Target release notes (prerelease)

This article contains prerelease information for upcoming Adobe Target releases, including SDKs, APIs, and JavaScript libraries.

Last Updated: February 28, 2024

Release dates, features, and other information are subject to change without notice.
To view information about the current release, see Target Release Notes. The information on these pages might be the same, depending on the timing of releases. The issue numbers in parentheses are for internal Adobe use.

Target Standard/Premium 24.3.1 (March 4-6, 2024)

This release is scheduled for the following days:

  • March 4: Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region
  • March 5: Asia-Pacific (APAC) region
  • March 6: Americas region

This release contains the following enhancements and fixes:

  • Fixed the logic that computes the number of unique selectors in an activity. (TGT-47878)
  • Fixed an issue that caused Multivariate (MVT) activities configured with Analytics for Target (A4T) reporting to not display properly. (TGT-47490)
  • Improved the warning message displayed in reporting when an experience with no traffic is used as the control experience. (TGT-47537)
  • Added many backend and localization fixes.

Additional release notes and version details

Release notes: Adobe Target Platform Experience Web SDK
Details about changes in each version of the Platform Web SDK.
at.js version details
Details about changes in each version of the Adobe Target at.js JavaScript library.

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