Fallout overview

Fallout reports show where persons left (fell out) and continued through (fell through) a predefined sequence of pages.

Fallout visualizations provide more options to build your fallout reports. Fallout visualizations let you:

  • Perform side-by-side comparisons of two different filters in the same report.
  • Drag, drop, and rearrange funnel steps (touchpoints)
  • Mix and match values from different dimensions and metrics
  • Create a multi-dimensional fallout report
  • Identify where customers go immediately after falling out

Fallout displays conversion and fallout rates between each step or touchpoint in a sequence.

For example, you can track a person’s fallout points during a purchase process. Just select a beginning touchpoint and a conclusion touchpoint, and add intermediate touchpoints to create a website navigation path. But you can also do multi-dimensional fallouts.

A fallout visualization is useful for analyzing:

  • Conversion rates through specific processes on your site (such as a purchase or registration process).
  • General, wider-scope traffic flows: Of the people who saw the home page, this flow shows how many went on to perform a search, and then how many of them eventually went on to look at a specific item.
  • Correlations between events on your site. Correlations show what percentage of people who looked at your privacy policy went on to purchase a product.

Fallout Visualization video tutorial (4:15)
