Installing Cygwin
Cygwin is a POSIX-compatible programming and runtime environment that runs natively on Microsoft Windows.
Install Cygwin. I have installed in C:\cygwin64 folder
Create a folder called adoberepo under the c:\cloudmanager.
Install the repo tool Installing the repo tool is nothing but copying the repo file and placing it in your c:\cloudmanger\adoberepo folder.
Add the following to the Path environment variable C:\cygwin64\bin;C:\CloudManager\adoberepo;
Setup External tools
- Launch IntelliJ
- Hit Ctrl+Alt+S keys to launch the settings window.
- Select Tools->External Tools and then click the + sign and enter the following as shown in the screen shot.
- Make sure you create a group called repo by typing in “repo” in the Group drop down field and all the commands that you create belong to the repo group
Put Command
Program: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash
Arguments: -l C:\CloudManager\adoberepo\repo put -f $FilePath$
Working Dir: $ProjectFileDir$
Get Command
Program: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash
Arguments: -l C:\CloudManager\adoberepo\repo get -f $FilePath$
Working Dir: $ProjectFileDir$
Status Command
Program: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash
Arguments: -l C:\CloudManager\adoberepo\repo st -f $FilePath$
Working Dir: $ProjectFileDir$
Diff Command
Program: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash
Arguments: -l C:\CloudManager\adoberepo\repo diff -f $FilePath$
Working Dir: $ProjectFileDir$
Extract the .repo file from and place it in your AEM projects root folder. (C:\CloudManager\aem-banking-application). Open the .repo file and make sure the server and the credentials settings match your environment.
Open the .gitignore file and add the following towards the bottom of the file and save the changes
# repo
Select any project within your aem-banking-application project such as ui.content and right click and you should see repo option and under the repo option you will see the 4 commands that we added earlier.
Setup AEM Author Instance set-up-aem-author-instance
The following steps can be followed to quickly setup cloud ready instance on your local system.
Create the following folder structure
c:\aemformscs\aem-sdk\author -
Extract the aem-sdk-quickstart-xxxxxxx.jar file from the AEM SDK zip file and place it in the c:\aemformscs\aem-sdk\author folder.Rename the jar file to aem-author-p4502.jar
Open command prompt and navigate to c:\aemformscs\aem-sdk\author
enter the following command java -jar aem-author-p4502.jar -gui. This will start the installation of AEM. -
Login using admin/admin credentials
Stop the AEM instance
Create the following folder structure.C:\aemformscs\aem-sdk\author\crx-quickstart\install
Copy the aem-forms-addon-xxxxxx.far into install folder
Open command prompt and navigate to c:\aemformscs\aem-sdk\author
enter the following command java -jar aem-author-p4502.jar -gui. This will deploy the forms add on package in your AEM instance.
Next Steps
Sync your AEM forms and templates with AEM project