Setting up Data Mapping in Salesforce

Learn how to set up data mapping for Acrobat Sign in Salesforce. Data Mapping allows you to pull data back into Salesforce after an agreement has been signed.

Hi, I’m Serge St Felix, and today I’ll show you how you can use data mappings in Salesforce with Acrobat Sign. So let’s get started.
So what are data mappings? Well, data mappings is when you want to take an agreement from Acrobat Sign and update Salesforce. So here I have a simple non-disclosure agreement. I have some fields where I want the individual to update with their first and last name and then sign the agreement. So the first thing I’ll do is, I’m going to take this agreement and bring it into Acrobat Sign and create a reusable template, specifically for data mappings. So here I am in Acrobat Sign, I’ll go ahead and click on create a usable template, and then I will go ahead and add this file to my library.
So here I’ll find the actual agreement, I’ll select update, actually let me add a different file, this is the one that I want, and then we’ll go ahead and give this a different name. We’ll call this Altura NDA Data Mapping.
We’ll go ahead and click on preview and add fields, and what Acrobat Sign is going to do is it’s going to scan this document and prepare it for signature. Now before, you’ll notice this blue text box here where it allows you to place some fields. This is being driven by Adobe AI technology, Adobe Sensei, where it’s automatically identified fields that I can use within this document, makes preparing this document much easier. So I’ll go ahead and double click on this first field, we’ll call it First Name, I want to make this a required field, and then I’ll go ahead and click on this next field, we’ll call it Last Name.
And I will also make this required because what I want to make sure is that the individual enters their first and last name before signing this agreement. So everything looks good to go, I’ll double check to make sure that my signature is selected to my first participant, and I’ll click save.
So now that I have my reusable template ready, I’ll go into Salesforce and I’ll create my data mapping, then I’ll create my template.
So here I am in Salesforce, and the first place I’ll go, under the Adobe Sign for Salesforce app is data mappings. And here I’ll create a new data map.
And so we’ll call this data mapping Acrobat Signed to Salesforce, because again, we are taking data from the agreement and we’re going to update our Salesforce record.
So I’ll go ahead and click on add mapping, and here, Salesforce is asking me which object do I want to update. So I’ll select the selected object link and then I want to select recipient, which is under the contact object. Now, don’t be tempted to add anything in this dropdown, just click select and the next you’ll be prompted to select which field to update. This is where you want to look for the first name field, and then as far as Acrobat Sign is concerned, here it’ll say where is the data coming from? Keep this selected as EchoSign Form Field. But then under what is the value of the data, this is where you’re going to add first name. Let’s rinse, repeat, and add another mapping. Again, we want to use the contact object, and so under recipient, that’s where you’ll have the contact object, we’ll click select, and then we’re going to look for the Last Name field.
Then over here we’ll go ahead and add Last Name.
So now that my mappings are complete, I’ll click save, and then the last thing I need to do is create an actual agreement.
So I’ll go under agreement templates, I’m going to select new agreement template, and then we’ll go ahead and give this a name.
We’ll call this Data Map, we’ll click save, and then we’ll go ahead and add some configuration.
So on this first area under template details I want to use the contact object, so I’ll go ahead and type in contact and I’ll search for it, and there’s my contact object. Under attachments, I want to go ahead and use the actual agreement that I just created while the actual reusable template that I’ve just created in Acrobat Sign.
So we’ll go ahead and look for that, and then there is my Altura NDA Data Mapping.
Again, we’re going to skip recipients because I want to be able to select whichever recipient that I want to send this agreement to. So we’ll go over to Data Map.
And under data mapping I will go ahead and select Acrobat Sign to Salesforce. I’ll click save, and now my template is completed. I’m ready to actually send out this agreement to my recipient. So I’ll go over to my Salesforce picker and I’ll select, I will type in contacts, and then we’re going to use Stacy Pak. Now notice her first and last name, we’re going to update this name to Stacy L Pak. So I’ll go ahead and select her, and then we will send Stacy the data mapping agreement.
And then once the data mapping agreement comes up I can add her email as one of my contacts, and then right here I’m going to go check preview and add signature fields so you can see what the agreement looks like within Salesforce. So at this point Salesforce is going now into Acrobat Sign so you can preview the agreement. And here’s the agreement. Here’s my first and last name fields. I have my signature field, I’m ready to send this out. So we’ll go ahead and click send. I’ll click okay, and then we’ll go over to my tablet here, and let’s take a look at the actual agreement.
So here’s the agreement.
We’re going to click on review and sign. This will open up in a web browser, and now I have the opportunity to start the agreement. So here I’m prompted to enter in my first name and we’ll put Stacy L, and then we’ll put in Stacy’s last name. We’ll scroll down, we’ll go ahead and sign, and we’ll go ahead and type in Stacy’s name.
And that’s all there is. We’ll click apply, click finish, and we’ll tap to sign.
So now that the agreement is done, let’s go back into Salesforce to see if Stacy’s name was updated.
So now that in Salesforce, we’ll go to my picker, we’ll go ahead and click on contacts or type in contacts, and there you see Stacy L Pak instead of Stacy Pak.
So this is how you can use data mappings from Salesforce with Acrobat Sign when you want to use the data from the agreement to update the Salesforce record. I hope this was helpful, thanks for watching. -