Secure connections to remote environments

Secure Shell (SSH) is a common protocol used to securely log into remote servers and systems. You can use SSH to access your remote environments for managing the Adobe Commerce application and accessing remote environment logs. Adobe only supports Secure FTP (sFTP) connections using your SSH public key. FTP connections are not supported.

Generate an SSH key pair

Create an SSH key pair on every machine and workspace that requires access to your project source code and environments. The SSH key allows you to connect to GitHub to manage source code and to connect to cloud servers without having to constantly supply your username and password. See Connecting to GitHub with SSH for further instructions on creating an SSH key pair.

  • The public key is safe to provide for accessing a site, SSH, and sFTP.
  • The private key remains private on the workstation.
Never share your private key. Do not add it to a ticket, copy it to a chat, or attach it to emails.

Add an SSH public key to your account

After you add your SSH public key to your Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure account, redeploy all active environments on your account to install the key.

You can add SSH keys to your account using one of the following methods: Cloud CLI or Cloud Console.


Add your SSH key using the Cloud CLI

  1. On your local workstation, change to your project directory.

  2. Log in to your project:

    code language-bash
    magento-cloud login
  3. Add the public key.

    code language-bash
    magento-cloud ssh-key:add ~/.ssh/
note tip
You can list and delete SSH keys using the Cloud CLI commands ssh-key:list and ssh-key:delete.

Add your SSH key using the Cloud Console

To add an SSH key to a new project:

  1. Log in to the Cloud Console.

  2. Click No SSH key. This icon is to the right of the command field and is visible when the project does not contain an SSH key.

  3. Copy and paste the content of your public SSH key in the Public key field.

  4. Follow the remaining prompts.

To add an SSH key to your Cloud profile:

  1. Log in to the Cloud Console.

  2. In the upper-right account menu, click My Profile.

  3. In the SSH keys view, click Add public key.

  4. In the Add an SSH key form, give your key a Title, and paste the public SSH key in the Key field.

  5. Click Save.

Connect to a remote environment

You can connect to a remote environment using the magento-cloud CLI or an SSH command. The magento-cloud CLI commands can only be used in Starter and Pro integration environments.

Use the Cloud CLI

To log in to a remote integration environment:

  1. On your local workstation, change to your project directory.

  2. List the environments in that project.

    code language-bash
    magento-cloud environment:list -p <project-ID>
  3. Use SSH to log in to the remote environment.

    code language-bash
    magento-cloud ssh -p <project-ID> -e <environment-ID>

Use an SSH command

The Cloud Console includes a list of Web and SSH access commands for each environment.

To copy the SSH command:

  1. Log in to the Cloud Console.

  2. Select a project from the All projects list.

  3. Select an environment.

  4. Click SSH.

  5. In the SSH tab, click the copy button to copy the full SSH command to the clipboard.

  6. Open a terminal and paste the SSH command to create a connection.

    code language-bash
For Pro Staging and Production environments, the SSH command may look like:
code language-bash
ssh <node>.ent-<project-ID>-<environment>-<user-ID>@ssh.<region>


Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure supports accessing your environments using sFTP (secure FTP) with SSH authentication. Use a client that supports SSH key authentication for sFTP and use your public SSH key. Your public SSH key must be added to the target environment. For Starter environments and Pro integration environments, you can add it through the Cloud Console.

Read-only sFTP connections are not supported; sFTP access is provided with write permission by default.

When configuring sFTP, use the information from your SSH access environment command: <project-id>-<environment-id>--<app-name>@ssh<cloud-host>

  • Username: All content before the @ in your SSH access destination.
  • Password: You do not need a password for sFTP. sFTP access uses the SSH key authentication.
  • Host: All content after the @ in your SSH access.
  • Port: 22, which is the default SSH port.
  • SSH Private Key: If necessary, provide the location of your private key to the sFTP client. By default, private keys are stored in the ~/.ssh directory.

Depending on the client, additional options may be required to complete SSH authentication for sFTP. Review the documentation for your selected client.

For Starter environments and Pro integration environments, you may also want to consider adding a mount for access to a specific directory. You would add the mount to your file. For a list of writable directories, see Project structure. This mount point only works in those environments.

For Pro Staging and Production environments, if you do not have SSH access to the environment, you must submit an Adobe Commerce Support ticket to request sFTP access and a mount point for access to the specific folder, e.g., pub/media.

For Pro Staging and Production, if the sFTP connection is for a generic user that does not need to be added to the Cloud project, you must submit an Adobe Commerce Support ticket with their public key attached. Never provide your private SSH key.

SSH tunneling

You can use SSH tunneling to connect to a service from your local development environment as if the service were local. Before tunneling, configure your SSH.

Use a terminal application to log in and issue commands.

magento-cloud login

Verify if any tunnels are open using.

magento-cloud tunnel:list

To build a tunnel, you must know the application name. You can check application name using the CLI:

magento-cloud apps

Set up the SSH tunnel

magento-cloud tunnel:open -e <environment-ID> --app <app-name>

For example, to open a tunnel to the sprint5 branch in a project with an app named mymagento, enter

magento-cloud tunnel:open -e sprint5 --app mymagento

Sample response:

SSH tunnel opened on port 30004 to relationship: redis
SSH tunnel opened on port 30005 to relationship: database
Logs are written to: /home/magento_user/.magento/tunnels.log

List tunnels with: magento-cloud tunnels
View tunnel details with: magento-cloud tunnel:info
Close tunnels with: magento-cloud tunnel:close

To display information about your tunnel:

magento-cloud tunnel:info -e <environment-ID>

Connect to services

After establishing an SSH tunnel, you can connect to services as if running locally. For example, to connect to the database, use the following command:

mysql --host= --user='<database-username>' --pass='<user-password>' --database='<name>' --port='<port>'