Accessibility in Adobe Learning Manager

This document outlines the accessibility support provided by Learning Manager Learning Management System for learners with disabilities. It also provides the users on navigational options and accessibility features of the platform.

Learning Manager follows W3C’s WCAG 2.1 Level A and AA accessibility standards for the platform.

Adobe Learning Manager Learner role allows learners to navigate through the platform and take advantage of following key accessibility capabilities:

  • Screen Reader
  • Keyboard
  • Closed Captions
  • Others

Support for Screen Readers supportforscreenreaders

Adobe Learning Manager supports screen readers like NVDA, JAWS, and Voice-over on desktop, Talkback and Voice-over on mobile, which enable learners to read out the text on Learning Manager platform and navigate accordingly.

Here is the screen reader and browser combination that we support on desktop:

Operating System
Screen reader

Support for Keyboard navigation supportforkeyboardnavigation

Learners can use standard keys to navigate through the pages with or without screen reader. This helps the learners to navigate elements on the page and read content using a screen reader.

In addition, Learning Manager supports the following keyboard shortcuts:

Skip navigation
User notification
Profile settings
Global search
Skip navigation

Player controls

Full screen

Other support supportforcolorcontrast

The Learning Manager Learner role supports several other accessibility features including but not limited to:

  1. Semantic structure to the learner role pages including heading, list markup, descriptive titles etc are provided.
  2. Support for browser zoom up to 200% without loss of content or functionality is maintained through-out the learner role.
  3. Colour contrast for text and non-text elements is maintained on learner role. For a better experience use the Vivid theme.
  4. Support of W3C’s WAI ARIA design patterns to maintain consistency and industry best practices.

For more information, see:

Learning Manager Top workflows (Learner role) captivateprimetopworkflowslearnerrole

Let’s look at how Accessibility features help you to navigate through some key features for learners in Learning Manager.

Use the kbd Tabkey to navigate through the elements on the page. Use the kbd Shift + Tab key to reverse the direction of navigation. Keyboard focus is indicated by a blue outline displayed around an element. A screen reader should read out the text of the element in focus.

Search for a training in Learning Manager searchforatrainingincaptivateprime

  1. Use these cues to navigate and reach the Search box in the upper right of the home page.

  2. Type text using the keyboard. Search results will appear.

  3. Use the keyboard kbd Up/Down arrows to navigate through the results or hit kbd ENTERto see all results.

  4. Once the training is identified, hit kbd ENTERto navigate to the training page.

Consume a training in Adobe Learning Manager consumeatraininginadobecaptivateprime

  1. Once a training is identified, use kbd Tabor kbd Shift + Tab to navigate to the Enroll/Start button. Button status depends on your enrollment status for that training.

  2. Hit kbd ENTERto start the training.

  3. Following are the controls which appear irrespective of the content type:

    • Table of contents
    • Notes
    • Play / Pause button
    • Full screen
    • Close button
    • Settings
    • Module name label
  4. Following are the controls which appear based on the content type:

    • VIDEO content - Forward, Backward, Slider controls.
    • DOCUMENT content - Page number, Page up, Page down, Zoom in, Zoom out.
    • eLEARNING - Closed caption button.
  5. Hit keyboard controls kbd Tabor kbd Shift + Tab to navigate through the controls and hit kbd ENTERto enable/disable any control.

  6. For DOCUMENT type, use arrow controls like kbd UP/DOWN to scroll through the document.

Accessibility support for specific needs

Let’s look at the accessibility features learners can utilize based on their specific needs.

Users who are deaf or hard-of-hearing

  • Use closed captions available in content created using Adobe Captivate authoring tool.
  • For videos, authors can encode the videos with closed caption text. Such videos have closed captions embedded and can be consumed by the learners.
  • Learning Manager supports the ability to upload closed caption WebVTT files for video content. For more information, see Upload WebVTT file for closed captioning.

Users who are blind or with low-vision

  • Use the standard keyboard shortcuts and commands to browse through the page.
  • Use of screen readers, as mentioned above, to read out the information on the web page.
  • Use of screen magnifiers to zoom the screen to improve readability and can zoom the browser to 200% to read the content.

Users who have difficulty with color

Adobe Learning Manager Learner role strives to provide users with a User Interface that is clear and readable in accordance with WCAG 2.1 standards.

For a better experience on the learner page, use the Vivid theme.

Users who have limited mobility and reach

Adobe Learning Manager continues to focus on Accessibility and plans to improve the current capabilities which will allow learners of the system to navigate through the ‘Learner’ role better.

Closed captioning support for videos

While creating a course, authors can upload webVTT files along with the video files. Learners can then view the closed captions when they watch the videos.

What will be addressed in a future release whatwillbeaddressedinafuturerelease

  • Closed captioning support for videos. Authors should get an ability to upload SRT files along with the video files. Learners should be able to view closed captions for videos.