Applies to Campaign Classic v7
Also applies to Campaign v8

Use case: select seed addresses on criteria use-case-selecting-seed-addresses-on-criteria

In the framework of a delivery or a campaign, the Edit the dynamic condition… link lets you choose seed addresses based on specific selection criteria.

In this use case, the site My online library would like to personalize its newsletters according to its clients’ literary tastes.

In conjunction with the purchasing department, the user in charge of deliveries has created a newsletter for subscribers that have purchased police novels.

To share the final result of their collaboration with them, the delivery manager decides to add their colleagues from the purchasing department to the delivery as seed addresses. Using a dynamic condition lets you save time on configuring and updating addresses.

To use the dynamic condition, you must have:

  • a delivery ready to be sent,
  • seed addresses that have a common value. This value can be a field that already exists in Adobe Campaign. In this example, the seed addresses share the “Purchasing” value in the “Department” field, which is not present in the application by default.

Step 1 - Create a delivery step-1---creating-a-delivery

The steps for creating a delivery are detailed in the Create an email delivery section.

In this example, the delivery manager has created the newsletter and selected the recipients.

Step 2 - Create a common value step-2---creating-a-common-value

To create a common value like the one in our example (Purchasing department), you must first extend the data schema of your seed addresses and edit the associated input form.

Extend the data schema extending-the-data-schema

For further details on schema extensions, refer to this section.

  1. In the Administration > Configuration > Data schemas node, click the New icon.

  2. In the Creation of a data schema window, select the Extension of a schema option and click Next.

  3. Select the Seed addresses source schema, enter doc as the Namespace and click Ok.

  4. Click Save.

  5. In the schema editing window, copy the lines below and paste them in the area indicated in the screenshot.

    code language-none
      <element name="common">
        <element label="Recipient" name="custom_nms_recipient">
          <attribute label="Department" length="80" name="workField" template="nms:recipient:recipient/@company"
                     type="string" userEnum="workField"/>

    Then copy the following lines and paste them under the Seed to insert in the export files element.

    code language-none
        <element aggregate="doc:seedMember:common">

    In this case, you are specifying that a new enumeration named Department has been created in the seed address table, and it is based on the standard @company enumeration template (labeled under the name Company in the seed address form).

  6. Click Save.

  7. In the Tools > Advanced menu, select the Update database structure option.

  8. When the update wizard is displayed, click the Next button to access the Edit tables window: changes carried out in the seed address data schema require a structure update.

  9. Follow the wizard until you come to the page to run the update. Click the Start button.

    Once the update has finished, you can close the wizard.

  10. Disconnect then reconnect to Adobe Campaign. The changes made in the seed address data schema are now effective. In order for them to be visible from the seed address screen, you must update the associated Input form. Refer to the Update the input form section.

Extend the data schema from a linked table extending-the-data-schema-from-a-linked-table

The seed addresses data schema can use values from a table linked to the recipient data schema - Recipient (nms).

For example, the user would like to integrate the Internet Extension found in the Country table that is linked to the recipients schema.

They therefore must extend the seed addresses data schema as detailed in the section. However, the lines of code to integrate at step 4 are as follows:

<element name="country">
      <attribute label="Internet Extension" length="2" name="iana" type="string"/>
      <attribute label="Country ISO" length="2" name="countryIsoA2" type="string"/>

They indicate:

  • that the user wants to create a new element named Internet Extension,
  • that this element comes from the Country table.
In the linked table name, you must specify the xpath-dst of said linked table.
This can be found in the Country element in the recipients table.

The user can then follow from step 5 of the section, and update the Input form of the seed addresses.

Refer to the Update the input form section.

Update the input form updating-the-input-form

  1. In the Administration > Configuration > Input forms node, find the seed addresses input form.

  2. Edit the form and insert the following line in the Recipient container.

    code language-none
    <input xpath="@workField"/>

  3. Save your changes.

  4. Open a seed address. The Department field appears in the Recipient table.

  5. Edit the seed addresses that you want to use for the delivery and enter Purchasing as the value in the Department field.

Step 3 - Define the condition step-3---defining-the-condition

You can now specify the dynamic condition of the seed addresses for the delivery. To do this:

  1. Open a delivery.

  2. Click the To link then the Seed addresses tab to access the Edit the dynamic condition… link.

  3. Select the expression that lets you choose the seed addresses you want. Here the user selects the Department (@workField) expression.

  4. Select the value you would like. In this example the user selects the Purchasing department from the drop-down list of values.

    note note
    The schema extension created earlier comes from the recipient schema. The values displayed on the screen above come from an enumeration of the recipient schema.
  5. Click Ok.

    The query is displayed in the Select target window.

  6. Click Ok to approve the query.

  7. Analyze your delivery then click on the Delivery tab to access the delivery logs.

    The seed addresses of the purchasing department are displayed as pending delivery, just like those of the recipients or other seed addresses.

  8. Click the Send button to start the delivery.

    The members of the purchasing department make up part of your seed addresses that will receive the delivery in their email inbox.
