Field name
Indicator description
Indicator calculation formula
Total number of processed messages
Sum of messages with a status equal to "Ready", "Sent" or "Failed".
@prepared + @error + @success
User unknown
Count of all messages with a status equal to "Failed" and a reason equal to "User unknown".
Count(@status=2 and msg/@failureReason=1)
Count of all messages with a status equal to "Failed" and a reason equal to "Unreachable".
Count(@status=2 and msg/@failureReason=3)
Count of all messages with a status equal to "Failed" and a reason equal to "Rejected".
Count(@status=2 and msg/@failureReason=20)
Invalid domain
Count of all messages with a status equal to "Failed" and a reason equal to "Invalid domain".
Count(@status=2 and msg/@failureReason=2)
Account disabled
Count of all messages with a status equal to "Failed" and a reason equal to "Account disabled".
Count(@status=2 and msg/@failureReason=4)
Inbox full
Count of all messages with a status equal to "Failed" and a reason equal to "Inbox full".
Count(@status=2 and msg/@failureReason=5)
Number of failed messages for this type of error.
Count(@status=2 and msg/@failureReason="Value of the error type")
Percentage of errors of this type compared to the total number of error messages.
Percentage of errors of this type compared to the total number of processed messages.
The second part of the report details the breakdown of failed messages by internet domain as opposed to error type. The formula linked to the Error indicator (@value) in this case is: Count(@status=2 and @domain=“Value of the domain name”), i.e. a count of all messages with a failed status for this domain.
Field name
Indicator description
Indicator calculation formula
Number of messages to deliver
Total number of messages processed during the delivery analysis.
Number of successful deliveries
Number of messages processed successfully
Sum of all @totalClicks for which the URL category equals "email".
Sum of all @totalClicks for which the URL category equals "facebook".
Sum of all @totalClicks for which the URL category equals "twitter".
Sum of all @totalClicks for which the URL category equals "delicious".
Sum of all @totalClicks for which the URL category equals "digg".
Sum of all @totalClicks for which the URL category equals "google".
Sum of all @totalClicks for which the URL category equals "linkedin".
Field name
Indicator description
Indicator calculation formula
New contacts
Count of the number of visitors linked to a recipient.
Formula: count(@id)
Filter: @recipient-id != 0
Count of all @ids with a URL type equal to "Open".
count (Iif([url/@type] = 2, @id, 0))
URL category included in 'email' , 'facebook' , 'twitter' , 'delicious' , 'digg' , 'google' , 'linkedin'
Count of all @totalClicks with a URL category that equals "email", "facebook", "twitter", "delicious", "digg", "google" or "linkedin".
count (Iif([url/@category] IN (email' , 'facebook' , 'twitter' , 'delicious' , 'digg' , 'google' , 'linkedin'), @totalClicks, 0))
Field name
Indicator description
Indicator calculation formula
Count of registered people on the previous day.
sum(Iif(@created < addDays(getDate(), (-1)), 1, 0))
count of subscriptions (@action = 1) on the previous day.
sum(Iif(@action = 1 and @date > addDays(getDate(), (-1)), 1, 0))
count of unsubscriptions (action = 0) on the previous day.
sum(Iif(@action = 0 and @date > addDays(getDate(), (-1)), 1, 0))
Number of subscriptions minus the number of unsubscriptions. The rate is calculated in relation to the total number of subscribers.
Iif(number(@_subscription) > number(@_unsubscription), '+', '')+format(@_subscription - @_unsubscription, 'number', '# ##0')+ Iif(@_subscriber>0,' (' + format(100*percent(@_subscription - @_unsubscription, @_subscriber), 'number', '#,##0.00')+ '%)','')
Subscriber loyalty rate for the related period.
Field name
Indicator description
Indicator calculation formula
Messages to deliver
Count of the number of broadLogs after target analysis.
Count of messages for which the "seed address" field equals "No" and with a status equal to "Taken into account by the service provider" or "Sent" or "Received on the mobile".
Distinct opens on the population reached
Extrapolation of the number of distinct opens for all emails based on the number of distinct opens for emails in html format.
Iif(([@toDeliver] - [@text]) = 0, 0, round(toDouble(@recipientOpen) * [@toDeliver] / ([@toDeliver] - [@text]), 0))
Sum of opens on the population reached
Extrapolation of the total number of opens for all emails based on the total number of opens of emails in html format.
Iif(([@toDeliver] - [@text]) = 0, 0, round(toDouble(@totalRecipientOpen) * [@toDeliver] / ([@toDeliver] - [@text]), 0))
Clicks on the unsubscription link
Count of all @ids with a URL category equal to "Opt-out".
count(Iif([url/@type]=3, @id, 0))
Clicks on the link to the mirror page
Count of all @ids with a URL category equal to "Mirror page".
count(Iif([url/@type]=6, @id, 0))
Estimation of forwards
Difference between the number of distinct people and the number of distinct recipients who clicked in the email at least once.
