Create and manage profiles

Understand the concept of profiles in Adobe Campaign Classic. Learn how to access profile data, sort and filter profiles and manually create and manage profiles.

This video also explains the compliance of Adobe Campaign Classic with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

In this module, you’ll learn to describe profiles, explain how to access profile data, sort and filter profiles, create and manage profiles, and explain the General Data Protection Regulation and the California Consumer Privacy Act compliance of Adobe Campaign Classic. Profiles are contacts stored in the Campaign Classic database. They include customers, subscribers, and prospective customers as well. Profiles are the audience available to marketers to segment and target through email, SMS, or other channels in Campaign.
Profiles contain all the information a marketer requires to target or qualify customers, and also allows marketers to track their behavior. In Campaign Classic profiles are also referred to as recipients, which is a legacy term in the product. You’ll notice the terms profile and recipient are used interchangeably. However, the preferred term going forward is profile. All the profile data is maintained in the Adobe Campaign database. There is a main recipient table that stores the profile attributes such as the profiles first name, last name, email address, and birthdate, and each profile stored in Campaign equates to a record in the Recipient table. Other tables linked to the Recipient table also contain profile related data. For example, there is a delivery logs table that contains records of all deliveries sent to recipients. All this profile data, whether directly in the Recipient table or in linked tables can be used for targeting purposes. The Campaign database provides a default data structure, but it can also be extended to include custom attributes required to meet business needs. To populate the Campaign database with profile data, there are a few methods available. You can import data files from an external data source, such as a CRM system. You can also create web forms that allow customers to enter their own information and create their own profile. Campaign also provides functionality that allows you to map to an external database. You can also simply create profiles directly within the Campaign Client console, which would be a method used more for testing and development purposes.
Any information we have in the data mart, including custom and standard attributes can be used to determine the Campaign target population. We do this by applying filters to the Recipient table on attributes such as gender, age, and location, or even delivery history. If you store custom data in Campaign, like sales data, you can also filter customers based on their spending habits. For example, you may want to target all the customers that bought a particular product during a given time period to offer them a discount on an accessory item.
In Campaign, the filtering can be built using multiple criteria, and you can also save filters to be reused in future campaigns.
I will now show you how to create and manage profiles in Campaign Classic.
From the home view, click on Profiles and targets. Select Recipients if it’s not already selected. In the list on the right, all the profiles are displayed and you can see in which folder the profile can be found. We can see here that these profiles, for example, are in the Recipients folder under Profiles and Targets.
Let’s add a filter at the folder level. At the top of the list, click on the folder icon and select Profiles and targets.
Now click this arrow here and select Recipients.
Click the arrow again, and let’s go ahead and select France.
So now we’re seeing all the profiles that are in the folder France under Recipients in Profiles and Targets. You can go ahead and remove that filter by just clicking the X.
You can also filter using the search field in the top right corner. It will search both the first name and the last name, but it will also search the email address for the word Chantal. Now click on any of these profiles. And this opens the record in the details view. Now let’s do the same from the Explorer view. Go to Profiles and targets. You can expand that by clicking the plus. Then Recipients, and then France.
So now we’re in that same folder and we can see all of our recipients. In this view, you can also do search. By default, last name and email are displayed. So, let’s start with the email address. Hit Enter.
So now we’re seeing all the records where the email starts with Chantal.
You can clear the search criteria using this little X here on the right. You can also add search filters on other fields as well. In the details view, in the First name field, right click in that field. This will bring up the context menu, and then there’s an option to filter on this field. So, go ahead and select that.
Up at the top, notice that now we have a first name field that we can search on. The operator is defaulted to starts with. So, let’s try that again. And we’ll just use my name again. So, Chantal, and hit Enter. So now we’re seeing all of the profiles that have a first name equal to Chantal.
Again, to clear your search filter, click on the X on the right side.
Another way to just quickly search your profiles is to sort on the columns. So when you click on the header of any column, it will alternate between ascending, descending, and then back to a default sort order. So, let’s try the email here, for example. It’s in the default setting now Because nothing is, that little triangle is empty. Click on it once. And we see that it’s now in ascending order. Click it one more time. It’s now in descending order. So here it’s showing you all the empty ones first and then it’ll get to the rest. And then if I click it again, it’s using that default filtering.
You can also add additional columns as well. So right-click in the list view and click Configure list.
Let’s add the age. So, double-click on Age and then click OK.
And then we can see the age displayed. We could also, as I mentioned, sort, so then we’re sorting by age.
Let’s look at the details view for a profile.
So, double-click any of these profiles, just so we can bring it up in a full screen.
In the General tab, which is selected by default, we can see we have the first name and last name, their account information, their status, or whether they’re a prospect or a client, birth, date of birth is there. This is where the general information is held. And then we have a Contact information tab that captures all the location information like their postal address. Then there is a List tab, which will display all the lists that this particular profile is assigned to. Subscriptions would be any services that the profile has subscribed to as well. And then we have Deliveries. This will provide a list of all deliveries in which the profile was targeted. And then Tracking would provide you with all of the clicks and opens that a profile triggered. So if they’ve received an email and they clicked in it or they’ve opened it, then that would be displayed in this list here.
Now we’re going to create our own profile record. So in the explorer view, just go back to the Profiles and Targets Recipients folder, but this time select the Training folder.
And in here, you’re going to create your own profile. So, click on the new icon up at the top right.
We just want to have some data in here. And as I like to do, I just pick a random birthdate.
So now go ahead and click Save.
So, the profile data is saved and you can now see the record in this list view. Go ahead and click Refresh.
And then we can see that it’s actually been refreshed. There is a little icon here that shows up. Now we’re going to edit an existing profile. So typically, we could go in and edit different profiles. We’re going to just edit our own since we only put information on the General tab. So, to do that, again, you could just double-click your recipient. You can do it in that other window as well, but let’s do this so we can see the full view and then go to the contact information, and let’s add an address. So, in the Address 3, I’m just going to do, again, a fictitious one. So, 123 Main Street. And then what we want to do is select the country first. So, I’m in Canada. So, I’m going to go ahead and search for Canada and then double-click. Then we’re going to click on the state.
So, in Canada, we’re going to click Quebec.
And then in your city, you can then enter, so mine is called Gatineau. If I click Enter. Now, if this city already exists in Campaign, you will not get this prompt. If you are creating a new city, Campaign will actually add this to the list of available cities. So, I do want to create this value.
And then enter your postal code.
Go ahead and click the Subscriptions tab.
And you can add someone to a service. So, go ahead and click Add. And we’re just going to subscribe your profile to the newsletter service. So, go ahead and double-click. And now you are subscribed to that service. Go ahead and click Save, and we can go back. Let’s close this and go back to our list. We do a quick refresh and we can then go back and see that our data was updated.
Before we complete this module, there’s one last thing that’s important for you to know about managing profiles in Campaign Classic and it relates to privacy management. Adobe Campaign offers a set of tools to help compliance with privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation and the California Consumer Privacy Act. GDPR is the European Union’s privacy law that defines data protection requirements, and it applies to Adobe Campaign customers who hold data for data subjects residing in the European Union. CCPA provides California residents rights regarding their personal information and imposes data protection responsibilities on certain entities who conduct business in California. Campaign Classic allows data controllers to create and process privacy requests such as access requests and delete requests for data stored in Adobe Campaign. And it supports opt-outs for the sale of personal information.
It’s important to note that it’s the data controller’s responsibility to handle the relationship with the data subject. The data controller must confirm the identity of the data subject, making the request and confirm the data returned to the requester is about the data subject. Campaign also offers additional functionality to further support privacy management, such as consent management, data retention, and rights management. -