Set up local development environment
Adobe Asset Compute projects cannot be integrated with the local AEM runtime provided by the AEM SDK and are developed using their own tool chain, separate from that required by AEM applications based on the AEM Maven project archetype.
To extend Asset Compute microservices, the following tools must be installed on the local developer machine.
Abridged set up instructions
The following is an abridge set up instructions. Details on these development tools are described in discrete sections below.
Install Docker Desktop and pull the required Docker images:
code language-none $ docker pull openwhisk/action-nodejs-v12:latest $ docker pull adobeapiplatform/adobe-action-nodejs-v12:3.0.22
Install the required npm modules and Adobe I/O CLI plug-ins from the command line:
code language-none $ npm i -g @adobe/aio-cli @openwhisk/wskdebug ngrok --unsafe-perm=true \ && aio plugins:install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-asset-compute
For more information on the abridged install instructions, read the sections below.
Install Visual Studio Code vscode
Microsoft Visual Studio Code is used for developing and debugging Asset Compute workers. While other JavaScript-compatible IDE can be used to develop the worker, only Visual Studio Code can be integrated to debug Asset Compute worker.
This tutorial assumes the use of Visual Studio Code as it provides the best developer experience for extending Asset Compute.
Install Docker Desktop docker
Download and install the latest, stable Docker Desktop, as this is required to test and debug Asset Compute projects locally.
After installing Docker Desktop, start it and install the following Docker images from the command line:
$ docker pull openwhisk/action-nodejs-v12:latest
$ docker pull adobeapiplatform/adobe-action-nodejs-v12:3.0.22
Developers on Windows machines should make sure that they are using Linux containers for the images above. The steps to switch to Linux containers are described in the Docker for Windows documentation.
Install Node.js (and npm) node-js
Asset Compute workers are Node.js-based, and thus require Node.js 10+ (and npm) to develop and build.
- Install Node.js (and npm) in the same manner as for traditional AEM development.
Install Adobe I/O CLI aio
Install the Adobe I/O CLI, or aio is an command-line (CLI) npm module that facilitates use of and interaction with Adobe I/O technologies, and is used for both generate and locally develop custom Asset Compute workers.
$ npm install -g @adobe/aio-cli
Install the Adobe I/O CLI Asset Compute plugin aio-asset-compute
The Adobe I/O CLI Asset Compute plugin
$ aio plugins:install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-asset-compute
Install wskdebug wskdebug
Download and install the Apache OpenWhisk debug npm module to facilitate local debugging of Asset Compute workers.
Visual Studio Code 1.48.x+ is required for wskdebug to work.
$ npm install -g @openwhisk/wskdebug
Install ngrok ngrok
Download and install the ngrok npm module, which provides public access to your local development machine, to facilitate local debugging of Asset Compute workers.
$ npm install -g ngrok --unsafe-perm=true