Running a Pipeline for Screens as a Cloud Service Program in Cloud Manager run-pipeline-screens-cloud

This section describes how to run the pipeline and deploy your code for your program in Cloud Manager.

See Configuring your CI-CD Pipeline and Deploy your Code to learn how you can run the pipeline for your program in Cloud Manager.

Objective objective

The following section describes how to configure the CI/CD pipeline and deploy your code for your program in Cloud Manager.

Steps to Run a Pipeline for your Screens Project in Cloud Manager steps-branch-creation

  1. After the environment setup is successfully complete, you see the call-to-action card update in Cloud Manager’s Overview page.


  2. Click Setup Pipeline from the Overview page.

  3. Click Next after selecting the branch.


  4. Select your options from the Setup Pipeline wizard. Click Save.

    note note
    To learn about the options in the Setup Pipeline wizard, see Configuring the Pipeline Settings from Cloud Manager for more details.


  5. After setup pipeline is complete, the call-to-action card is updated.

    note note
    To learn about the stages in deployment in Cloud Manager, see Deploying your Code for more details.


  6. Click Deploy.

  7. Click Build to start the build process.


  8. After the build process completes, you can see an author link from the Environments Card from the Cloud Manager’s Overview page.


What’s Next whats-next

After you have learned how to set up an environment for your program in Cloud Manager, you are ready to move on to the next step in Onboarding process: Navigating to Screens Services Provider.
