Content staging dashboard

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The Content Staging Dashboard provides an overview of all active and upcoming campaigns. The format of the dashboard can be changed from a grid to a timeline. You can also use filters to find campaigns, customize the column layout, and save different views of the grid. For more information about the workspace controls, see Admin workspace.

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Staging dashboard in grid view

View the staging dashboard

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Content Staging > Dashboard.

  2. To change the format of the dashboard, set the View As control to list, Grid, or Timeline.

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    Timeline view

    When the timeline is displayed, the slider in the lower-right corner can be used to adjust the view from one to four weeks. Each column represents one day.

  3. If the timeline is displayed, drag the slider to the 4w position on the far right to view a longer span of time.

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    Four-week view
  4. To display general information about the campaign, click any item on the page.

    • To open the campaign, click View/Edit.

    • To see how the campaign looks to customers in the store on that day, click Preview.

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    Campaign information

Staging dashboard column descriptions

Campaign’s status. Active or Upcoming.
Update Name
The name of the campaign.
Defines how many objects are included in the campaign.
Start Time
The date when the campaign starts.
End Time
The date when the campaign ends.
Additional description of each campaign.
The actions that can be applied to an individual record include:
View/Edit - Opens the campaign in edit mode.
Preview - Displays the campaign in preview mode.

Edit a Campaign

Existing campaign objects can be edited from the staging dashboard, except for price rule campaigns that do not have end dates.

If a campaign that includes a price rule is initially created without an end date, the campaign cannot be edited later to include an end date. In such a case, it is necessary to create a duplicate campaign and enter the end date that is needed.
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Campaign detail

The campaign in this example includes two categories and three individual products.

Follow the steps below to edit any of the objects in this campaign.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Content Staging > Dashboard.

  2. Find the campaign in the displayed list or timeline and open it to access the details:

    • For a list display, click Select and then View/Edit in the Action column.
    • For a timeline display, click once to display the summary and then click View/Edit.
  3. Update any of the settings in the General section as needed.

  4. Expand Expansion selector any section that contains an item to be edited.

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    Updating the assigned products for a campaign item
  5. Click Save.
