
Workfront enhanced connector basics

AEM Assets as a Cloud Service, AEM Assets 6.5

Learn about the basics of the Adobe Workfront and Experience Manager Assetsenhanced connector, including how to:

  • Link assets and folders
  • Define metadata mappings
  • Send assets to AEM
  • Version assets
  • Auto-publish assets
In this video we’ll walk through the core features of the Workfront connector for Adobe Experience Manager. In order to complete the steps in this tutorial, the Workfront connector must be installed and configured in your AEM environment. Please refer to the first video in this series to see how to install the Workfront connector in your AEM environment.
First we’ll review the most basic function of the connector, linking an existing asset or folder in your AEM environment to a Workfront project, task or issue.
Second, we’ll walk through the steps of mapping your Workfront custom form fields to your AEM metadata schemas. After we’ve mapped a few metadata fields between the two systems, we’ll send an asset from a Workfront project to AEM to show a successful metadata sync.
Then we’ll discuss the features available that support asset versioning.
And lastly, I’ll demonstrate the configuration options for auto publishing assets sent from Workfront to AEM.
With the Workfront connector installed a Workfront user should be able to link an AEM asset or folder to a Workfront project, task or issue. Let’s walk through how to do that now.
Here I’m in a Workfront project and I’ve navigated to the documents tab of that project. And you’ll see an add new option here at the top. And then I can come down here and find the document custom integration that we created in the first video when we installed and configured the connector. So here I have my Workfront tools demo environment, and this takes me to… shows me all the folders at the root level of my AEM assets repository. So I can select and link a folder, or I could come in here and link a specific asset in a folder. So we can come down here and link this asset.
And now the asset’s been linked to my Workfront environment.
The same function is available inside a task as well as an issue. So I could come into a Workfront task, navigate to the documents tab. Again, select add new, find my document custom integration and link the asset, or I could even link the folder as well.
Next we’ll show how to map your Workfront custom form fields to your AEM metadata schema fields.
We’ll start this demonstration here in Workfront. So as a Workfront administrator or a Workfront user with privileges to create and modify custom forms, I’m going to come up here to the nine box grid and down to setup.
And then from here I can come to custom forms.
So for this demonstration, I created a project custom form, but note that you can do this with issue, task and document custom forms as well.
So in this example, I’ve created this corporate marketing master project form, and I’ve already gone ahead and created several fields for this form.
And these are the fields that will then map to our AEM metadata schema. Let’s go ahead and just create one from scratch as well. So I’m going to just do a single line text here and we’ll add it and we’ll just call this “demo mapping.” And we’ll make it a required field, and then let’s save this.
With the custom form created we can then switch over to our AEM environment. In AEM we’re going to come up again to the tools menu down to assets and select metadata schemas.
From here I have a custom metadata schema that I’ve already built. We’re going to go to edit.
And then select the Workfront project details tab. This was a tab I created specifically for project custom forms that are coming over from Workfront. And, again, those fields that you saw in my Workfront custom form I already created here. And then I’m going to go ahead and add a new one to demonstrate.
So we have this new single line text field in Workfront I call this the “demo mapping.” I’m going to give it a unique property name, so we’ll call this one “demo-mapping.” And then down here, this is available when you have the Workfront connector installed in your AEM environment. And this will pull in a list of all the custom form fields across your custom form library, custom form field library in Workfront. So I can search for that field that I just created called “demo mapping” and that’s available. So now anytime an asset is sent from either a Workfront project, task or issue that has that custom form field populated, it will send over that metadata property in this AEM metadata schema field.
So let’s go ahead and save that.
The last step here is going to be selecting our custom metadata schema here Workfront, and applying it to the folders that we’ll be sending the assets to in AEM. So I’ve created this custom demo mapping folder, select that and apply.
Now that we have mapped some project custom form fields in our Workfront environment to our AEM metadata schema, let’s demonstrate how to send an asset from a Workfront project. Again, you can also do this from a task and issue in the same fashion, but we’ll just stick with doing it from a Workfront project for today’s demonstration. And make sure that those project custom form fields in Workfront are populated and they get sent over to the AEM metadata schema as well.
So we’ll start here again in that demo project, and I’m going to add that custom form that we created. So if we search for corporate marketing project form. I have some required fields to populate here. So project initiative is campaign, we’re going to do the executive team, select the delivery date.
Select the asset type, so again, this is multi-select. So we could say image and document. And then here’s that demo mapping field that we created together so this is just an open text field.
Add some text there, and then save our changes.
So now that we’ve populated these fields here in the project custom form, let’s navigate over to our documents tab again.
