Segment Builder

Describes the required and optional steps that create a segment in Segment Builder.

Video Demonstration

Start by watching the Create Segments in Audience Manager video. The video walks you through the segment creation process. Read the sections below for more information.

Create a Segment

Segment Builder Section

Segment Builder consists of 3 separate sections: Basic Information, Traits, and Destinations Mapping. To create a segment, complete the required fields in the Basic Information and Traits sections. Destinations Mapping settings are optional. See the instructions below for additional help.

  1. In the Basic Information section:


    • Name the segment. The maximum length of a segment name is 255 characters.
    • Set the segment status (active is default).
    • Choose a data source. Use the first drop-down menu to filter between Audience Manager data sources, Adobe Analytics report suites, or both. Then, use the second drop-down menu to choose your data source. If you are not using Adobe Analytics report suites, the data source type selector is disabled and defaulted to Audience Manager data sources only.
    • Select a profile merge rule to use for segment qualification.
    • Assign the segment to a storage folder.
  2. In the Traits section:

    • Search for the trait you want to add to a segment and click Add Trait. Add another trait to create a trait group.
    • Bring up the Advanced Search modal by clicking Browse All Traits. Search for traits by name, ID, description or data source. Click on a folder while searching to limit results to that folder and its subfolders. You can also filter traits by trait type (Folder Trait, Rule-based, Onboarded, and Algorithmic) or population type (Device ID and Cross-Device ID).
    • Get live trait recommendations as you build your segment.
    • Click and drag traits to create separate groups.
    • Hover between groups to set relationships with Boolean AND, OR, AND NOT values.
    • Hover over the clock icon to add recency and frequency rules to the trait.
    • View segment population data as you add or remove traits. Click Calculate Estimates to see (or refresh) the estimated population numbers. Read more about segment population data in the Segment Builder.
    • Click Save when done.
  3. (Optional) Map a segment to a destination in the Destination Mapping section:

    • Search for the destination and click Add Destination. Note, the destination must already exist before you can add it to a segment.
    • Click Save when done.

Watch the video below for a detailed look at how cross-device metrics work.

Segment Builder Controls: Basic Information Section

In Segment Builder, the Basic Information settings let you create new, or edit existing traits. To create a new segment, provide a name, a data source, and select a storage folder. All other fields are optional. Move on to the Traits section when done.

Give the segment a short, logical name that describes its function or purpose. Avoid abbreviations and special characters. The maximum length of a segment name is 255 characters.
A field for additional descriptive information about the segment.
Integration Code
A field for a user-defined ID or other company-specific information.
Data Source
Associates the segment with a specific data provider.
Use the first drop-down menu to filter between Audience Manager data sources, Adobe Analytics report suites, or both. Then, use the second drop-down menu to choose your data source.
If you are not using Adobe Analytics report suites, the data source type selector is disabled and defaulted to Audience Manager data sources only.
Profile Merge Rule
Selects the Profile Merge Rule to use for segment qualification.
Activates or deactivates the segment (active by default).
Folder Storage
Determines which storage folder the segment belongs to.

Segment Builder Controls: Traits Section

In Segment Builder, the Traits section lets you manage traits in a segment, create trait groups, and set qualification criteria. To add a trait to a segment, type the trait name in the search field and click Add Trait. Save the trait (if finished) or move on to Destinations Mapping.

Prerequisites: Complete the required fields in the Basic Information section.

Basic View

This section provides visual controls that let you:

  • Build new and manage existing segments.
  • Remove traits from a segment.
  • Add up to 50 (maximum) traits to a segment.
  • Drag and drop traits to create new groups.
  • View traits and trait groups in a segment.
  • Set qualification criteria with Boolean expressions, comparison operators, and recency/frequency settings.
Code View

Opens a development environment that lets you create and manage traits, groups, and qualification requirements with code instead of the visual interface. The code view is useful if your segments:

  • Contain more than 50 traits in an individual segment. Note: Segments are limited to 5000 traits (maximum).
  • Contain many trait groups.
  • Have complex qualification requirements.
Helps you find traits to add to a segment.
Get live recommendations for similar traits, from your first-party traits and Audience Marketplace data feeds that you are subscribed to. Add these recommendations to the segment rule to expand your audience. Read more in Trait Recommendations.
Marketplace Recommendations
Get live recommendations for similar traits, from Audience Marketplace data feeds that you are not subscribed to. Read more in Trait Recommendations.
Real and Estimated Segment Size Data
See Trait and Segment Population Data in Segment Builder.

Remove Traits from a Segment

Managing the traits in your segments is an important part of keeping segments viable. Follow these steps if you need to remove traits from a segment.

To remove traits from a segment:

  1. Go to Audience Data > Segments. Scroll through the list or use the search feature to find the segment you want to work with.
  2. Click the segment name to open the segment details screen.
  3. Click Edit to open Segment Builder and then click Traits to open the traits panel.
  4. Hover over the trait you want to delete and then click the X. This action immediately removes the trait from your segment.

Segment Builder Controls: Destinations Mappings Section

In Segment Builder, the optional Destinations Mapping section lets you send segment data to a third-party cookie, URL, or server-to-server destination. To add a destination, search (or browse) for a destination, provide destination specific information, and click Add Destination.


Complete the required fields in the Basic Information and Traits sections. Also, the destination must already exist.

Destination Mappings Search Tools

The Destination Mappings panel contains search tools as described in the table below.

Search Type
Search by Destination Name
Lets you search for a specific destination by name. To search, start typing. The field will auto-complete based on your search terms. Click Add Destination when done.
Browse All Destinations
Browse a list of all destinations available to you. Select and add destinations to your segment from the popup list.

Fields in the Destination Mappings Pop-up Windows

In Segment Builder, the Add Destination dialog appears after you select a destination. This window displays static information about the destination and fields that vary depending on the destination type. Provide the required information in the empty fields to set up a destination mapping.

Publication dates are optional. When blank, the destination becomes active and never expires.

In the Destination Mapping fields, specify the key-value pairs used to send data to the destination. Enter the key in the first field and the values in the second. Your cookie destination pop could look similar to this:

URL Destination Fields

In the URL and Secure URL fields, specify the complete standard or secure address used to send data to the destination.

Server-to-Server Destination Fields

In the Destination Value field specify the value (part of a key-value pair) used to send data to the destination.
