When and how to deactivate or delete users

When a user leaves the organization or no longer uses Workfront, you’ll want to deactivate their login. Deleting a user profile should be done only in specific situations.


Deactivating a user removes the license from the user’s profile, so they can no longer log in or have access to Workfront. Their license is available to assign to another user.

A deactivated user cannot be assigned new work, but they will remain assigned to any existing work.

For example, a freelancer’s work is complete for a particular project, so you want to deactivate their login until the next time they’re needed.


In rare instances — like an accidental entry or a test user — a user login may need to be deleted from Workfront. Deleting a user deletes that user’s association with items in Workfront— work assignments, notes, hours, documents, objects they created, etc.

The only time Workfront recommends deleting a user is if the user has never been assigned to work or has absolutely no history with Workfront items.

Workfront strongly recommends deactivating a user instead of deleting a user. Deactivating retains the user information in Workfront, which could be needed for accurate reporting, project management, etc. If you have questions about whether you should deactivate or delete a user, talk with your Workfront consultant or Workfront customer support.

More menu showing options on Users page

Deactivate or delete a user

  1. Select Users from the Main Menu.
  2. Select the user by checking the box next to their name.
  3. Click the More drop-down menu.
  4. Select Deactivate or Delete.