Send reminders using Acrobat Sign for Salesforce and Marketo video tutorial

Learn how to send an email reminder from Marketo for unsigned agreements. This integration uses Acrobat Sign, Acrobat Sign for Salesforce, Marketo, and the Marketo Salesforce Sync.


  1. Install the Marketo Salesforce Sync.

    Information and the latest plugin for Salesforce Sync is available here.

  2. Install Acrobat Sign for Salesforce.

    Information about this plugin is available here.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to send reminders for Adobe Sign agreements that are created in Salesforce and synced over to Marketo. This requires both the Marketo and Salesforce Sync, and Adobe Sign for Salesforce to already be installed. To confirm that the two apps are set up correctly, move over to the admin tab, and you see two new options in the admin tab here, Salesforce and Salesforce Objects Sync. Second, you want to ensure that the objects from Salesforce, the Adobe Sign ones in particular, are sent over to Marketo. To do this, click on Salesforce Object Sync in the left hand pane. And if this is your first time setting up the sync, this button will say sync rather than refresh. Click sync schema, and after a few minutes, the object sent over from Salesforce appear on the right. In the right hand pane under lead object, we have the agreement objects which is what we’re interested in. Click on agreement, and you’ll see the child objects for each of these objects. I’ve already enabled the sync for these objects, but if you haven’t yet, click on agreement and then click enable sync.
I don’t have the option to enable sync because I’ve already done it, but if I wanted to sync this library template, I would click on it and then click enable sync. I’m going to cancel, but be sure to go through these steps for the agreement, agreement event, agreement notification, recipient, signed agreement, and trigger custom objects.
Now, in order to do all this, your global sync must be disabled first. And you can check that it’s disabled by going to the Salesforce tab, ensuring that it’s disabled there.
Now that we’ve synced the objects themselves, we want to actually expose the fields to our triggers, meaning we want to allow the fields and these objects to be used as a trigger in a marketing campaign. For example, we would click on recipient and then edit the visible fields. You can expand this window, and then you can see all these fields below recipient that we might want to use.
We recommend selecting all of these to keep them available, just in case any of your marketing campaigns might eventually want to use them. If you’ve not done this before, these are probably unchecked, so you’ll need to go into each of these objects and check the ones you think you might want to use. Again, we recommend checking all of the different objects. Do this again for all the green check bar objects, agreement, agreement event, agreement notification, recipient, signed agreements, and trigger. When you’re finished enabling the sync on the custom objects and exposing the trigger values, you’re going to want to enable the global sync. So we’re going to go to the Salesforce tab right here, and enable sync. Now we’re going to create an Adobe Sign agreement on our Salesforce Instance, which is currently synced with our Marketo Instance. If your sync was installed correctly, the agreements you created in Salesforce will translate to data on the back end in Marketo. This is how we’re going to create the marketing campaigns which react to these Adobe Sign agreements in Salesforce.
Let’s create a new agreement here by clicking on new. Once the agreement draft loads, you can add a few contacts.
Here are some existing contacts that are synced over from Marketo.
You can name the agreement, anything you’d like, but just be sure to attach the actual agreement file itself. Here, I’m just using a sample file.
Now down at the bottom, be sure to click preview and add signature fields and a new tab will open. And you’ll see your PDF file here, as well as the recipients on the right hand side under this dropdown.
You can add your signature field to wherever you’d like and click send.
We just want a general signature field, regardless of signer. You’ll get a notification here that the agreement was successfully sent. And once you’re done, you can click okay and exit.
Now here’s an example of what the agreement looks like in the recipient’s inbox. They click the blue button to review and sign. Follow the start button where they can type, draw, use an image or sign using their mobile device.
They click to sign and that’s it.
Now there’ll be times when the recipient misses the email or intended to come back later and sign it. For these cases, after seven days, especially for your agreements where you really need a signature soon, you’re going to want to send a reminder. And I’ll show you how to do that with Marketo. In Marketo, we’re going to create a program that holds all the different emails and things we want to do for our campaign. So we’re going to click on our home button, and then select marketing activities, and then click new, new campaign folder. We’re going to call it Campaign Demo, but you can call it whatever you prefer.
Within this folder, we’ll create a new program by selecting new, new program in the Campaign folder.
We’ll call this one Demo Program, Salesforce/Sign but you can call it whatever you want. We’ll call the program type email, and the channel is email send, and then select create.
Next, we’ll move to my tokens and add an email script. The first thing we’re going to do in our Campaign, is test out whether or not there is an unsigned agreement. If there is, we’ll send them a reminder email with a link to the agreement. To do this, we need to create a script in our email in order to put the link into the message. We need to be able to pull that data from the trigger from the object itself. So, create an email script by dragging an email script over to the canvas, call it what you like. In this example, we’ll call it Agreement URL, and select click to edit. In the edit script token, We can actually write velocity scripts to generate emails with personalization. All of our custom objects are available here on the right hand side.
