Add Reader Extensions credential configuring-reader-extension-osgi
The DocAssurance service can apply usage rights to PDF documents. To apply usage rights to PDF documents, configure the certificates.
Create keystore for fd-service user
The reader extensions credential is associated with fd-service user. To add the credential to the fd-service user please follow the following steps. If you have already created the keystore for the fd-service user skip this section
- Login to your AEM Author instance as an Administrator
- Go to Tools-Security-Users
- Scroll down the list of users till you find fd-service user account
- Click on the fd-service user
- Click on the keystore tab
- Click on Create KeyStore
- Set the KeyStore Access Password and save your settings to create the KeyStore password
Add credential to the fd-service user keystore
Please follow the video to add the credentials to the fd-service user
The command to list the details of the pfx file is. The following command assumes you are in the same directory as the pfx file .
keytool -v -list -storetype pkcs12 -keystore <name of your .pfx file>
For example keytool -v -list -storetype pkcs12 -keystore 1005566.pfx where 1005566.pfx is the name of my pfx file