@personClick - @recipientClick
Count of the messages for which the "seed address" field equals "No" and with a status equal to "taken into account by the recipient" or "Sent" or "Received on mobile".
Count of messages with a status equal to "Failed" and a reason equal to "address on denylist".
Count(@status=2 and msg/@failureReason=8)
Count of all @broadLog-ids in all tracking logs.
Countdistinct ([@broadLog-id])
Distinct count of @broadLog-ids with a URL type equal to "Email click".
Countdistinct(Iif([url/@type]=1, @broadLog-id, 0))
Raw reactivity
Percentage of the number of recipients who clicked in a delivery at least once compared to the number of recipients who opened a delivery at least once.
Distinct clicks on the population reached
Count of all @source-ids with a URL category equal to "Email click".
Countdistinct(Iif([url/@type]=1, @source-id, 0))
Cumulated clicks
Count of all @ids with a URL category that equals "Email click".
count(Iif([url/@type]=1, @id, 0))
Recipient clicks
Distinct count of the @broadLog-ids with a URL type that equals "Email click".
Countdistinct(Iif([url/@type]=1, @broadLog-id, 0))
Estimated reactivity
Ratio of the number of recipients who clicked in a delivery at least once compared to the estimate of recipients who opened the delivery at least once.
percent(@recipientClick, @estimatedRecipientOpen
Visited pages
Count of all @ids with a URL type equal to "Web" or "Transaction".
count(Iif([url/@type]=4 or [url/@type]=5, @id, 0))
Count of all @ids with a URL type equal to "Transaction".
count(Iif([url/@type]=5, @id, 0))
Total amount
Sum of webTrackingLog/@amounts with a URL type equal to "Transaction".
Sum(Iif([url/@type]=5, webTrackingLog/@amount, 0))
Average transaction amount
Ratio of the total amount compared to the number of transactions.
div(@amount, @transaction)
Sum of webTrackingLog/@articles with a URL type that equals "Transaction".
Sum(Iif([url/@type]=5, webTrackingLog/@article, 0))
Average number of items per transaction
Ratio of the number of items compared to the number of transactions.
div(@article, @transaction)
Average amount per message
Ratio of the total amount compared to the number of messages to deliver.
div(@amount, @toDeliver)
Sum of all @totalClicks with a URL category that equals "email".
Sum of all @totalClicks with a URL category that equals "facebook".
Sum of all @totalClicks with a URL category that equals "twitter".
Sum of all @totalClicks with a URL category that equals "delicious".
Sum of all @totalClicks with a URL category that equals "digg".
Sum of all @totalClicks with a URL category that equals "google".
Sum of all @totalClicks with a URL category that equals "linkedin".
This report shows the message content (HTML and/or text) with, on each link, the percentage of clicks on links. Personalization blocks unsubscription links and mirror page links are taken into account in the total cumulated clicks but are not displayed in the report.
Field name
Indicator description
Indicator calculation formula
Emails processed
Total number of messages with a status that equals "Ready", "Sent" or "Failed".
@prepared + @error + @success
Number of messages processed successfully.
Hard bounces
Total number of messages with a status that equals "Failed" and a reason that equals "User unknown".
Soft bounces
Total of all messages with a status that equals "Failed" and a reason that equals "unreachable", "inbox full", "invalid domain", "disabled account", "not connected" or "rejected"
@unreachable + @mailBoxFull + @invalidDomain + @disabled + @notConnected + @refused
Total number of @broadLog-ids in the tracking logs.
Countdistinct ([@broadLog-id])
Total number of @source-ids for which the URL category equals "Email click".
Countdistinct(Iif([url/@type]=1, @source-id, 0))
Total number of @ids for which the URL category equals "Opt-out".
count(Iif([url/@type]=3, @id, 0))
If you experience desynchronization or inconsistency for certain indicators, select the concerned delivery in the Adobe Campaign explorer, right-click and choose Action>Recompute delivery and tracking indicators. Click Next, then click Finish.
In order for Adobe Campaign to detect message opens, the recipient must download the images in the email. HTML and Multipart/Alternative emails include a 0 pixel image, which enable you to detect messages which have been opened. Since messages in text format do not include any images, it is impossible to detect whether they have been opened or not. Values calculated based on message opens are always estimates, due to the error margin linked to image display.
In some reports, Adobe Campaign differentiates targeted persons and targeted recipients.
Targeted recipients are all the recipients whom the delivery was sent to.
The number of persons includes targeted recipients plus all persons whom the email was forwarded to. Each time there is an open or a click in a new browser (which the message has not yet been opened in), another person is added to the statistics.
For instance, if you receive an email (sent by Adobe Campaign) at work and open or click in it, you will be counted as a targeted recipient (i.e. recipient=1, person=1). If you forward this email to two friends, the number of targeted recipients will still equal one, while the number of persons will equal three. Value 3 coincides with each open/click in a new browser.