Upgrading to a new build (on-premise) upgrading
Before starting the upgrading process, determine and confirm which version of Adobe Campaign is to being upgraded to and consult the Release Notes .
- Adobe strongly recommends making a database backup on each instance before updating. For more information, refer to this section.
- To perform an upgrade, make sure you have the ability and permissions to access instances and logs.
- Read out this section and the build upgrade chapter before starting.
Windows in-windows
On a Windows environment, follow the steps below to update Adobe Campaign to a new build:
To find out how to update the client console, refer to this section.
Shut down services shut-down-services
In order to replace all files with the new version, you need to shut down all instances of the nlserver service.
Shut down the following services:
Web services (IIS):
iisreset /stop
Adobe Campaign service: net stop nlserver6
note important IMPORTANT You also need to make sure the redirection server (webmdl) is stopped, so that the nlsrvmod.dll file used by IIS can be replaced with the new version. -
Check that no tasks are active by running the nlserver pdump command. The following should come up:
code language-none C:<installation path>Adobe Campaign v7bin>nlserver pdump HH:MM:SS > Application Server for Adobe Campaign Classic (7.X YY.R build XXX@SHA1) of DD/MM/YYYY No tasks
You can use the Windows Task Manager to make sure all processes are stopped.
Upgrade the Adobe Campaign server application upgrade-the-adobe-campaign-server-application
To run the upgrade file, apply the following steps:
Run setup.exe.
To download this file, connect to the Software distribution portal using your user credentials. Learn more about Software distribution in this page.
Select the installation mode: choose Update or repair
Click Next .
Click Finish .
The installation program then copies the new files.
Once the operation is complete, click Finish .
Synchronize resources synchronize-resources
Use the following command line:
nlserver config -postupgrade -allinstances
This will enable you to carry out the following operations:
- Synchronize resources
- Update schemas
- update the database
Then check whether the synchronization has generated errors or warnings. For more on this, refer to Resolving upgrade conflicts.
Restart services restart-services
The services to be restarted are:
Web services (IIS):
iisreset /start
Adobe Campaign service: net start nlserver6
Linux in-linux
On a Linux environment, follow the steps below to update Adobe Campaign to a new build:
Learn more about Client Console availability.
Obtain updated packages obtain-updated-packages
Start by recovering both updated packages of Adobe Campaign: connect to the Software distribution portal using your user credentials. Learn more about Software distribution in this page.
The file is nlserver6-v7-XXX.rpm
Perform an update perform-an-update
RPM based distribution (RedHat, SuSe)
To install them, execute as root:
code language-none $rpm -Uvh nlserver6-v7-XXXX.rpm
Where XXX is the version of the file.
The rpm file has dependencies on packages that you can find on CentOS/Red Hat distributions. If you don’t want to use some of these dependencies, you may have to use the “nodeps” option of rpm:
code language-none rpm --nodeps -Uvh nlserver6-v7-XXXX-0.x86_64.rpm
DEB based distribution (Debian)
To install them, execute as root:
code language-none dpkg -i nlserver6-v7-XXXX-amd64_debX.deb
Reboot the web server reboot-the-web-server
You must shut down Apache for the new library to become applicable.
To do this, execute the following command:
/etc/init.d/apache stop
Your script might be called httpd instead of apache.
You MUST execute this command until you obtain the following reply:
This operation is required in order for Apache to apply the new library.
Then restart Apache:
/etc/init.d/apache start
Resolve upgrade conflicts resolving-upgrade-conflicts
During resource synchronization, the postupgrade command enables you to detect whether synchronization has generated errors or warnings.
View the synchronization result view-the-synchronization-result
There are two ways of viewing the synchronization result:
In the command-line interface, errors are materialized by a triple chevron >>> and synchronization is stopped automatically. Warnings are materialized by a double chevron >> and must be resolved once synchronization is complete. At the end of the postupgrade, a summary is displayed in the command prompt. It can look like this:
code language-none 2013-04-09 07:48:39.749Z 00002E7A 1 info log =========Summary of the update========== 2013-04-09 07:48:39.749Z 00002E7A 1 info log <instance name> instance, 6 warning(s) and 0 error(s) during the update. 2013-04-09 07:48:39.749Z 00002E7A 1 warning log The document with identifier 'mobileAppDeliveryFeedback' and type 'xtk:report' is in conflict with the new version. 2013-04-09 07:48:39.749Z 00002E7A 1 warning log The document with identifier 'opensByUserAgent' and type 'xtk:report' is in conflict with the new version. 2013-04-09 07:48:39.750Z 00002E7A 1 warning log The document with identifier 'deliveryValidation' and type 'nms:webApp' is in conflict with the new version. 2013-04-09 07:48:39.750Z 00002E7A 1 warning log Document of identifier 'nms:includeView' and type 'xtk:srcSchema' updated in the database and found in the file system. You will have to merge the two versions manually.
If the warning concerns a conflict of resources, user attention is required to resolve it.
The postupgrade_
<server version number>_<time of postupgrade>
.log log file contains the synchronization result. It is available by default in the following directory:<installation directory>/var/<instance/postupgrade
. Errors and warnings are indicated by the error and warning attributes.
Resolve conflicts resolving-conflicts
To resolve conflicts, apply the following process:
- In the Adobe Campaign tree, go to Administration > Configuration > Package management > Edit conflicts .
- Select the conflict you want to resolve in the list.
There are three ways to resolve a conflict:
Declare as resolved : requires user intervention beforehand.
Accept the new version : recommended if the resources provided with Adobe Campaign have not been changed by the user.
Keep the current version : means that the update is rejected.
note important IMPORTANT If you select this resolution mode, you may not benefit from corrections in the new version.
If you chose to resolve the conflict manually, proceed as follows:
In the lower section of the window, search for the conflict string to locate the entities with conflicts. The entity installed with the new version contains the new argument, the entity that matches the previous version contains the cus argument.
Delete the version you don’t want to keep. Delete the conflict_argument string of the entity you are keeping.
Go to the conflict you have resolved. Click the Actions icon and select Declare as resolved .
Save your changes: the conflict is now resolved.
Best practices best-practices
An update failure may be linked to the database configuration. Make sure the configurations carried out by the technical administrator and the database administrator are compatible.
For example, a unicode database must not only authorize storage of LATIN1 data, etc.
Warn the client consoles of the available update warn-the-client-consoles-of-the-available-update
Windows in-windows-1
On the machine where the Adobe Campaign application server is installed (nlserver web), download and copy the file setup-client-6.XXXX.exe i n [path of the application]/datakit/nl/eng/jsp.
The next time client consoles are connected, a window will inform users about the availability of an update and offer them the possibility of downloading and installing it.
Linux in-linux-1
On the machine where the Adobe Campaign application server (nlserver web) is installed, retrieve the setup-client-6.XXXX.exe package and copy it, saving as /usr/local/neolane/nl6/datakit/nl/eng/jsp:
cp setup-client-6.XXXX.exe /usr/local/neolane/nl6/datakit/nl/eng/jsp
The next time client consoles are connected, a window will inform users about the availability of an update and offer them the possibility of downloading and installing it.