Create a model

To create a model, in the Models Models interface in Mix Modeler, select Open model canvas.

To build your custom AI-powered models, the interface provides a step-by-step guided model configuration flow.

  1. In the Setup step:

    1. Enter your model Name, for example Demo model. Enter a Description, for example Demo model to explore AI featues of Mix Modeler.

      Model name and description

    2. Select Next to continue to the next step. Select Cancel to cancel the model configuration.

  2. In the Configure step:

    1. In the Conversion goal section, within the container:

      1. Enter a Conversion name for the conversion, for example Conversion

      2. Select a conversion from Select harmonized field, containing the available conversions you defined as part of Conversions in Harmonized datasets. For example, Online Conversion.

      3. You can select Reply Create new conversion to create a conversion directly from within the model configuration.

        Model - conversion step

    2. In the Marketing touchpoints section, you see a number of marketing touchpoint containers, corresponding to the marketing touchpoints you defined as part of Marketing touchpoints in Harmonized datasets.

      • For each container:

        1. You can modify the Marketing touchpoint name.

        2. Select a marketing touchpoint from Select marketing touchpoint.

        3. You can select Reply Create new marketing touchpoint to create a marketing touchpoint directly from within the model configuration.

      • To add a marketing touchpoint container, select Add Add marketing touchpoint.

      • To remove a marketing touchpoint container, within the container, select More , and select Remove container from the context menu.

        Model - marketing touchpoints-step

    3. By default, a score is generated for all the data in your harmonized view. To only score a subset of the population, define one or more filters using containers in the Eligible data population section.

      • For each container, define one or more events.

        1. For each event:

          1. Select a metric or dimension from Select harmonized field.

          2. Select the appropriate operator: equals, not equals, less than, greater than, starts with, doesn’t start with, ends with, doesn’t end with, contains, doesn’t contain, is in, or is not in.

          3. Enter or select a value at Enter or select value.

        2. To add an additional event in the container, select Add Add event.

        3. To remove an event from the container, select Close .

        4. To filter using all or any of multiple events defined in the container, select Any of or All of. The label correspondingly changes from Include … Or … to Include … And ….

      • To add an eligible data population container, select Add Add eligible population.

      • To remove an eligible data population container, within the container, select More , and select Remove marketing touchpoint from the context menu.

        Model - Eligible data population

    4. To add datasets containing external factors to your model, use one or more containers in the External factors dataset section.

      • For each container:

        1. Enter a Factor name at Enter factor.

        2. Select a dataset from Select a dataset. You can select Data to manage datasets. See Datasets for more information.

      • To add an additional external factors dataset container, select Add Add external factor.

      • To remove an external factors dataset container, within the container, select More , and select Remove external factor from the context menu.

        Model - External factors dataset

    5. To add datasets containing internal factors to your model, use one or more containers in the Internal factors dataset section.

      • For each container:

        1. Enter a Factor name at Enter factor.

        2. Select a dataset from Select a dataset. You can select Data to manage datasets. See Datasets for more information.

      • To add an additional internal factors dataset container, select Add Add internal factor.

      • To remove an additional internal factors dataset container, within the container, select More , and Remove internal factor from the context menu.

        Model - Internal factors dataset

    6. To define the lookback window for the model, enter a value between 1 and 52 in Give contribution credit to touchpoints occurring withinweeks prior to the conversion.

    7. Select Next to continue to the next step. If more configuration is needed, a red outline and text explains what additional configuration is required.
      Select Back to go back to the previous step.
      Select Cancel to cancel the model configuration.

  3. In the Advanced step:

    1. In the Define training window section, select between

      • Have Mix Modeler select a helpful training window and

      • Manually input a training window. When selected, define the number of years in Include events the following years prior to a conversion.

        Model - Define training window

    2. In the Spend share section:

      • To use historical marketing investment ratios to inform the model when marketing data is sparse, activate Allow spend share.
    3. In the Prior knowledge section:

      1. Select the Rule type.

      2. Specify contribution percentages for any of the channels listed under Name, using the Contribution proportion column.

      3. Where appropriate, you can add for each channel a Level of confidence percentage.

      4. When needed, use Clear all to clear all input values for the Contribution proportion and Level of confidence columns.

        Model - Prior knowledge

  4. Select Finish to finish you model configuration.

    • In the Create instance? dialog, select Ok to trigger the first set of training and scoring runs immediately. Your model is listed with status ● Awaiting training.

      Select Cancel to cancel.

    • If more configuration is needed, a red outline and text explains what additional configuration is required.

    Select Back to go back to the previous step.

    Select Cancel to cancel the model configuration.
