Applies to Campaign Classic v7 only
on-premise & hybrid
Applies to on-premise and hybrid deployments only

Usual commands usual-commands

This section lists the usual commands in Adobe Campaign.

The command nlserver is the input command for the whole Adobe Campaign application.

This command has the following syntax: nlserver <command> <arguments>

The parameter <command> corresponds to the module.

  • In any case, you can add the -noconsole argument to delete comments displayed once the modules are started.
  • Conversely, you can add the argument -verbose to display more information.

Monitoring commands monitoring-commands-

To list all modules, you need to use the nlserver pdump command.

You can add the parameter -who to list the connections in progress (database and application).

nlserver pdump -who
HH:MM:SS > Application server for Adobe Campaign Classic (7.X YY.R build XXX@SHA1) of DD/MM/YYYY
web@default (9984) - 50.1 Mo
watchdog (2273) - 6.6 Mo
syslogd@default (9931) - 7.0 Mo
trackinglogd@default (9985) - 45.6 Mo
mta@test (9986) - 9.6 Mo
wfserver@test (9987) - 8.8 Mo

Connections ------------------------------------------------------
Last Access IP Instance Login
DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS default formation_fr|tracking
DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS default internal|monitoring

Connection pool --------------------------------------------------
Datasource Server Provider Login
default xxxxx myserver myprovider test400

Another useful command is nlserver monitor. It lists the monitoring XML file (obtained in the Adobe Campaign client or via the monitor.jsp web page).

You can add the parameter -missing to list the absent modules (error in modules, modules shut down, etc.)

nlserver monitor -missing
HH:MM:SS > Application server for Adobe Campaign Classic (7.X YY.R build XXX@SHA1) of DD/MM/YYYY

This corresponds to the modules with automatic startup but which have not been launched.

Module launch commands module-launch-commands

The syntax to launch modules will still have the following format:

nlserver start <module>@<INSTANCE>
nlserver stop <module>@<INSTANCE>
<instance> corresponds to the name of the instance as entered in the configuration files, or default for mono-instance modules.

Shut down services shut-down-services

To stop Adobe Campaign services, use one of the following commands:

  • If you have root or administrator access:

    • In Linux:

      code language-none
      /etc/init.d/nlserver6 stop
      note note
      Starting 20.1, we recommend using the following command instead (for Linux): systemctl stop nlserver
    • In Windows:

      code language-none
      net stop nlserver6
  • If not, then in the Adobe Campaign account:

    code language-none
    nlserver shutdown

Restart services restart-services

Similarly, in order to restart Adobe Campaign you can use one of the following commands:

  • If you have root or administrator access:

    • In Linux: /etc/init.d/nlserver6 start

      note note
      Starting 20.1, we recommend using the following command instead (for Linux): systemctl start nlserver
    • In Windows: net start nlserver6

  • Otherwise, in the Adobe Campaign account: nlserver watchdog -svc -noconsole

The config command the-config-command

The config command lets you manage server configuration, including the reconfiguration of the database connection.

Use the config command of the nlserver executable file with the -setdblogin parameter.

nlserver config -setdblogin:<[dbms:]account[:database][/password]@server>
nlserver config -setdblogin:PostgreSQL:<accountName>:test6@dbserver

Enter the password.

To change the internal password: nlserver config -internalpassword

To log on with the Internal identifier, you need to have defined a password beforehand. For more on this, refer to this section.
  • In general, instead of modifying the configuration files by hand, you can use the config command

  • To get the list of parameters, use the -? parameter: nlserver config -?

  • In the case of an Oracle database, you must not specify the account. The syntax will be as follows:

    nlserver config -setdblogintest6@dbserver
