Publish segments to the Experience Cloud
Publishing an Adobe Analytics segment to the Experience Cloud lets you use the segment for marketing activity in Audience Manager and in other activation channels, including Adobe’s Advertising Cloud, Target and Campaign. Recent updates have significantly optimized the publishing workflow. You can now publish Analytics segments to Experience Cloud in under 8 hours. Use these segments to activate audiences in Audience Manager to all downstream destinations.
We have also increased the maximum number of publishable Adobe Analytics segments to 75 (from 20). You can view published segments in Analytics > Components > Segments.
See this video for more details:
- Ensure that the report suite that you are saving this segment to is enabled for the Experience Cloud. Otherwise you cannot publish it to the Experience Cloud.
- Ensure that your organization is using Experience Cloud IDs.
- Before you can publish segments, your Admin needs to assign the Segment Publishing permission to a product profile in the Admin Console, and add you to the product profile.
- Report Suite limits: You can publish up to 75 segments per report suite. This limit is enforced. If you already have 75 segments published, you cannot publish any additional segments until you un-publish enough segments to get below the 75-segment threshold.
- Membership limits: Audiences shared to the Experience Cloud from Adobe Analytics cannot exceed 20 million unique members.
- Data Privacy: Audiences are not filtered based on the authentication state of a visitor. If a visitor can browse your site in un-authenticated and authenticated states, actions that occur when a visitor is un-authenticated can still cause a visitor to be included in an audience. Review Adobe Experience Cloud privacy to understand the full privacy implications of audience sharing.
- For a discussion about the differences between segments in Adobe Analytics and Audience Manager, go here.
Segment publishing timeline
Publish segments in Segment Builder
- Navigate to Analytics > Workspace > Components > Segments > +
- Create a segment in the Segment Builder.
- Provide a title and a description for the segment - you won’t be able to save it otherwise.
- Check Publish this segment to the Experience Cloud (for report suite).
<report suite>
)When that audience is associated with an activity in Target, for example, Analytics begins sending IDs for visitors that qualify for that Experience Cloud and Target audience. At that point, the audience name and corresponding data begins displaying on the Experience Cloud Audiences page.
Unpublish or delete segments
To delete a segment that has been published to the Experience Cloud, you have to unpublish it first. To unpublish a segment, just unclick the checkbox that you used to publish it.
View segment publishing status in the Segment Manager
- Navigate to Analytics > Components > Segments.
- Notice the new Published column. Yes/No refers to whether the segment has been published to the Experience Cloud or not.
Retrieve the Audience Manager UUID
There are two ways to capture the Adobe Audience Manager UUID currently associated with the browser:
- Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger
- Native developer tool in browsers (e.g., Chrome Developer Tools)
The following screenshots show you how to retrieve the Adobe Audience Manager UUID on your browser and use it in Audience Manager Visitor Profile Viewer to validate trait & segment membership.
Method 1: Use Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger
- Download and install Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger in the Chrome Web Store.
- Launch the debugger when loading a page.
- Scroll to the Audience Manager section and find the Adobe Audience Manager UUID set on the current browser page
in the example below)
Method 2: Use Chrome Developer Tools (or other browser developer tools)
- Launch Chrome Developer Tools before loading a page
- Load the page and check Applications > Cookies. The Adobe Audience Manager UUID should be set in the 3rd-party
Demdex cookie ( in the example below). The field demdex is the Adobe Audience Manager UUID set
on the browser (50814298273775797762943354787774730612
in the example below).
Use Audience Manager Visitor Profile Viewer
The Adobe Audience Manager UUID on the browser will be used by default when Visitor Profile Viewer is loaded. If verifying trait realizations for other users, input a UUID in the UUID field and click Refresh. Refer to Visitor Profile Viewer for more information.
View the segment traits in Audience Manager
In Adobe Audience Manager, the list of visitors with ECIDs for a given segment are evaluated in a streaming fashion as Analytics shares segments with Experience Cloud.
In Audience Manager, go to Audience Data > Traits > Analytics Traits. You will see a folder for each Analytics reports suite that is mapped to your Experience Cloud organization. These folders (for Traits, Segments, and Data Sources) get created when the Profiles and Audiences/People core service gets initiated or provisioned.
Select the folder for the report suite in which you previously created the segment you wanted to share with Audience Manager. You will see the segment/audience you created. When you share a segment, 2 things happen in Audience Manager:
A trait gets created, first with no data in it. Approx. 8 hours after the segment gets published in Analytics, the list of ECIDs gets onboarded and shared with Audience Manager and other Experience Cloud solutions.
A one-trait segment gets created. It uses the data source that is associated with the report suite where you published the segment.
Trait expiration is now set to 16 days (previously it was 2 days).
View the segment in Adobe Target
The Publish this segment to the Experience Cloud checkbox during the segment creation process in Adobe Analytics allows the segment to be available within the Adobe Target’s custom audience library. A segment created in Analytics or Audience Manager can be used for activities in Target. For example, you can create campaign activities based on Analytics conversion metrics and audience segments created in Analytics.
- Click Audiences.
- On the Audiences page, locate the audience sourced from the Experience Cloud. These audiences are available for use in Target activities.