Adobe Experience Manager experience-manager-6520

Adobe Experience Manager is an important release that includes performance, stability, security, and key customer fixes and enhancements released since the general availability of Adobe Experience Manager 6.5 in April 2019. It can be installed on top of Experience Manager 6.5.

Some key highlights of this Service Pack release are:

  • The built-in repository (Apache Jackrabbit Oak) is updated to version 1.10.3.

  • Added a configuration property to allow exporting Experience Fragments directly to user-defined workspaces for Adobe Target.

  • Assets users can search visually similar images. Experience Manager displays the smart tagged images from the DAM repository that are similar to a user-selected image. See visual search.

  • Enhanced the Connected Assets functionality to add support to fetch documents from remote DAM deployments. Site Authors can now search and filter supported documents types in Content Finder. The remote documents can be added to Download component on web pages. See use connected assets.

  • EnhanceDocument type filters with more MIME types to support multi-valued options.

  • Introduced an external Reprocess workflow for multi-resource support.

  • Optimized Dynamic Media performance by using default asset filters for replication.

  • Restored crop/rotate Asset editing options for DMS7.

  • Implemented an option to mute a video on load in VideoPlayer.

  • Fix to ensure that Asset UI column view shows tenant-specific content only.

  • Fix to allow style accordion changes to reflect in search results.


Product Enhancements

  • Enhanced the Connected Assets functionality to add support to fetch documents from remote DAM deployments. Site Authors can now search and filter supported documents types in Content Finder. The remote documents can be added to Download component on web pages. Hotfix for CQ-4270245. See use connected assets.

  • Experience Manager Assets users can search visually similar images. Experience Manager displays the smart tagged images from the DAM repository that are similar to a user-selected image. See visual search.


  • Asset paths in URLs and folders metadata generated by the ACP API are not URL encoded. GRANITE-26198: Hotfix for CQ-4271814
  • Unzipping an archive with a folder having a percent sign (%) in its name cannot be opened using Experience Manager Assets interface. NPR-29989: Hotfix for CQ-4270467
  • Touch UI: During the manage publication wizard, references are added after the page in the post request body, causing all the assets to publish after the page, and when the page gets rendered, some of the assets in the publish instance get missed. NPR-29985: Hotfix for CQ-4270724
  • Unrelate Asset feature does not work for related assets that have special characters (characters that become URI encoded) in the name. NPR-30387: Hotfix for CQ-4274446
  • When editing a content fragment, the version is getting created with the wrong user.
  • Failure during the creation of collections on Tenant based system. NPR-30114: Hotfix for CQ-4272948
  • Asset UI column view is not respecting the current tenant’s dam root path but accessing all tenant dam paths. NPR-30636: Hotfix for CQ-4275481
  • Possible cross-site scripting (XSS) attack through restricted file alert window as the injected image can be seen. NPR-30617: Hotfix for CQ-4270133
  • MultiTenant: Tenants saving folder properties observe both success prompt and error message describing action was not successful, “Unable to edit properties. Insufficient permissions.” hence, confusing them. NPR-30545: Hotfix for CQ-4275333
  • Asset selector dialog does not allow selection of asset, hence unable to update source using the relate source replacement functionality. NPR-30502: Hotfix for CQ-4275029
  • DAM Update Asset workflow - In the stale state on uploading large size mp4 files. NPR-30480: Hotfix for CQ-4271352
  • Create Review Task functionality does not work due to null payload making all subsequent review task-related actions to fail. NPR-30468: Hotfix for CQ-4274263
  • Adobe Smart Tag connectivity issue through Datapower. NPR-30026: Hotfix for CQ-4269457
  • Assets UI Column View throws an error when attempting to open the filters left the rail. NPR-30501: Hotfix for CQ-4273862
  • When adding groups synced from LDAP in the Closed User Group (CUG) properties of an Asset Folder, the group do not get saved and retrieved. NPR-30615: Hotfix for CQ-4274689