And let’s go ahead and upload a demo asset to the Workfront project. So I’ll come in here, add new, document and let’s just come in here and grab a demo asset.
So, again, this asset is currently residing in my Workfront environment. It has not been sent to AEM. You’ll see that here with the chain link icon indicating that this is a linked asset. So the asset binary for this asset here actually lives in your AEM environment, and there’s just a reference to it here in your Workfront project. As of right now this asset is living in my Workfront environment, it has not been sent to AEM.
So we’ll go ahead and send this to AEM now, so I’m going to select the asset and then up here is where you can send to. So, again, I want to find that Workfront tools document custom integration that we created in the first video. I’ll select that, and then I’m going to go back to the top screen. That’s where I created my new folder. So there you’ll see that demo mapping folder that I just created. So let’s select that folder and then let’s send the asset there.
Perfect, so the asset was sent over to AEM. Again, we populated these project custom form fields here, and that’s what we’re expecting to see in our AEM environment as well. So let’s jump over to that folder. Again, you’ll see it’s empty, if we refresh, now I see that the asset is here in that folder. I’m going to select the asset and look at the asset properties.
So, again, I mapped some of these fields in the project details. Perfect. It worked. So all those fields that were mapped in the custom form filled, and then there’s a few fields here, like the project name, project reference number and the project ID, that were out of the box fields for a Workfront project that it’s pulling over, and then the rest of the fields here were custom form fields. So, again, you’ll see the dates were matched. Those dropdown fields are here and then the multi-select filter there.
And that’s how you map metadata schemas, and then send an asset from Workfront to AEM.
Next I want to talk about a couple of features we have to support asset versioning from Workfront to AEM.
So I’m going to jump back to my AEM environment and we will go to tools, cloud services, and, again, the Workfront tools configuration that we created in the first video. I’m going to select the Workfront tools demo and properties.
From here we want to navigate to the advanced tab. And you’ll see I have two options selected. I have this first option for store assets with the same name as versions of the existing asset. This gives users the ability to make changes to an asset and upload that asset with the same name to the same project. And when that’s sent to AEM it will be stored as a version of the previous asset.
Here in the next option, if you wanted to update the asset metadata when creating that new version, if this is selected you will do so by default. When it is unselected, it will keep the metadata in AEM the same as when the asset was originally uploaded. So let’s demonstrate how that’ll work now.
So, again, if we come back to this original project here where we uploaded this banner image tools, and say we wanted to add a new version of this asset. So we can come in here and we’re going to add new, version, and let’s select a document here. So I’ve gone ahead and created a new version of this asset as grayscale.
So, again, now I have this asset, same asset with a new version in Workfront, and I want to send that to AEM now. So, since the names, since the file names are the same, and I’ve checked that configuration option, I can send this to the same location. So I’ll send it here.
And then that has just created a new version of the asset in my AEM environment. So if we go back to AEM, come here to assets, and we’ll see here that that version is now just been updated. If we were to go to more details and then select our timeline and versions, we’ll see here there was our first version, right? And we can compare it against the newest version that was sent over.
So, again, if that checkbox was not selected, then it would create a new asset in the same folder, and AEM would automatically append the asset name with a dash one or some unique name identifier for the asset.
The last feature in today’s video that I’d like to review is the options for auto publishing assets, both to an AEM publish instance or a brand portal instance.
So, again, I’m going to navigate back to my Adobe Experience Manager environment and tools, cloud services, and the Workfront tools configuration.
From here, again, looking at the advanced tab, you’ll see we have two options for publishing assets. So here in this first section, this is publishing an asset when it is sent from Workfront. So in the previous example, when I sent that banner image tools file from Workfront to AEM, if this box is checked and saved, then that will automatically publish the asset if you are utilizing an AEM publish instance, say for assets or comments or for an AEM sites implementation. You can also add some conditions. So here I could come in here and say, if the asset has a specific custom form field populated. So if it’s asset type and asset type equals JPEG or PNG, if it meets this condition, then it will publish the asset to an AEM publish instance. So you have the ability to set a condition based on your custom form fields in Workfront. The second option is to be able to publish an asset to brand portal upon project completion. So if this option is checked and saved, then depending upon the project being turned to complete.
So when the status is set to complete, what that will do, if that setting is saved, is all of these assets then will get published to a brand portal instance.
And that’s it for today’s video. We’ll continue to talk about more of the advanced features in the next video. Please drop us a note if you have any questions. -