Discover the right playbook

To use a playbook, navigate to Use Case Playbooks > Playbooks. Browse and use the various searching and filtering options on the page to select and get started with a specific playbook.

Search and filter search-and-filter

Use the search window and filters available on the page to find the right playbook for your use case.

For example, you can filter playbooks that you can use based on the stage in the marketing funnel that you want to target - conversion, engagement, or retention. You could also filter the displayed playbooks by the industry that you are in or the product entitlement that you have access to - Adobe Journey Optimizer or Real-Time CDP.

Filter playbooks by marketing funnel, industry, or product

You can also use the search functionality to find the right playbook for you. See below an example of how to find a playbook that helps you engage with users who might have abandoned their shopping cart.

Engage with users who might have abandoned their cart.

Or, you can filter the available playbooks by the channels that you plan to use to reach your customers, as you can see below:

Filter by channel

Experiment with the filters and search option and find the right playbook for you.

View playbook and generate assets view-playbook-generate-assets

Before you settle on a playbook and create instances of it, you should inspect it to make sure it fits your needs. To help you better understand the use cases they cover, all playbooks contain the sections listed below. When you are ready to proceed and generate assets, select Create Instance.

Mindmap mindmap

Use the mindmap section in a playbook to understand the steps of the workflow that the playbook can help you solve. Visualize the flow of how all the generated objects can help you achieve the use case, from the perspective of the persona targeted in the use case.

The mindmap starts with a definition of who is reached in the user journey and describes at every step if something is delivered by Adobe, like a new message or a reminder, or if it is something that the targeted persona did that triggers the next message or event.

Playbook mindmap highlighted.

Summary summary

Inspect the summary section to understand which assets are generated once you create instances from the playbook. The assets that get generated for each playbook are tailored to the use case that the playbook enables. Get more information below about all the items in the summary section.

Target audience
Describes the personas that you are looking to reach through this use case playbook.
Marketing Channels
Describes the channels used to reach the personas targeted in the playbook.
Technical assets
A list of the technical assets that are generated after you create instances of the playbook. The generated assets differ by playbook, depending on the use case. Some playbooks might generate schemas, segments, and journeys. Others may generate destinations. Refer to the Understand the generated assets section further in the guide on creating and reusing instances for more information about how you can use and reuse the generated assets.

Playbook summary highlighted

Instances instances

Scroll down to the instances section to get an overview of the instances of this playbook which you or members of your team have already created. You can use various controls to sort and filter the displayed instances, for example to only see the ones created by you. You can also see various information about each instance, as listed below.

The name of the instance based on the playbook. You can customize the name and description of an instance. Read the section on how to edit instance metadata for more information.
Indicates the status of the instance. A submitted instance is ready for use.
Indicates when the instance was created.
Created By
Indicates who created the instance.
Last Modified
Indicates when the instance was last modified.

Playbook instance highlighted.

Next steps - Create a playbook instance next-steps-create-instance

When you are ready to proceed with a playbook and create an instance, select Create Instance to proceed with the playbook and generate technical assets. Read the guide on how to create, share, and reuse playbook instances for further information.