  • Filter search style and orientation fields do not apply the autocompleted value to the search query. NPR-30620: Hotfix for CQ-4275724
  • Asset share link of a folder with space and “&” character in the name displays blank gray cards for some assets. NPR-30557: Hotfix for CQ-4270187
  • Folder metadata schema form is not automatically detecting datatype and hence, not creating the related TypeHint in form submission. NPR-30599: Hotfix for CQ-4275227
  • Crop and rotate Asset editing options are disabled from the DMS7 authoring UI. NPR-30118: Hotfix for CQ-4273221
  • Share Link feature is not working on Experience Manager instance with DMS7 configuration. NPR-30080, NPR-30492: Hotfix for CQ-4273651
  • Adding the Dynamic Media–Scene7 component to the page, and then publishing the page does not trigger the dmscene7 configuration every time. NPR-30641: Hotfix for CQ-4275962
  • Added an IPSJobJournal in Experience Manager to create only one Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) job per processing profile. NPR-30490: Hotfix for CQ-4273614
  • Dynamic Media: Added default filters to exclude assets from being replicated to the Experience Manager publish node. NPR-30538: Hotfix for CQ-4274678
  • Introduced an external Reprocess workflow for multi-resource support to allow folder as a payload. The workflow has two steps - reprocesses assets with no handles via metadata map to next step and reuploads all assets without asset handle to S7 in a single IPS job. For more details, see Configuring Dynamic Media Cloud Services. NPR-30489: Hotfix for CQ-4272903
  • Uploading an incorrect CSV after correct CSV wipes out correct CSV. Hotfix for CQ-4277694, CQ-4277814
  • The incorrect icon specific to the contribution folders to be removed. Hotfix for CQ-4277580
  • On selecting a user in Asset contribution tab’s user picker, the name of the user is not appearing in the table and Delete user dialog on properties page show wrong text. Hotfix for CQ-4277875
  • Contributors cannot be added to the Asset contribution folder from the user picker by selecting user and clicking add. Hotfix for CQ-4277824, CQ-4278087
  • Search by lower case user name does not work in the user picker. Hotfix for CQ-4277958, CQ-4277930
  • Non-admins can publish assets in a new folder of an Asset contribution folder. Hotfix for CQ-4278200
  • dam-user (non-admin) does not have the option of adding contributors to the Asset contribution folder. Hotfix for CQ-4278192
  • “Create” button is visible in the Asset contribution folder. Hotfix for CQ-4277560
  • Sorting search query by relevance returns InDesign documents along with InDesign templates. Hotfix for CQ-4273864
  • If the user has an uppercase email id, users are not able to check-in for those assets which have been previously checked out. Hotfix for CQ-4276575
  • The Delete operation only applies to the presets that are selected, and if the screen automatically refreshes the list after the operation, it shows other presets that have already refreshed. Hotfix for CQ-4261461
  • Configuring Dynamic Media Cloud Services in Dynamic Media–Hybrid mode results in multiple empty report suites created in Analytics, and with no report suite id stored in Experience Manager, resulting in report suite duplication. Hotfix for CQ-4249780
  • Rename operation in Experience Manager asset to duplicated name fails to synchronize to Scene7. Hotfix for CQ-4276763
  • User-Generated Content is displayed incorrectly in the search filter panel. Hotfix for CQ-4273875
  • Find similar’ option is not available for TIFF images. Hotfix for CQ-4278238
  • Implemented option to mute video on load in VideoPlayer. Hotfix for CQ-4266465
  • Viewers - VideoViewer: poster=none works incorrectly if there is an external video used. Hotfix for CQ-4265536
  • Wait icon is visible during video play on IE11 and MS Edge browsers. Hotfix for CQ-4251539
  • 3.8 SDK and 5.13 viewers README files are not updated and contain information from previous releases. Hotfix for CQ-4273737
  • Content Fragment gets versioned even before saving the changes. NPR-30616: Hotfix for CQ-4273088
  • Replace Asset#getMetadata(String) with Asset#getMetadataValueFromJcr(String) in thumbnail process. NPR-30491: Hotfix for CQ-4273067
  • Uploading jpg causes multiple instances of the message: “ReplicateOnModifyWorker Replicating UPDATED” for each asset, causing performance degradation.
  • Unpacking zip archive using ‘Extract Archive’ feature causes issues with folders whose name contain percent (%) in their title. NPR-29990: Hotfix for CQ-4270467

