Email delivery settings email-del-settings
Email delivery settings are technical delivery parameters that are defined in the email template. They can be overloaded for each delivery.
These settings are available from the Settings button available when editing an email delivery or an email delivery template.
Email delivery settings email-delivery-settings
Typology settings typology
Typologies are sets of typology rules that are executed during the preparation phase in order to easily apply multiple filtering rules to a delivery at once. They allow marketers to standardize business practices across all deliveries as they let them control, filter, and prioritize the sending of deliveries.
When associating a typology with a message or message template, the typology rules included in the typology are executed to check the delivery validity during message preparation. Profiles which match criteria within a typology rule are then excluded from the delivery audiences.
Typologies allow you to make sure your emails always contain certain elements (such as an unsubscription link or a subject line) or filtering rules to exclude groups from your intended target (like unsubscribers, competitors, or non-loyalty customers).
Pressure parameters pressure-parameters
In this section, pressure parameters let you define a threshold to set up fatigue management rules, which is the maximum number of messages that can be sent to one profile over a given period.
Once this threshold has been reached, no more deliveries can take place until the end of the period considered. This process lets you automatically exclude a profile from a delivery if a message exceeds the set threshold, thus avoiding over-solicitation.
Threshold values can be either constant or variable. This means that for a given period, thresholds can vary from one profile to another, or even for the same profile.
In the Weight type field, three options are available:
- Constant
- Depends on the recipient
- Defined in each rule
Use the Delivery weight field to define the delivery priority. Each delivery has a weight which represents its level of priority. By default, the weight of a delivery is set to 5. Pressure rules let you define the weight of the deliveries which they are applied to. Weights can be either set or calculated via a formula to suit recipients. For example, you can define the weight of a delivery based on recipient interests.
Use the Delivery mode field to select the target evaluation mode. Three modes are available:
- Target estimation and message personalization
- Estimation and approval of the provisional target
- Target evaluation
Capacity settings capacity-settings
In this section, you can select a capacity rule defined in the Adobe Campaign v8 console. This rule is associated to the email channel.
The Importance of the recipient field is a formula used to determine which recipients are kept when the capacity typology rules are exceeded.
Audience settings audience
In this section, you can select a target mapping among those available. Target mappings are defined in the Adobe Campaign v8 console. The target mapping is the type of data that an operation is handling. It lets you define the targeted population: recipients, contract beneficiaries, operators, subscribers, etc.
Learn more about target mappings in this section.
In the Exclusion field, you can select to exclude recipients who no longer want to be contacted or who are quarantined. Learn more
Delivery delivery
Delivery parameters are technical settings which apply to your delivery.
The integrated email Routing external account is provided by default. It contains the technical parameters that allow the application to send emails.
You can define the Sending settings below.
Delivery priority: Use this option to change the sending order for your deliveries by setting their priority level: normal, high or low.
Message batch quantity: Use this option to define the number of messages grouped within the same XML delivery package. If the parameter is set to 0, the messages are automatically grouped. The package size is defined by the calculation
<delivery size>/1024
, with a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 256 messages by package.note important IMPORTANT When the delivery is created by duplicating an existing one, this parameter is reset. -
Test SMTP delivery: This option is used to test sending via SMTP. The delivery is processed up to connection to the SMTP server, but is not sent: for every recipient of the delivery, Campaign connects to the SMTP provider server, executes the SMTP RCPT TO command, and closes the connection before the SMTP DATA command.
Email BCC: This option is used to store emails on an external system through BCC by simply adding a BCC email address to your message target. Learn more in Campaign v8 (client console) documentation.
In the Wave definition section, select the Send using multiple waves option to progressively increase the volume sent using waves. This will avoid your messages being marked as spam or when you want to restrict the number of messages per day. Using waves you can divide deliveries into several batches instead of sending high volumes of messages at the same time. Learn more
You can also change the Mail formats of the email messages sent as detailed below.
Use recipient preferences (default mode)
The message format is defined according to the data stored in the recipient profile. If a recipient wishes to receive messages in a certain format, this is the format sent. If the field is not filled in, a multipart-alternative message is sent (see below).
Let recipient mail client choose the most appropriate format
The message contains both formats: text and HTML. The format displayed on reception depends on the configuration of the recipient’s mail software (multipart-alternative).
note important IMPORTANT This option includes both versions of the document. It therefore impacts the delivery rate, because the message size is greater. -
Send all messages in text format
The message is sent in text format. HTML format will not be sent, but used for the mirror page only when the recipient clicks the message.
Web Analytics web-analytics
In this section, you can select a web analytics account. This account is configured in the Campaign client console.
You can also define the tags shared with the analytics tool you are using.
Retries retries
Temporarily undelivered messages due to a Soft or Ignored error are subject to an automatic retry. By default, five retries are scheduled for the first day of the delivery with a minimum interval of one hour spread out over the 24 hours of the day.
Approval approval
If warnings are generated during the delivery preparation, you can configure the delivery to define whether or not it should still be executed. By default, the user must confirm the sending of messages at the end of the analysis phase: this is manual validation.
You can select another approval mode in the appropriate field. Available modes are:
Manual: At the end of the analysis phase, the user must confirm delivery to start sending.
Semi-Automatic: Sending begins automatically if the analysis phase generates no warning messages.
Automatic: Sending begins automatically at the end of the analysis phase, irrespective of its result.
Validity validity
Validity period validity-period
The Delivery duration field lets you enter the limit for global delivery retries. This means that Adobe Campaign sends the messages beginning on the start date, and then, for messages returning an error only, regular, configurable retries are performed until the validity limit is reached.
You can also choose to specify dates. To do this, select Explicitly set validity dates. In this case, the delivery and validity limit dates also let you specify the time. The current time is used by default, but you can modify this directly in the input field.
Resources validity limit is used for uploaded resources, mainly for the mirror page and images. The resources on this page are valid for a limited time (to save disk space). After this limit, these resources are no longer available.
Learn more about delivery validity period in Campaign v8 (client console) documentation.
Mirror page management mirror
The mirror page is an HTML page accessible online via a web browser. Its content is identical to the email. By default, the mirror page is generated if the link is inserted in the content of the mail.
In addition to the default mode, the following options are also available:
- Force the generation of the mirror page: Use this mode to generate the mirror page even if no link to the mirror page is inserted in the delivery.
- Do not generate the mirror page: Use this mode to avoid generating a mirror page, even if the link is present in the delivery.
- Generates a mirror page accessible using only the message identifier: When the mirror page link is not present in the email content, use this option to enable access the content of the mirror page, in the delivery log window, from the client console.
Tracking tracking
Tracking parameters are defined in the related section. Possible options are:
Tracking validity limit: Use this option to change the duration for which the tracking is activated on the URLs.
Substitution URL for expired URLs: Use this option to enter a URL to a fallback web page: it is displayed once the tracking has expired.
Proof settings test-setttings
You can set the exclusion parameters in this section. Available options are:
Keep doubles lets you authorize multiple deliveries to recipients who satisfy several targeting criteria.
Keep denylisted addresses lets you keep from the target any profiles no longer being targeted by the delivery, such as after an unsubscription (opt-out).
Keep quarantined addresses lets you keep from the target any profiles with an address that does not respond.
You can also customize the lable of the proofs:
Use the Keep the delivery code for the proof to associate to the proof the same delivery code as the one defined for the delivery to which it relates.
By default, the subject of the proof is prefixed by ‘PROOF #’, where # is the number of the proof. You can change this prefix in the Label prefix field.