Implementation Phase in Cloud Acceleration Manager implementation-phase-cam

The Implementation Phase includes:

Click your project card so you can open the project landing page and navigate to the Implementation section, as shown in the following figure.


Using Local Development Card local-development

The Local Development card provides all the relevant content that can help you set up your local AEM development environment as you start the Implementation phase of your migration journey.

Follow this section so you can explore the Local Development activity card:

  1. Click View from the Local Development card.


  2. A content carousel displays the relevant information for this phase of the migration journey.


Using Code Refactoring Card code-refactoring

The Code Refactoring activity card provides all the relevant information and highlights the code refactoring areas to review and resolve when moving to AEM as a Cloud Service.

Follow this section so you can explore the Code Refactoring activity card:

  1. Click Review from the Code Refactoring activity card.


  2. The page displays the list of code refactoring activities organized by the severity level. You can learn more by clicking the two highlighted icons.

    The page displays the code refactoring considerations in three different tabs:

    • Overview
    • Dispatcher
    • Testing
Review the content in these tabs to understand some additional areas that are not covered by the Best Practices Analyzer.

The Dispatcher tab provides information on how to structure the AEM as a Cloud Service Apache and Dispatcher configurations, and how to validate and run it locally before deploying to Cloud environments. It also describes debugging in Cloud environments.


The Testing tab provides information on functional, Experience Audit, and UI testing.


Using AEM as a Cloud Service Deployment Card aem-as-a-cloud-service-deployment

AEM as a Cloud Service Deployment card provides all the relevant content that helps you deploy your code to AEM as a Cloud Service.

Follow this section so you can explore AEM as a Cloud Service Deployment Card activity card:

  1. Click View from the AEM as a Cloud Service Deployment activity card.


  2. A content carousel displays the relevant information for this phase of the migration journey.


Using Content Transfer Card content-transfer

The Content Transfer card lets you start and manage content transfer from your current AEM instance to AEM as a Cloud Service.

Follow this section so you can explore the Content Transfer activity card:

  1. Click Review from the Content Transfer activity card.


  2. To start a content transfer, you must create a Migration set. Click Create migration set. A migration set allows content to be transferred to AEM as a Cloud Service.


    note note
    A migration set expires after a prolonged period of inactivity. See Migration Set Expiry for details.
    note note
    See prerequisites and the best practices and guidelines before using the Content Transfer Tool.
  3. Download and install the Content Transfer Tool to populate the migration set and complete the Extraction phase of content transfer. Review Getting Started with Content Transfer Tool to learn how to use the Content Transfer Tool.

  4. To ingest content from the Migration set into an environment on AEM as a Cloud Service, you must start an ingestion. Navigate to Ingestion Jobs and click New ingestion. Review Ingesting Content into Target so you can learn how to complete the Ingestion phase of content transfer.


What’s Next whats-next

After you have learned how to log on to Cloud Acceleration Manager and how to use the Implementation phase, you are ready to move on to reviewing the next step in the Go Live Phase.
