Generating a descriptive analysis report
Learn how to generate a descriptive analysis report from a workflow.
In this module, you’ll learn how to generate a descriptive analysis report. Descriptive analysis is a tool in campaign classic for creating ad hoc reports and exploring your data in a table or chart such as a bar chart or a pie chart. The descriptive analysis tool allows you to perform qualitative or quantitative analysis on the data and campaign. You can generate a report that encompasses data from the entire platform, or you can generate a report on a selection of data. The tool is designed to focus on analyzing target populations and should only be used to analyze small volumes of data. The use cases for the descriptive analysis tool can be simple, like analyzing the age distribution or geographic distribution of the target population of your campaign. However, the use cases can be also complex, like doing a complete RFM analysis on all your profiles to quantitatively identify high value customers, examining how recently they purchased, how often they’ve purchased and how much they spend. The descriptive analysis tool is available in different contexts throughout the client console. In the main tools menu, you can generate your platform wide reports. You can also invoke the tool on the targeting results within a workflow as you’re designing your campaign. The tool is also available when you’ve selected multiple deliveries or multiple profiles, allowing you to generate a report on that selection of deliveries or profiles. When you create a descriptive analysis report, you should first determine if you want to look at qualitative or quantitative data, and then determine which attributes you’d like to analyze. Qualitative analysis is used for non-numerical values, such as email domain, age, and location. For example, you may want to analyze the target population for an upcoming delivery and determine the distribution of the profiles across various age groups or geographic location. Quantitative analysis is regenerating overall statistics on numerical data, such as data related to sales transactions. For example, the total amounts spent on each product or the total number of units sold for each product, in order to determine the top selling products.
Once you’ve generated a report, you can print or save it, or even export it as an Excel spreadsheet, a PDF or an open document format. In this exercise, we’re going to use the workflow called apparel sale for men. As I show you how to use the descriptive analysis tool to analyze the target population of a workflow. Right click on the transition coming out of the exclusion and select analyze target.
We’re building a qualitative report. So, keep the default template of quality distribution and uncheck the chart option. We’re only going to build a table. Click next.
In this table, we want to see a breakdown of the target by age and by state. In the column on the left, click add.
In the expression field click edit expression.
Expand the location.
And double click on state, state province. You can tab to come out of that. Notice that the label is filled in by default with the attributes label. We’re going to keep the binning set to auto and the default of 10. So, this means that only the top 10 States will be included in the table.
Click okay and then in the right column, go ahead and click add. Now we’re going to add the age. So, click edit expression and double click age.
Again, just tab out of that field. We’re going to keep auto as the binning option, but this time we’re going to break that down to six. So, this means that the population will be grouped across six different age categories in the table. And the age categories will be auto-generated. Go ahead and click okay.
And next.
We’re going to keep the count as the statistics to display in the table. We want to see a count of profiles in each state and then also in each age category, click next.
The report is now generated and displayed in this table. We can see the breakdown for each state in this column here and then across, we have all the different age categories. So, notice that we’re getting 10 states in this column here, and then we’re getting six age groupings across the table.
If you wanted to export, there’s the options are here. You can also save here or print. If you save, you can then reuse it as your template if you were to create another report of the same type. As mentioned earlier, the descriptive analysis tool’s available in different contexts within the client console. So, go ahead and click close. And let’s show you that. In the tools menu, you can launch it by selecting descriptive analysis. And this would generate a report of the whole database. Cancel that, it’s also available when you have a selection of recipients. So, go to the Explorer view and go to profiles and targets and just select the recipient folder.
You can select more than one recipient really, or you can do just Control + A to select all. And then what you can do is right click and go down to actions and then click explore. So, this launches the tool as well. So, this will be a report on all the profiles or the recipients that you selected.
Click cancel, we can do the same for deliveries. So, under campaign management, go to deliveries.
And then I don’t have very many, you may have more in your instance. So just multi-select a bunch of deliveries. I just want to show you how to launch it. So then you would right click on your selection and here you would click actions and explore the target to launch that tool. As you can see the terms used to launch the descriptive analysis tool, they differ depending on where you launch it from, which is why I wanted to point them out to you. Go ahead and click cancel. And this completes the exercise on generating a descriptive analysis report. -