Promoting Launches promoting-launches

You need to promote launch pages to move the content back into the source (production) before publishing. When a launch page is promoted, the corresponding page of the source pages is replaced with the content of the promoted page. The following options are available when promoting a launch page:

  • Whether to promote only the current page or the entire launch.
  • Whether to promote the child pages of the current page.
  • Whether to promote the full launch or only pages that have changed.
  • Whether to delete the launch after being promoted.
After you promote the launch pages to the target (Production), you can activate the Production pages as an entity (to make the process quicker). Add the pages to a workflow package and use it as the payload for a workflow that activates a package of pages. You need to create the workflow package before promoting the launch. See Processing Promoted Pages Using AEM Workflow.
A single launch cannot be promoted concurrently. This means that two promote actions on the same launch at the same time can result in an error - Launch could not be promoted (together with conflict errors in the log).
When promoting launches for modified pages, modifications in both the source and launch branches are considered.

Promoting Launch Pages promoting-launch-pages

This covers the manual action of promoting launch pages when there is only one launch level. See:

You can promote launches from either the Sites console or the Launches console:

  1. Open:

    • The Sites console when navigating source pages:

      1. Open the references rail and select the required source page using selection mode (or select and open the references rail, the order is not important). All references are shown.
      2. Select Launches (for example, Launches (1)) to show a list of the specific launches.
      3. Select the specific launch to show the actions available.
      4. Select Promote launch to open the wizard.
    • The Sites console when navigating launch pages:

      1. Select the required launch page using selection mode.
      2. The Promote action is available in the toolbar.
    • The Launches console:

      1. Select your launch (select the thumbnail).
      2. Select Promote.
  2. In the first step you can specify:

    • Target

      • Delete launch after promotion
    • Scope

      • Promote full launch
      • Promote modified pages
      • Promote approved pages - dependent on the launch approval workflow
      • Promote current page
      • Promote current page and sub pages

      For example, when selecting to only promote modified pages:

      Launch promotion

      note note
      This covers a single launch, if you have nested launches see Promoting a Nested Launch.

      1. Select **Next** to proceed.

  3. You can review the pages to be promoted; these will depend on the range of pages you have chosen:

    Review promotion

  4. Select Promote.

Promoting Launch Pages when Editing promoting-launch-pages-when-editing

When you are editing a launch page, the Promote Launch action is also available from Page Information. This opens the wizard to collect the information needed.

Promote launch from site info

This is available for single and nested launches.

Promoting a Nested Launch promoting-a-nested-launch

After creating a nested launch you can promote it back to any of the sources, including the root source (production).

A nested launch

  1. As with Creating a Nested Launch, navigate to and select the required launch in either the Launches console or the References rail.

  2. Select Promote launch to open the wizard.

  3. Enter the required details:

    • Target

      • Promotion target - You can promote to any of the sources.
      • Delete launch after promotion - After promotion, the selected launch, and any launches nested within it, are deleted.
    • Scope - Here you can select whether to promote the entire launch, or only pages that have actually been edited. If the latter, you can then select to include/exclude sub-pages. The default configuration is to only promote page changes for the current page:

      • Promote full launch
      • Promote modified pages
      • Promote approved pages - dependent on the launch approval workflow
      • Promote current page
      • Promote current page and sub pages

    Promote launch settings

  4. Select Next.

  5. Review the promotion details before selecting Promote:

    Review promotion settings

    note note
    The pages listed will depend on the Scope defined and possibly the pages that have actually been edited.
  6. Your changes are promoted and reflected in the Launches console:

    In launches console

Processing Promoted Pages Using AEM Workflow processing-promoted-pages-using-aem-workflow

Use workflow models to perform bulk processing of promoted Launches pages:

  1. Create a workflow package.
  2. When authors promote Launch pages, they store them in the workflow package.
  3. Start a workflow model using the package as the payload.

To start a workflow automatically when pages are promoted, configure a workflow launcher for the package node.

For example, you can automatically generate page activation requests when authors promote Launches pages. Configure a workflow launcher to start the Request Activation workflow when the package node is modified.

Promotion workflow