Sites sites-6520

  • If the LiveCopy inheritance is broken, live copy pages display language copy links instead of LiveCopy links (NPR-30980).
  • For a new Blueprint, If the number of records is more than 40, only first 40 records are displayed. Blueprint displays blank lines for rest of the records (NPR-31182).
  • Rich Text Editor (RTE) plug-in of the text component displays distorted characters for Japanese and Korean language text (NPR-31331).
  • Rich Text Editor (RTE) does not let you insert an embedded Table as a list item (NPR-30879).
  • Out of the box scaffolding Rich Text Editor (RTE) is applies inline font-size to elements, unexpectedly (NPR-31284).
  • When a user focuses on left rail fields and uses keyboard shortcut to paste content, it pastes content of page editor clipboard instead of the content copied from left rail fields (NPR-31172).
  • When a user adds a File Upload field to a multi-field, the image path is stored in the component node instead of the multi-field node (NPR-30882).
  • The ResponsiveGridExporter API does not return interface. The package is declared as private package (NPR-31398).
  • When a page containing some Experience Fragments is opened in non-editor mode (either in Author without the editor.html prefix and wcmmode=disabled, or in Publisher), the request ends in HTTP status error code 500 (NPR-30743).

WCM - Page Editor wcm-page-editor-6520

Product Enhancements

  • EnhanceDocument type filters with more MIME Types to support multi-valued options. Hotfix for CQ-4270694

Content Fragment Management content-fragment-management-6520

  • The query used by the Content Fragment models UI is very slow and eventually results in an error. Hotfix for CQ-4270807

UI - Foundation ui-foundation

  • Shortcuts trigger which prevents the user from using ‘m,’ ‘p,’ ‘e’ within specific user interfaces. NPR-30355: Hotfix for GRANITE-26346
  • Closing Experience Manager Assets Search UI does not reset the left rail to Content selection preventing the user from opening the filter rail the second time subsequently. NPR-30509: Hotfix for CQ-4274716
  • Multi-tenant environment: Experience Manager Assets UI top navigation is not available and throwing JavaScript error. NPR-30104: Hotfix for GRANITE-26344

Translation translation-6520

  • Translation issue - Only a few components are getting translated using Machine Translation. NPR-30079: Hotfix for CQ-4273764

Platform platform-6520

  • Experience Manager Default Mail Sender is unable to send mail to a remote SMTP server over TLS v1.2. NPR-30476: Hotfix for GRANITE-26605

Projects projects-6520

  • dam:folderThumbnailPaths values do not get refreshed and display old thumbnails even after deleting the assets within the folder. NPR-30424: Hotfix for CQ-4273667
  • When completing the “move” option, the Title and Name of the asset remains unchanged. NPR-30647: Hotfix for CQ-4276265

Communities communities-6520

  • User Sync Diagnostics is completely broken and fails to work. NPR-30004, NPR-29943: Hotfix for CQ-4270287, CQ-4271348

Sling sling

  • Upgraded instance from to 6.5 is resulting in duplicate OSGi configurations. NPR-30130: Hotfix for CQ-4274016


  • The customized content is not displayed correctly on the publish instance until the restart of the instance. NPR-30377: Hotfix for CQ-4273706
  • When configuring Launch on a website, the library address has a slash (/) pre-pended causing manual intervention each time. NPR-30694: Hotfix for CQ-4275501

Forms forms-6520

Experience Manager Service Pack does not include fixes for Experience Manager Forms. They are delivered using a separate Forms add-on package. In addition, a cumulative installer is released that includes fixes for Experience Manager Forms on JEE. For more information, see Install Experience Manager Forms on JEE.

The key highlights for Experience Manager forms are:

  • Added ‘Auto’ setting to RenderAtClient in PDFFormRenderOptions API for Experience Manager Forms OSGi.

Forms add-on package

Back end integration

  • Unable to configure Form Data Model using an AWS hosted load balanced URL. NPR-30123: Hotfix for CQ-4273359
  • While creating the Form Data Model (FDM) with the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL), the error message Caused by: com.adobe.aem.dermis.exception.DermisException: java.lang.Exception: Unable to handle content type is returned: NPR-30477: Hotfix for CQ-4272921

Correspondence Management

  • ``Create Correspondence UI’s (CCR UI) rendition fails intermittently with below error in console:
    - Uncaught Error: variable [object Object]is already known the letter- NPR-30127

Interactive Communication

  • A field marked required in form data model is displayed as required in Create Correspondence UI (CCR UI). NPR-30623: Hotfix for CQ-4274902

Forms - Workflow

  • Unmapped output variables on Watched Folders cause invocation to fail. Hotfix for CQ-4264451

HTML5 Forms

  • When the custom code or project is deployed for the second time, the page does not render and the following error occurs:

    NPR-30539: Hotfix for CQ-4272509

  • When using NonVisual Desktop Access in Browse mode to read an HTML5 form, the Chrome browser reads “graphic” before each Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) in the form design. NPR-30449: Hotfix for CQ-4274732

Forms JEE installer

Forms - Document Security

  • Applying a signature with timestamp fails with error: ALC-DSC-003-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCInvocationException: Invocation error. NPR-30820: Hotfix for CQ-4275852

Forms - Document Services

  • If the “SubmitURL” contains an ampersand (&), parsing errors are seen in the log when POST request is made to renderpdf servlet. NPR-30865: Hotfix for CQ-4278232

Forms - Foundation JEE

  • HTMLtoPDF service is not show maxReuseCount in JMX console. NPR-30134, NPR-30304: Hotfix for CQ-4273763
  • Adding or editing a Web Service connection by invoking web services from Experience Manager Forms Workbench throws an error: ClassNotFoundException org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement. NPR-30105: Hotfix for CQ-4273217

Feature Packs Included

For Experience Manager Forms customers, it is essential to install Experience Manager Forms add-on package after installing any Experience Manager Service Pack, Cumulative Fix Pack, or Feature Pack.

Sites sites-feature-packs-included

  • Added a configuration property to allow exporting Experience Fragments directly to user-defined workspaces for Adobe Target. NPR-29189: Hotfix for CQ-4249782

Forms - Document Services forms-document-services-1

  • Added ‘Auto’ setting to RenderAtClient in PDFFormRenderOptions API for Experience Manager Forms OSGi. NPR-30759: Hotfix for CQ-4278193

UberJar uber-jar

The UberJar for Experience Manager is available in the Maven Central repository.

To use UberJar in a Maven project, see how to use UberJar and include the following dependency in your project POM:

UberJar and the other related artifacts are available on Maven Central Repository instead of Adobe Public Maven repository ( The main UberJar file is renamed to uber-jar-<version>.jar. So, there is no classifier, with apis as the value, for the dependency tag.