Obviously we’re interested in agreements and we want to send this reminder for unsigned agreements. To make the email more effective, we’re going to include the URL to the agreement itself, so that anyone can click on it and go straight to the agreement and sign it. This will make our email quite powerful. To do this, click on agreement here, and we can see all the different fields that we can use in our script. The important ones here are agreement name, agreement status, days unsigned, and signing URL. We have a script written out already for this velocity email script, but you could write your own if you prefer, or you could learn up on velocity and customize it to your liking, but this one is available in our documentation.
The script is checking the different fields we just exposed and checking how long it’s been unsigned, grabbing the URL and displaying it based on some logic that we sent for something that’s over a week old.
Go ahead and click save.
And now that we’ve created the email script, let’s move to the reminder portion of the Campaign. To do this right click on the program and go to local asset and select email.
For the example here, we can just select personal note template.
Email name is going to be the email sign reminder, enter a description and click create.
Enter the from name and the from address, and the reply to, of your preference here. This is some basic personalization that Marketo shows you how to do. So we’ll leave the first name and it defaults to friend, and we’re going to add our own personalization based on that email script we created or that token we created. We’re going to put in the URL into this here.
Open up the body of the message by double clicking.
We can leave the first name, but we’re going to change the body of this email. At this point in the message we want to link to the agreement that we’re referring to. So we’re going to click on insert token to find the token in our program. It should be under My Agreement URL, click on that and we’ll give it a default value of please check your email, or whatever text you prefer.
Then select save, and just remember that when you’re finished writing your email, to enter a subject line and approve the email in order to use it in your programs. Once you have the little green check mark, you’re good to go.
Next, we want to add the actual logic for sending this email. So we’re going to right click on our program and create a new Smart Campaign.
Type any name you’d like and then click create. Once you’ve created a Reminder Campaign, click on smart list and you should see some Salesforce triggers available here 'cause we exposed all of them in the previous step, and some filters available for Salesforce, as well. One we need is called Has Agreements. So you can just search for that, Salesforce Has Agreement and drag it onto the canvas. This is checking that the Campaign member has an agreement and that it’s true. And we’re going to add some other constraints here as well. Add a constraint on the agreement status to check that the status is out for a signature. And we’re going to add one more constraint and check that the date sent is in the past, and before seven days. If you want this campaign to only run for certain agreements, you could add another constraint for agreement name, for example. In this case, we want to generalize our campaign to send for any unsigned agreement after a week.
Next, click on a scheduled tab, and you’ll notice that this Campaign is set to exist for four people. This means there’s four people on our system who have unsigned agreements who qualify for this filter.
Next, we want to set up the flow of that Campaign. We use the days unsigned field in the smart list. So once you finish setting up the filter, click on the flow tab, see all the different options you have access to on the right. We want to send an email, so we’re going to go ahead and select send email and drag it onto the canvas. We want to send an email we just created, which is called Adobe Sign Reminder. So we’re going to click here and find the email that we want.
We’re looking for a Demo Salesforce Adobe Sign Reminder and really that’s all for our Campaign flow. Most of the logic is set up in the filter and in the token. So now we can move onto the schedule. Now that we’re in the schedule tab, you’ll notice that it’s set to affect four people.
Some of the settings say each person can run through the flow every time. Now we did most of our logic in the smart list. We only want this program to run for everyone once. Once they have the reminder, it moves on and doesn’t send another reminder. So we can change that by clicking edit and change. Run each person through the campaign flow, only once for each person.
After that, you’ll want to click on schedule a recurrence. We want to run this program daily at 1:00 PM Pacific Time, repeat every day with no end date. The reason this works on a daily run through is because the logic itself will only ever send the email to people who have a Campaign which has already hit seven days. So really we’re just checking every day, if there’s a new campaign that has gone seven days unsigned. Now here’s the email we created earlier in Marketo. They can open up that agreement in a new tab and review and sign the agreement as they please.
If you’d like to get an update on the status of your Reminder Campaign, you can go to the results tab within the Campaign itself. Here, you’ll notice a few things. The change from not in program to member. So this is when these leads were picked up and actually placed into the program.
You’ll notice send email activities, which is when the sends actually occurred. Email delivered activities, which are confirming that the email did land in the person’s inbox. And an open email activity which you’ll see when the user actually opens the email. So this is a good way of keeping up with your Campaign and making sure that people have actually received the reminder, and whether or not they’ve opened it. And that’s all. Now you’ve set up your Campaign, and the program here houses everything that you need. Your token is still here for usage to pull out into the agreement URL and beneath that you have the email that you want to send, that you can edit at any time. And below that, you have the Campaign itself which has the filter to select the different users, want to send the email to and the flow itself, which sends the actual email. You are now all set and ready to use Adobe Sign for Salesforce and Marketo together. -
This video is part of the course Accelerate sales cycles with Acrobat Sign for Salesforce and Marketo that is available for free on Experience League!