one final tab at the upper-left of this screen, it is called Form Sharing. If we wanted to share this custom form with other team members, we’d click on the Form Sharing tab. You can see we have the Sharing dialogue box. If I wanted to share this with the creative team, I would simply place creative in the field, and I would click Apply. At this point, we can click Save & Close, and we’ve now created our custom form.