Available Data

Some order and payouts data is available to you so that you can coordinate Adobe Commerce financial reporting across external systems.

Reconcile with ERP system

You can reconcile Adobe Commerce financial reporting with your non-Adobe Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system using the increment ID associated with a specific order.

When Payment Services sends the Commerce order to PayPal, the increment ID is included as the custom_id and in the invoice_id (which also contains a random string after the increment_id).

The IDs are easily accessible in both the merchant activity detail for a payout and in the PayPal webhook.

The invoice_id and custom_id are displayed near the bottom of the merchant activity detail for a payout:

in merchant activity detail

custom_id and invoice_id in the details in PayPal’s webhook:

    "id": "4E855005GK253170H",
    "intent": "AUTHORIZE",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "payment_source": {
    "purchase_units": [
            "custom_id": "000001322",
            "invoice_id": "000001322-c01bd7c3-920f-4542-a900-738082177e92",
            "payments": {
                "authorizations": [
                        "invoice_id": "000001322-c01bd7c3-920f-4542-a900-738082177e92",
                        "custom_id": "000001322",
                "captures": [
                        "invoice_id": "000001322-c01bd7c3-920f-4542-a900-738082177e92",
                        "custom_id": "000001322",
    "payer": {
    "create_time": "2022-09-12T14:59:01Z",
    "update_time": "2022-09-12T14:59:45Z",
    "links": [

See PayPal’s REST APIs documentation for more information:
