Manage Amazon orders

You can view your Amazon order information, as received from Amazon, in the Recent Orders section of the store dashboard or on the Amazon orders page (also called the All Orders view).

How you manage your Amazon orders depends on whether the order import is enabled or disabled in your Order Settings.

With order import enabled

After store integration, the Import Amazon Orders setting is Enabled by default. With this setting, corresponding Commerce orders are created for your Amazon orders and can be managed in the Commerce Orders workflow.

Regardless of your order import settings, Amazon orders that existed in your Amazon Seller Central account before your store integration are not imported.

Imported Amazon orders are managed in the Commerce Orders workflow, just like your other Commerce stores. Click the Amazon order number in the Order Number column to open the order in the Commerce order process. See View Amazon Orders.

Order import process

When an order is placed on Amazon and order import is enabled, the following process begins.

An order is placed on Amazon.
  • Amazon sets the order status to Pending.
  • Order information is sent to Commerce.
  • Order is added to Amazon orders table with a Pending status.
Amazon changes the order status to Unshipped.
In Commerce orders workflow, the Commerce order is processed and the status changes to Shipped.

Order creation blockers

There are a few scenarios that prevent the creation of the corresponding Commerce order. Commerce orders are not created for orders that are received when any of the following issues occur.

The item does not exist in the Commerce catalog.
Create the product in your Commerce catalog and manually match it to the product.
The item in the catalog is disabled.
Make sure that the product status is enabled.
The ordered item is out of stock.
Update or configure the product options for quantity and source.

When orders cannot be imported, a system message similar to the following appears at the top of the screen:

Your Amazon store(s) has orders that cannot be imported into Commerce. See Recent Orders in the store dashboard(s): <store name>

When the issue is resolved, the Commerce order is created on the next sync.

With order import disabled

If you do not want to import and manage your Amazon orders in Commerce, you can change the Import Amazon Orders setting to Disabled. This setting means that when new orders are received from Amazon, corresponding Commerce orders are not created.

When disabled, order information received from Amazon appears in the Recent Orders section of the store dashboard and in the All Orders view. This order information is view-only, and you must manage these orders in Amazon Seller Central. To open the order details in Amazon Seller Central, click the Amazon order number in the Order Number column.

See also View Amazon Orders, View Amazon Order Details, and Common Order Processing Tasks.
