Creating Custom Extensions creating-custom-extensions
Generally when you implement a project, you have custom code in both AEM and Adobe Campaign. With the use of the existing API, you can call your custom code in Adobe Campaign from AEM or from AEM to Adobe Campaign. This document describes how to do that.
Prerequisites prerequisites
You must have the following installed:
- Adobe Experience Manager
- Adobe Campaign 6.1
See Integrating AEM with Adobe Campaign 6.1 for more information.
Example 1: AEM to Adobe Campaign example-aem-to-adobe-campaign
The standard integration between AEM and Campaign is based on JSON and JSSP (JavaScript Server Page). These JSSP files can be found in the Campaign console, and all start with aec (Adobe Experience Cloud).
In this example, a new custom JSSP file was created and calls that from the AEM side to retrieve the result. It can be used, for example, to retrieve data from Adobe Campaign or to save data into Adobe Campaign.
In Adobe Campaign, to create a JSSP file, click the New icon.
Enter the name of this JSSP file. In this example, cus:custom.jssp is used (meaning it is in the cus namespace).
Put the following code inside the jssp-file:
code language-none <% var origin = request.getParameter("origin"); document.write("Hello from Adobe Campaign, origin : " + origin); %>
Save your work. The remaining work is in AEM.
Create a simple servlet on the AEM side so you can call this JSSP. In this example, you can assume the following:
- You have the connection working between AEM and Campaign
- The campaign cloud service is configured on /content/geometrixx-outdoors
The most important object in this example is the GenericCampaignConnector, which lets you call (get and post) jssp files on the Adobe Campaign side.
Here is a small code snippet:
code language-none @Reference private GenericCampaignConnector campaignConnector; ... Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("origin", "AEM"); CallResults results = campaignConnector.callGeneric("/jssp/cus/custom.jssp", params, credentials); return results.bodyAsString();
In this example, you must pass the credentials into the call. You can get them by way of the getCredentials() method where you pass in a page that has the Campaign cloud service configured.
code language-xml // page containing the cloudservice for Adobe Campaign Configuration config = campaignConnector.getWebserviceConfig(page.getContentResource().getParent()); CampaignCredentials credentials = campaignConnector.retrieveCredentials(config);
The complete code is as follows:
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@SlingServlet(paths="/bin/campaign", methods="GET")
public class CustomServlet extends SlingSafeMethodsServlet {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private GenericCampaignConnector campaignConnector;
private PageManagerFactory pageManagerFactory;
protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request,
SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
IOException {
PageManager pm = pageManagerFactory.getPageManager(request.getResourceResolver());
Page page = pm.getPage("/content/geometrixx-outdoors");
String result = null;
if ( page != null) {
result = callCustomFunction(page);
if ( result != null ) {
PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
private String callCustomFunction(Page page ) {
try {
Configuration config = campaignConnector.getWebserviceConfig(page.getContentResource().getParent());
CampaignCredentials credentials = campaignConnector.retrieveCredentials(config);
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("origin", "AEM");
CallResults results = campaignConnector.callGeneric("/jssp/cus/custom.jssp", params, credentials);
return results.bodyAsString();
} catch (Exception e ) {
log.error("Something went wrong during the connection", e);
return null;
Example 2: Adobe Campaign to AEM example-adobe-campaign-to-aem
AEM offers out of the box APIs to retrieve the objects available anywhere in the siteadmin explorer view.
For each node in the explorer, there is an API that is linked to it. For example, for the node :
The API is:
The end of the URL .1.json can be replaced by .2.json, .3.json, according to the number of sublevels you are interested in getting. To obtain all of them the keyword, infinity can be used:
To consume the API, AEM, by default, uses basic authentication.
A JS library that is named amcIntegration.js is available in 6.1.1 (build 8624 and higher) that implements that logic among several other ones.
AEM API call aem-api-call
var cmsAccountId = sqlGetInt("select iExtAccountId from NmsExtAccount where sName=$(sz)","aemInstance")
var cmsAccount = nms.extAccount.load(String(cmsAccountId));
var cmsServer = cmsAccount.server;
var request = new HttpClientRequest(cmsServer+"/content/campaigns/geometrixx.infinity.json")
aemAddBasicAuthentication(cmsAccount, request);
request.method = "GET"
request.header["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=UTF-8";
var response = request.response;